A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1606: Destroyed Magic (30)

As a sin seal that was spent tens of thousands of years on the sinful meditation and recast by wisdom, although it seems that the sinful **** has personally launched such a powerful sacred god, in reality, it is just hating the gods and borrowing the ancient original sin. The Lord left the remnants.

In other words, sinful sacredness is nothing but energy for the original sin seal. Once the seal is launched, in addition to continuing to provide energy, sin and sorrow have nothing to do.

As for the truth of the original sin seal?

There is still a trace of the inheritance of the original sin, but it is far from the height of the mystery of this supreme master.


With the absolute defense of the Green dimension dimension ball, the blue and red two-color light that was originally closed was opened again, and the black mullion in the center of the forehead was turned around flexibly. Still do not know the evil spirits.

At this moment, standing on the dimension of the dimension of the sub-global ball, Green has a kind of parasite that is the world of the wizard, is cleaning up the microbes on this super-toothed magnet, thus transporting the pure Taiji magnet back to the wizard. The world, for the wizard world to grow!

Is the relationship between the world's will and the living body equal to the relationship between the brain's heart and the body's cells?


The Greens ancestors stood up by kneeling and hands, and slowly stood up. They have completely freed themselves from the negative state of the original sin seal, and expelled all negative attributes instantly!

The celestial ancestors of the heavenly ancestors gaze at the hatred of the gods. Compared with the sacred body of the ancestors, the sinful spirits that stand in the sky and gather the divine power are actually a trivial little point. In the face of the sudden change of Green, they are at a loss.

"What is going on, is it that the original sin seal failed?"

In the distant place, because of the shackles of the original sin seals, the many gods that slowly approached from the free state were stiff, and the power of the body was silent and turbulent, making a posture that could escape at any time.

"Impossible! In fact, the original sin seal is not the first time to launch. Thousands of years ago, Wanshou Shenshen personally experimented and confirmed that even if only the original power of the original sin seal is left, it is undoubtedly the first in the mainland. Lord God!"

This meditation has apparently been exposed to high-level meditation and knows some secrets.

After a pause, the **** was low and said: "Is it because the previous killing of the devastated world destroyed the roots of some nodes in the Tianti Mountain?"

The wounds caused by the space-based scorpion guns on the Tianti Mountain, although not to cause structural damage to the gods of the mainland, but the original sin seal structure hidden in this mountain of God, will inevitably suffer some damage.

As for Green's own strength to break the original sin seal?

Although there is a small part of the gods to think about it, however, the contrast between the changes of Green is too great. If the dying person really has such ability, why should he endure the original sin seal in the long time before, showing the horrible situation.

It’s no wonder...

If it is a general witchcraft, even if it is a real wizard, there is a vast torrent of energy as a reference, and these bystanders will certainly be able to judge accordingly.

However, the absolute defense is the dimension of the Dimensional Ball, which is launched by the power of the perpetual motion, against the heart of the world under the world of the Earth. The inspiration of these gods is almost instantaneous, and it is in the perpetual motion. Within the scope, therefore, the loss of energy contrast, is not aware of the absolute defense of Green's sudden launch.

"Hey, little guy, what else is it, though come over."

Although the ancestors of the human body have got rid of the negative state of the original sin seal, they are still in the state of energy exertion because they hate the gods. They have not completely broken through the seals, so they have not been countered by the energy after the failure of the seal.

The image metaphor is that Green used the absolute defense to create a layer of space-time protective film, temporarily separating from this time and space, so that the original sin seal lost the seal target.

On the surface of Green, a pair of talking and laughing, but there is no pain in my heart, the absolute defense of the time and space squeeze is not so easy to bear!

In this way, Green naturally began to unload the true state of the ancestors, gradually, along with other wild instinct to remove layer by layer, until the restoration of the human wizard form, the body bears the energy circle pressure of the perpetual motion bread and the cat.

If the seal fails, it will definitely trigger energy back!

There are three ways to determine the failure of the seal. The first is to force the seal off, the second is to attack the attacker, and the third is to resist the target until the operator runs out of energy and cannot maintain the seal. Operation, seal surgery failed to seal the target.

At this moment, Green defends against the original sin seal with absolute defense. There is no doubt that it is the third way to crack the seal!

As time passed, the original sin seals consumed a lot of power, but did not pose any substantial threat to Green, and even had the energy to ridicule the words, the divine spirit of almost exhausted hatred and finally had some confusion.

"Colorful time and space Dragon God, fast, the life and death of the mainland is tied to your body, and you can use the dragon to the top of the family to upload the colorful space-time seals, seal the dead!"

Hate and urging.

As the hatred of the gods is exhausted, the state of anti-phagosis has gradually come to an end, the speech is unclear, the will is scattered, the eye sockets are sunken, the eyes are turbid, the body is cold, the trembling is constant, and even the beliefs gathered above the gods The power is gradually getting confused.

Others do not know hate the system of the gods, but as the gods on the mainland, the only seal of the seal master, the dragon family of colorful space-time seals inheritance is not as good as the original sin seal, but when it comes to power, the dragon family Never think that it is lower than the original sin seal, this is also the giant dragon, in addition to the Dragon King, the dragon language magic wisdom Gu Long, another big deterrent.

"Hey, hey, hate the gods, do you also ask me?"

Unbelievable, the colorful dragons and gods slowly said such things!

The look changed, hate the gods and do everything in their power to maintain the ultimate power of the original sin seal. While turning to the head, looking at the colorful dragons and gods, it is difficult: "You ... you dare to betray the mainland?"

"Betrayal? Hey! Who will remember the sacrifices made by the dragons for the gods? The return is from the outsiders in your mouth!? Is the Golden Dragon King will become a stumbling block to the future of the gods? www.novelmtl.com~ kicking away? Is the favorite mount of the gods?"

At this moment, the colorful time-space seal of the colorful space-time dragon **** is about to reach its peak and can be launched at any time.

"Betrayal... Hey, yes, the dragon family is going to betray the gods of the mainland! The horizontal is also dead, the vertical is also dead, it is better to completely reverse the mainland of the gods, to rely on the world, to seek the life of the dragon family! The gods will eventually be destroyed, and the dragon will stay!"

"You are looking for death! The gods listen to the orders and strangle the dragons!"

Exhausted hatred, doing all the best, even the bones of the gods, because of the dragon family, the only colorful moon and space dragons in the dragon family lifted the butcher knife, try before the start of the seal, Solve the last reliance of this dragon family.


The golden dragon **** God arranged in advance the colorful median dragon **** next to the five median long dragon gods, finally played a role, guarding the colorful moments of the most fragile moments before the seal. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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