A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1605: Destroyed Devil (29)

The gods of the mainland, the base of destruction.

The source of the annihilation that is responsible for the guards trembles constantly, and the layers of horrible ripples are scattered from the source of the annihilation. With the infinite gravity in the depths of the mainland, the wizarding corps is rushing to build. The super altar was also affected and it was constantly collapsed.

嗡呜, 嗡呜, 嗡呜, 嗡呜...

Elemental Wizards, Mechanical Wizards, Abyssal Sorcerers, Nightmare Wizards, Skynet Wizards, Death Ravens, Slave Monsters, Metallic Robots, and Mechanical Armed Forces, as the elite corps that Green has personally summoned, are intertwined and interspersed in the collapse Between the ruins of the super altar works, I was amazed at the sudden change of the base.


The heart seems to be struggling in pain. The source of annihilation is like a wild animal roaring, and the eyes are closed, as if it were a child of a nightmare. It seems so helpless.

The sacred sorcerers have left the base, carried out the missions of Green's exploration, secretly walked through the mainland, and recorded all the information they saw and heard. When the annihilation of the corps of the dynasty is finally coming, the world will be destroyed as soon as possible. Help Green to complete the true dedication of the Salvation.


A Dawn Wisdom, a three-level wizard who is responsible for the construction of the altar, came to the side of this annihilation source and tried to wake it up.

However, the consciousness of the third-level sorcerer has just touched the paper source of the comrade-in-law, as if the nerve reflex movement is normal, and the source of the annihilation is slap in the palm of his hand.


Even if only Green's purest physical strength, even if it is not turned on, it is a million-degree power. The mighty power can not only smash this third-level wizard into a scum, but also a range of squares. The souls inside have been wiped out, and Yu Weihao is still spreading to the distance.

Suddenly, these organized, disciplined and war-fighting elite corps know that there has been an unexpected situation, and they have evacuated and tried to contact the sacred sorcerer who performed the mission while sending the most elite dark wizards. Observe the condition of the source of the annihilation.



I don't know what the source of annihilation is. In the real world, under the skin of the body, there are strange bubbles that are bulging, and at the same time, they are bound by the endless gravity of the gods. The whole body falls to the ground and cannot move.

These bubbles are getting more and more drums. With the bang of the "噗", although it has healed in a flash, these bubbles are obviously not physical damage, and the anger that comes out with the instinct of the source of annihilation The snoring is getting lower and lower, and it gradually becomes like a baby crying. Even in the end, even the crying sounds gradually stop, and the vegetative people seem to be in a state of no god.

Then, with this annihilation source as the center, the surrounding land is getting softer and softer, like a mire, wanting to **** Green!


The source of annihilation is affected by this, and it is gradually decomposed into the power of elements from the flesh and blood state, and it is constantly broken.

Seeing that the source of annihilation is like melted ice, it gradually collapses. The low-level wizards have long been stunned by this change. These lower wizards cannot understand the source of annihilation, and the transformation between energy and flesh and blood. Mystery.

The source of the annihilation that is affected by the original sin seal is dissolved, of course, not only the base of destruction!

In the distant sea, the three-legged death crow rushed into the seabed, watching the source of the annihilation of the dissolved seabed, stunned, and did not react at the same time.

"Hey? Hey, Master Green, don't scare me, I am courageous! How is this situation, how can the end of the end suddenly become? Feeding and feeding..."

Green's emotional perfusion, a total of six annihilation sources can be shaped, in addition to Thanksgiving and blood and rain, the other four are in the mainland of the gods, without exception, all have not escaped the original sin seal bad luck.

Tianti Mountain, Green Body.

With the blessing of the source of the great magic power, the true ancestors of the Greens can still support under the power of the original sin seal, and barely resist the restraint of the unbelievable gravity rules. The seven original sin laws also broke into the heart of Green.

Beauty, gluttony, greed, laziness, anger, jealousy, arrogance.

The surrounding space is illusory, the gray-white light and silky lines are elegant, Green is standing alone, and the three-color light looks at his body. There are seven heads, and they are different from each other, and they are also staring at themselves.

“Is this the spiritual body of the spiritual world?”

After Green has initially determined that these seven different heads are the seven principles of sin, they ignore it and begin to observe their own spirit and essence.

Different from the soul, the daisy-bit energy form appears. The spiritual power in the wizard's knowledge system has always been with wisdom, and exists as an illusion that cannot be figurative.

However, as Green's cognitive range is wider and wider, not only is the wisdom light left by the great Antonio Spiritual Witch in the deepest part of the gap between the small eight bellyes, but now, through the original sin seal, see To the "spiritual" world!

During the temporary period of the dream of civilization, Green accidentally caught a king of sphenoid bones. In the same way as the wizard, it also evolved in the direction of spiritual power, but surpassed the limit of 1024 points of solid spirit wizard.

After the Sixth-level Great Sorcerer, the distribution of the power of the wizard has far exceeded the spiritual foundation, but for many wizards, the 1024-point mental limit is like the balance rule, which is the limit that cannot be surpassed. However, now that Green has suffered from the original sin seal accident into the spiritual realm, it has opened a new field of the door, the world of spiritual power!

"Where should I start eating, fragrant, tempting lips, I want to taste it slowly."

The beautiful head licked his tongue and stretched his neck. Then he slammed it into Green's mouth and licked it.

"You still have to chew, tired and tired..."

Lazy head slouchy look.

"Grandson, Grandpa has a good appetite today, it will be very rude, don't cry for a while, hahahaha!"

The arrogant head bites the Green chest.

"Hey! Dare to eat with Laozi, Laozi first ate you!"

Who knows that the gluttony head is tearing the green flesh, seeing other heads and robbing "Green", in order to eat more "Green", actually bite to other heads, for a time, Green's spiritual world is chaotic.

Green maintains absolute calm.

"Two and a half solutions."

Mental state Green was bitten by seven skulls at the same time.

"First of all, ~www.novelmtl.com~ half of the solution is to balance the equivalence of light. Secondly, it is the door of time and space to open the space and time, to break away from the world of the earth, and return to the hope of the metal continent, the small eight. The price is the elite exploration army that is summoned here. Finally, it is the way of reasoning the data of the Skynet information data, and it is absolutely guarded by the dimensional dimension ball, and puts itself in the center of the perpetual motion vortex, if it can not be in an hourglass time It will not be able to break the 200 million attacks on the perpetual motion machine! Although there is no price, the pressure in the vortex of the perpetual motion machine is not the place where the creature can stay for a long time. Then..."

Even if there is only one danger, Green is not willing to continue to take risks. Even if he has fully realized the power of original sin and has his own gains, it is time to solve this trouble.

In the material world, Green stretched out his hands to make a state of merging, and the dimension of the dimensional ball "咻" slammed between the gradually palms.

"Absolutely guardian!"


Focusing on the dimensional dimension ball, the vortex of the perpetual motion machine formed by the cat and the bread piece spreads rapidly and shrouds the Green.

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