A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1651: Initial contact

"Ah! This is..."

Directly dispatched by Green, responsible for stationing in the Wizarding Legion near the node of the Forgotten World, the leader of the Legion is a four-level mechanical sorcerer.

The earth-shattering energy that suddenly broke out in the depths of the mouth of the world swayed the rippling energy ripples of the other people, and the dead sea water boiled, and it was unstoppable.

"Born the past!"

The spiral pattern is a sacred mark wizard. It was directly delegated to the sacred sorcerer of the annihilation tower. It has not been slack for many years. I did not expect that it has been in this period but there are some accidents.

Thousands of hunters and dark wizards scattered in the waters around the mouth of the world follow the orders of the spiral-grained sorcerer, and they gather at the fastest speed near the mouth of the world, looking to the mouth of the world, and dealing with it at any time. The accident.

However, as time passed, the mouth of the world had no signs of internal shocks except for an earth-shattering energy shock in the initial period.

The characteristics of time and space in the mouth of the world, the low-level creatures are close to the self-seeking dead end. After being swallowed, because of the excessively stable internal time and space, in addition to the inability to obtain energy supply from the outside world, it seems to be trapped in time and space, and it is difficult to separate again. Can be slowly digested by the endless world, so everyone is just waiting quietly around the mouth of the world.

Therefore, it is the spiral-grained sorcerer who can't go in and explore.

The spiral-grained Stigma Wizard activates the guardian pattern, which is a very special isolation pattern, which belongs to the cutting-edge knowledge of the Wizarding World in the field of fluorescent green radiation pollution. Only this kind of isolation pattern can be fluorescent green in this way. The polluted waters play a role.

Soon, the spiral crystal ball was linked to the annihilation tower Green.

"Master, 3,500 quantum, before the explosion of the Earth's mouth, the unknown energy shock wave, the initial estimate of the energy shock wave more than one million degrees, has exceeded the limit, continued for two breaths, requesting the base to send higher Level Stitch Wizard, for the accident."

The wizard civilization and the metal destroyer civilization merged, just like the previous two civilizations. After the third civilization, the wizarding world fully absorbed some of the achievements of the metal destroyer civilization. Some mechanical wizards even switched to the Skynet wizard. In the conventional quantum time unit, the elemental wizards like the A, B, C, and D letter units of the Metal Destroyer civilization.

On the other side of the crystal ball, the three colors of the green and white truths slowly sway, revealing deep and erudite, and the light of wisdom gives people unlimited inspiration, as if the road is a general light, and the wizard is full of desire and yearning.

"I know, I have sent a higher level wizard to deal with. If there is an accident, the garrison should try to avoid conflicts and report the time-space biological data in the world node of the world at the first time."

Get the attention of the sorcerer's sacred sorcerer, the spiral-grained sorcerer is a lot easier, and the low way: "Yes."

Now that the crystal ball is set to a pending state, it is ready to report the change of the node of the world to Green for the first time.

After a small half hour of hourglass, the pale orange crack in the mouth of the world finally changed.


Glutinous, whistling, whistling, whistling, whistling...

A powerful shock ripple eruption, a large number of spillover chaos that does not belong to the world of the earth's veins, and this piece of dead world that is about to be destroyed, has created a lot of chaotic bubbles.

Under the guardian guarding of the wizards, a black-haired, humanoid creature wearing a weird tight-fitting combat suit floated. The humanoid creature's tail was wrapped around the waist, and the right eye was wearing a technically sensitive eyeglass. Stopping and scanning the low-level wizards in all directions, "嘀嘀嘀嘀" rang, and the corners of the mouth were cold and smirk.

"Bibiro adults!"

After the round green vegetatives followed and floated up, they apparently noticed the sorcerer in all directions. However, as their combat glasses explored a circle and did not notice any threatening high-level combat power, the slamming sound was loose. Mouth: "Adult, this is a higher planet, but it is full of death, it is about to be destroyed, we must leave the planet with the Legion as soon as possible."

With this round of vegetative words, in the mouth of the world behind him, "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻", one after another, about three in diameter The spherical micro-aircraft around the meter rushed out of the mouth of the world, continuous, tens of thousands!

From the transparent window of these micro-aircraft, it is faintly visible that the Saiyan people in the semi-dormant state are looking at everything around them with a cruel, arrogant, indifferent gaze and quickly rushing to the surface.

"It is a legion!"

Many of the dark sorcerers around the hunter realized the seriousness of the incident, held their breath, and made the worst preparations.


Bibi Luo locked his eyes on the spiral-grained sorcerer, whispering in a low voice: "The combat power is 67,000. It is already equivalent to the qualified middle-class Asians. You can easily find a mid-level match in this strange world. Asian creatures, this group should be somewhat strong. Don't worry, look at the situation first."

Saiyan people don't just know the barbaric people fighting. In the historical years of their ethnic development, they spend too much time on other powerful planets in exchange for the necessary resources and subsistence rights until they have absolute power. It will completely release the evil and ambition in the blood, and will bring the pride of the fighting nation to the extreme.

In order to sneak into the time and space in pursuit of Lieutenant Green, there is only one superior Saiyan, and must be careful.

"Hey, after 350 million years, I went to see if this group of cosmic stars evolved more than 350 million years ago, or it is degraded!"

Said, Bibi Luo with a round vegetative, flew past the spiral-grained sorcerer who had been shocked by the Saiyan "mastery".

"We are a fighting national Saiyan who has lost an accident and lost time and space. You can call me an adult of Bibi. The Saiyan people accept any employment with combat needs. As long as the employer can afford the price, we will conquer the employer. Any planet they see. Hey, little guy, what is your race? Where is the leader? Do you need employment?"

As a high-level planet, even the Saiyan combat force detection glasses can only explore the high-level combat energy response of a small area.

Seeing the spiral-grained sorcerer's reaction to his own will, knowing that this is not an indigenous primitive race, Bibi has no intention of direct killing.

"It turned out to be the case."

The expression is very calm, and the spiral-grained sorcerer’s sorrowful look ~www.novelmtl.com~ slowly said: "We are a wizarding corps responsible for this micro-world group. This world is thoroughly tried to resist the will of the great wizard. Destroy. Of course, Bibi Luo does not misunderstand the sorcerer's love of peace. The sorcerer has always been friendly to the ethics who obey the wizard's will. In addition, the sacred sacred sorcerer of the squad leader of the squad has already noticed the arrival at the distant base, welcoming the messenger. On the way, please wait for Birobin."


I have already noticed that my arrival is a group that is good at super powers?

In the long process of the growth of the Saiyan people, it is well understood that the real combat ability of some biota can not be explained by the values ​​detected by combat glasses.

The spiral path of the sorcerer's will responded, let Bibi Luo completely suffocate, decided to take a good look at the ethnic group called "Witch", and secretly asked the round vegetative.

"Yes, Bibi Luo, some of these wizards seem to have special superpowers, and the detected combat power is significantly lower than other wizards."

Obviously, what it refers to is the elemental wizard who incites the rules with subtle energy. (To be continued.)

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