A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1602: 灭世魔威(26)

Hundreds of millions of light and arrows, overwhelming, hit the sky.

However, these light arrows are shot on the dark clouds, but there is almost no reduction in the concentration of dark clouds. In that road, the cruel, hazy, evil laughter, the final golden light is also covered by the clouds. I can no longer see any luster of the Golden Dragon God, which has been completely covered by six dark clouds.

In addition to the eternal gods and the earth, the ancient dragon **** has not given up, trying to rescue the golden dragon god, the gods who are extremely small under the rolling clouds, have already given up the idea.

The bones of the gods are taken from the infinite endless bones of the Tianti Mountain, spewing out, inserting into the rolling clouds, trying to recapture the golden dragon god, and the ancient dragon gods sing the unprecedented complex mouth dragon magic, but from its eyes Looking at the luster of despair, it is clear that there is no certainty.


Accompanied by the cruelty, haze, and evil laughter of the "桀桀桀桀桀桀", it is the scream of the golden dragon god, and God knows what is going on in the cloud.

"Hate the gods, start the original sin seal!"

The colorful dragons and gods roared, the screams of the golden dragon gods, as if they were heavy hammers, hitting the bottom of each dragon, all the dragons are trying to rescue, but those inferior creatures are extremely strong in adulthood. Under the gloom of this world, the dragons are insignificant, even if they are leading a domain dragon god, it is really difficult to play a role.

In this way, the median **** of the five dragons who are responsible for guarding the colorful dragon gods can not help but become the ants on the hot pot. If the golden dragon is not in front of the line, I am afraid that I have been rushing to the front.


In the face of the pleading of the colorful space-time dragon god, the hatred of the original sin seal is resolutely rejected.

"The original sin seal has not yet reached its peak, only the last point. For the sake of the gods, for the new era of the gods, in order to resist the demise of the billions of souls, we must be foolproof, exhausted Do your best to display the most original seal of original sin! Sorry."

Hate the words of the gods, let the dragons look incredulous.

Every dragon is in anger, despair, struggling, incomparably complicated, and the heart is bleeding.

"Hate the gods, how dare you treat the dragons like this! The Golden Dragon King is going to die for the gods and the mainland, and the result is, is it your return?"

The colorful space-time dragon **** is also gathering the colorful seals, but according to the plan, it is a supplement to the original sin seal, so it is far from reaching the level of launching.

"The big picture is heavy!"

A good overall situation is important.

After the cold is finished, hate the gods and stop talking.

At the moment on the battlefield, the hatred of the original sin seal has already had the power to look directly at the world. Under the guise of the gods, the five dragon chiefs were deterred and could not speak.


As if from the dragon scorpion outstretched anger, the colorful time and space dragon **** cold condensation condensed and looked at the back of the hatred of the gods, the heart once again recalled the secret words of the ancient dragon **** before entering the battlefield.


It’s awkward!

Even though the ancient dragon gods on the earth have done their best in the dragon language magic, they are easily broken down after the annihilation force, and then Yu Wei does not decrease. This head represents the ancient dragon of the dragon family, and the body of the half body is instantly Destroyed and fell to the ground.

In the tumbling clouds, the mourning of the golden dragon **** gradually subsided, and many dragons screamed with the golden dragon god, and the heart followed.


Gradually, these annihilation clouds have had signs of dissipating. It seems that Green has re-accepted the illusory real body, and it is necessary to take the elemental face and deal with the original sin seal that gradually reaches its peak when hating the gods.

A sharp spur of the roots burst out of the body, and a black smog spurted from the tip of the spur, lingering between the spurs.

The 10,000-meter giant has two palms, one with a strong abyss magic wand, and the ice is overflowing. On one hand, "The Book of Truth" is "哗哗啦啦", and a book of time and space is formed over the book of Truth. No matter how the dragon of the mini-gold dragon flies, it can't fly out of this time and space, and it is slowly sucking in the gray crack in the center.

Below the giant.


A red rock dragon, the wings are wiped with the blurring of the eyes, it is their own blood!

The mighty pressure is overflowing. Under this pressure, the original head is rushing to Green's dragon, eyes, mouth, nostrils, ears, unconsciously flowing out of large blood, dizziness, stiff figure.

Like a dumpling, in the sky, countless dragons fall to the ground.


The dimensional dimension ball surrounds the body, irregularly slipping through, as if to devour all the black holes of energy, Green's gray-white face, three eyes staring at hate.

Tip: The Tianti Mountain has discovered an unusually large energy source, and a large range of resonances have occurred, and the detection range is being expanded.

Tip: The gravitational wave changes in time and space, and the gravitational wave intensity is increasing.

Warning: hate the gods are blessed by the hate rule, HP temporary strength increases, HP: 25000000/25000000, the unknown ability is rapidly consuming the power of faith M, -MP56755, -MP63298, -MP67503...

Tip: hate the unknown ability of the gods can only be launched once, it is recommended to use the dimension dimension ball absolute defense crack, precise calculation, hate the consequences of the failure of the gods attack, will continue to 15,000 years with the state of -MP5000000.

Tip: Colorful Space Time Dragon God...

There is a hint, continuous, highlighting the incomparable insight and analysis ability of the face of truth, through the appearance, pointing to the essence of truth.

"I will hate the unknown ability of the gods, and name it the original sin seal."

Green's mental power fluctuations ~www.novelmtl.com~ was easily captured by the powerful data collection and analysis capabilities of the truth, and after the data storage of Vantage Quantum Technology, he responded: "It has been corrected, it is expected that the original sin seal will be 275,000 quantum hours. To the apex."

The entire Tianti Mountain is shaking.

In the ancient times of the ancient gods, perhaps there is no such thing as the Tianti Mountain. It is the original sin master who sealed the stripped desires for his own bipolar stripping plan, so that in the long years and the great power, in the gods In the central part of the mainland, this Tianti Mountain was cast in life.

For this bipolar stripping, Green didn't know much, but Green had some guesses.

Obviously, since the double-strength stripping technique can peel off the demons, it can be merged again, and the greatest feature of the demons is that the potential is superior, so the original sin is hoped to grow through the powerful potential of the Lord of Desire. After the integration, the power of the gods will increase and break through to the higher life.

However, greed is never-ending. Before every attempt to merge, the original sin Lord hopes to gain more power, so that the Lord of Desire will continue to grow until one day, when the Lord of Sin is finally determined to accommodate and sublimate, It has become a tragedy of the gods of the mainland.

The Lord of Desire countered the Lord of Sin!

Once history has become a legend and a memory.

The seal container made by the original sin master, after a stormy change, has finally been handed down. Although it is incomplete, it is still being regarded as a supreme sacred object by the people of the later generations. The world’s heritage, the new generation of the gods system finally hopes, against The Wizarding World Community, the annihilation tower, the sacred mark of the Great Wizard Green.

"Come on, let me feel the glory of this continent!"

Green has been waiting for a long time. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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