A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1603: Destroyed Devil (27)

Hate the gods and stand at high altitude!

Nowadays, there is no need to say anything. There is only one conviction in the heart of the goddess of sorrow. That is, the sacred gods of the original sins of the gods will seal the sinister demons and give them a new vitality to the mainland.

If you have to say that there are any distractions on this, hate the only thoughts of the gods, it is after the war of destruction.

Nowadays, the gods of the gods, the ancient sea gods, the ancient gods of Luoyan, the gods of barbaric violence, the gods of stars have fallen, the spirit of chaos is declining, and the gods of the golden dragon are destroyed by unknown time and space. go.

After the war of extinction, the mainland of the gods will be renamed to the mainland of the gods, and the will of the dead will never go out!

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

The crisp and pleasing female voice, the gods of the gods in the mainland, the endless life of the soul is attached to oneself, hate the gods to the identity of the mainland's protagonist, proudly staring at the gods and boundless world.

Even the deceased, facing themselves at this time, can not help but show unprecedented concentration!

With the hatred of the gods and open arms, with the hatred of the gods as the center, the power of the seven sins and the eight blame law gradually appeared in the image, unprecedentedly vast, unparalleled, even if only the ancient sin seal was less than half the power, but for any Under the dominance of the creatures, there are also deadly pressure and deterrent!

The original sin master, the so-called original sin to the high law, is the law of beauty, the law of gluttony, the law of greed, the law of laziness, the law of anger, the law of extremes, the law of arrogance, thus, the desire of the original bipolar stripping Lord, the law of desire can directly point to the inner essence of the soul, attack the most vulnerable part, and become an unparalleled absurd bizarre illusion.

Green in the Luoyan ancient temple, the wolf **** searched for the many wandering gods that were perceived in the lost kingdom, and it is very likely that the Lord of Desire was caused by one hand.

For the life of the Lord of Desire, the body and the shell, even the means of energy, divine power, etc., are not within a system. It seems to travel in the time and time of the river, its Exist, the spiritual desires that wander between creatures, and travel through the mind!

The seven sins and the eight sins, and the so-called eight shortages, refers to the Tianti Mountain as the center of the mainland of the gods. The east, west, south, north, southeast, northeast, southwest, and northwest are all parties, referring to the remoteness outside the Tianti Mountain. The barren land is the collective name of the ancient world of the ancient times.

In this way, the original sin seals formed by these seven sins and eight ridiculous forces, by means of the unique gravitational law of the earth's world, have become the enhanced version of the world seal in the mouth of the Green!

The hatred of the silver bells of the gods gradually stopped, and among the two eyes, the cold and chill suddenly surged, and the will of the resonance with the gods of the gods roared, and the seas hit the sea, locking the oppression to Green.

"The Lord God, the original sin seal!"


I don't know what the appearance of the appearance in other creatures is, but in the Green Eye, which is the target of the original sin seal, all the sounds around it suddenly disappeared at this moment.

Then, in this time and space that brought the silence to the silence of the Green, the gods of the heavens and the heavens suddenly became transparent. The beam of gravitation was coming from the bottom of the earth, like a magnifying glass, and locked in Green. .

That is the heart of the world of Taiyi magnet, vast and endless, running through the entire world of the world!

Under the face of Green Truth, the three colors of light flashed desperately, and all the living creatures around him were completely ignored by Green. In the eyes of Green, there is only the heart of the world of the world, which is extremely vast and majestic. The gravitational fluctuations emitted by the super giants, even if they were only locked in by a millionth of the original sin seals under the Tianti Mountain, were enough to shock Green.


Like a deflated balloon, Green's body seems to be squeezed by an invisible giant. The black smoke in the body is soaring, and it is extruding from the limbs.

The eyeballs are bulging, and the Greens can't help but open their mouths. The black smoke is spurting out, and even the true demon body of the Extreme Abyss magic wand is also dispelled.

The body was affected by infinite gravitation, and Green’s “bang” fell on the Tianti Mountain, and it seemed that the next moment would be completely bound and imprisoned.


The more so, the more flaming the inner heart of Green, the more excited it is!

The towering ancient giant scorpion made a posture and made every effort to struggle. The green giant scorpion was centered on the ground, and the cracks spread on the ground floor. In the roar of the ancient giant smashing heart, the body became more and more The hair is huge, and the muscles and blue veins are like the old tree roots. It spreads all over the body. It is Green that opened the seventh layer of wild instinct.

The ancestors of the human body are full of ripples and do their best to resist the gravitational waves at the foot.

Seeing this scene, after experiencing the tragic death of the world, the gods escaped and breathed a sigh of relief. They have been completely stunned by Green at this moment.

What kind of life is this, actually fighting against the whole world with its own strength?

Too unbelievable!

"It’s useless, the original sin seal is not broken by brute force consumption!"

I hate the gods and face, in order to maintain the original peak of this original sin seal, hate the gods to pay too much, even if this success will seal the annihilator, I am afraid that within a million years, a divine power can maintain half That's not bad.

And if it fails, the ancient sin master is his own end!

The human ancestors are supported by the hands of the hands on the land of the Tianti Mountain~www.novelmtl.com~ resisting the power of the original sin seal, even in such a critical moment, with the unprecedented essential insight, the face of Green Truth is still collecting the original sin Seal node data.

A total of 7,650 pieces of original sin stone.

However, as the supreme seal developed by the peak of the gods, the power can not be so only in front of you!


Wizarding world.

In the Wizarding World War, the rules of the Holy Tower collapsed. In addition to maintaining the final restraint, the sects of the sects of the sects of the sacred marks left the wizard world as much as possible. The final disguise was torn off. The mechanical wizards officially declared war on the elemental wizards. Spiritual battles are on the verge!

Sorcerer mainland, who is up and down?

In this chaotic era, although it is not catastrophic extinction of ignorant civilians, but also people are not living, suffering and living, as long as the years, people do not know why the battle between the various city lords, but only know that the peaceful scenes of the old people’s word of mouth have long been Never return.

In this context, the Thanksgiving Day is like a bard, like a bard, dressed in a robes, carrying a broken sword behind him, holding a bamboo pole, stepping on the muddy road in the spring rain, staring out into the distance. Town.

"I didn't expect that the Thanksgiving rule was actually printed on people's hearts with the help of people's suffering... This is not the original intention of the ontology! It has been suffering for generations."

Sad and sorrowful, the two sorrows stared at the sorcerers who were riding on the broom in the rain, and shook their heads on Thanksgiving.


The Thanksgiving Day, which is about to continue on the road, suddenly became unstable, almost fell, and the horror gazing into the distant sky seemed to penetrate the endless space and time. It was difficult to set the channel: "What happened to the body?" (To be continued.) If the book, the book friend's house! Unique URL:

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