A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1604: Destroyed Devil (28)

It’s groggy and endless.

Hope is on the metal continent, carrying sin and cruelty, the wizarding army honing the knife, greedy and laughter echoing, sinister and evil whispering, low mute sand, as if in the ear of the dream.

This is a killing and plundering army, the only purpose is to bring death!

Completely destroy the will of the gods, plunder all of them, destroy the will of the world, then destroy the heart of the world, assist the great sorcerer of the great annihilation tower to complete the dedication of the true spirit, achieve the dream of the ancestors of the wizard, and create a new unified new wizarding world. The wizarding civilization leads to an unprecedented era of unprecedented unity, strength, richness, and wisdom!

It can be said that these wizards who do not hesitate to "sell" their own factions, regardless of everything, follow Green, in addition to the unprecedented influence and unique charm of Green in the battle of civilization, attracting everyone, it is the great plan for the ancestors of the wizard. This is almost like faith, bringing together thousands of different willers and forming a group of annihilating troops under the command of Green.

In the deepest part of the metal continent, there are hidden secrets that are unknown.


The blood rain is dominated by the blood, and it is fiercely turned into a pool of blood springs. It is difficult to set the channel: "What happened, this strange power was actually transmitted from the mainland of the gods."

On the metal continent, in addition to blood and rain, there is another existence that is closely related to Greene.

"Ye Ye! You are doing this to me again, you will lose this eight baby, I swear, hey!"

Eight Rainbow Nevisi is amused in general, licking the leaves and leaves, dead and sticking, to stick together.

"Oh! You give me away, you know that sticking together all day long, bothering, even if I am your wife, I have to have my own private space!"

"嘭", Ye Ye closed the door, leaving the small eight people standing in the cold wind outside the door.

The north wind is bleak, the leaves are bleak...

Xiao Ba is standing alone, very desolate.

"Awesome world of the universe, a hateful new man, a hateful mahjong card! You have taken away the leaves of the Lord, you let the Lord lost the pure beauty, and said that I will never be separated from my life. Yeah! Ah, ah, the raging flames in my body are burning, and the Lord’s is at the very edge of the angry explosion. You are looking for a dead end! Ah ah...”


The door suddenly opened and the leaves showed a head.

"Small eight, go and call Xu Xiaolan Tianwang Wizard, tell her that there are three missing ones, and Surrey is going to perform the task!"

"嘭", the door closed again, the small eight wings clasped, the blazing flames in the eyes are almost to swallow the whole metal of hope!

"Oh, yes, yes, it is her, the source of evil! The plan to extinct the new human mahjong begins with this Xu Xiaolan! Well, yes, after the Green Beast comes back, I want to issue a new rule of the universe, all playing mahjong All the new human beings are imprisoned, all the information about mahjong in Skynet is deleted, oh... yes! Also build an anti-mahjong church in prison, all new human beings imprisoned for playing mahjong will be sentenced For heresy!"

Looking up to the sky, Xiao Ba "嘎嘎嘎嘎" self-entertained and smirked, a madman who fell into his own world, his eyes are full of bad water, laughter and treacherous.

However, although my heart is not honest, Xiao Ba’s body is still very honest. If I dare not listen to Ye Ye’s words, I will go to the Xu Xiaolan Skynet Wizard room.

"Well, yes, just wait for the Green Beast to come back to the world, then...hey, hey!"

When the little eight was full of pride, suddenly, the little eight ones who laughed on their backs.

"what happened!?"

Then, the small eight fierce reflected, the hair was blown up.

"Mom egg, Green beast, your grandmother's leg, just want you to complete a difficult task, you must not die first!"


The gods of the mainland, the base of destruction.

The first mission of the descendants of the sacred sects of the gods is to explore the topography of the gods and collect all the information about the history, souls, ethnic groups, and temples of the world, to lead the impending army and destroy the will of the world!

As a world of greatness, it is extremely incomparable, and even if the stellar orbital guns are fully launched, it is impossible to threaten the survival of this world, let alone the attempt of Green to destroy the heart of the world and to nourish the savior of the wizarding world.

There is only one way to achieve Green's plan to destroy the world. That is to destroy the will of the world, thus destroying the extensive carrying capacity of the world of the earth, and then decomposing and cutting the heart of the world to nourish the world of wizards.

Losing the protection of the world's will, the heart of the world is just a matter of nothing, and there will be no more incredible phenomena of dreams.

The so-called world will is composed of the instinct of hundreds of millions of endless souls in the world. Each instinct for survival and reproduction can be aggregated and condensed to form the will of the world, protect the world, and even shape it. The guardian of the world, like a white blood cell in the body, drives away the enemy.

Then what the Destroyed Army has to do is to destroy all the souls of the whole world after Green destroys the system of the gods, and then destroy the will of the world!

This will be a long-lasting evil war, turning a livingly vibrant world into a dead end, and it will require hundreds of millions of wizards for hundreds of years of hard work...


A few death crows flew over, guarding the source of this annihilation in the base of destruction, waved his hand, indicating that several reporters had retired, and their eyes looked at the thoughts~www.novelmtl.com~The chaos of the chaos was not found, even found A landwalker than the Mongolian family! ?

What's even more ridiculous is that this landwalker seems to have forgotten his identity as the guardian of the world. He has lived in the mountains between the peaks and the barren land.

"That's great. After catching these Bimons, you can judge the strength of the world's residual will and the mission of the World Corps through these forces."

Ugly and evil, this source of annihilation is ridiculous.

"Then first... oh!?"

Suddenly, this source of annihilation is divided into the body and the body is ambiguous. The bangs are suddenly sucked up by the sudden gravitation, and they fall to the ground and cannot move.

In the world of the same vein, the source of annihilation can be as free as Thanksgiving, blood and rain, and almost bear the same original sin seal power as the body!

Booming rumbling...

The source of annihilation is transformed into a ruin, and the base of destruction is in chaos. It bears the same original sin seal as the body. The source of annihilation is far from the incomparable magic blessing of the body.

The most terrible thing about the original sin seal is not the power of the eight sins, but the original sin law!

The source of annihilation is divided into a small body under the powerful body, looking up at the greedy giant and the arrogant giant.

"What are you!!"

The greedy giant dismissed the arrogant giant, overlooking the little bit in front of him, sneer: "I am your father."


PS: Pay attention to the egret microblogging "Egrets don't cry". Egrets will frequently update their real-time dynamics and writing feelings, and communicate frequently with everyone. Anything you want to say can also be passed through Weibo@白鹭. By the way, I recommend a friend's new book, "Achieve the highest", and interested friends can look at the taste. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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