A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1598: Destroyed Devil (22)

The warrior, holding up the holy blade of the hand, the mandible open, the silent roar from the soul, the blue and the silk is elegant.

Billionaires of the undead sea, densely stunned, at first glance, endless, led by a powerful undead monster in the head of the Sanctuary, striding forward, conquering the enemy of the undead, the source of evil, the darkness By!


The cold and chilly death atmosphere is overwhelming. With the unique Longwei, an undead dragon corpse opens its wings from the top of the head and slides quickly. The heart-warming pressure is fleeting. It is the phantom keel, the peak of the undead.

At this moment, the Netherland keel, which is rarely seen in the undead sea of ​​Tianti Mountain, is swarming in groups. The shadows slid one after another from the top of the undead sea, which led to the already very high undead army being more excited. , almost into a state of violent.

"We will be the ultimate guardian of this world, no one can defeat the awakened undead, even if he is the legendary **** of destruction!"

The Death Knight of the Sanctuary holds the sword of death, and the Undead Legion rushes from the side of the body. It is the guide of the will of the gods in the sky. For the great solitude of the undead, the glory of the undead sea in the Tianti Mountain, what is the death? ?

Oh la la...

The crisp collision of the metal chain is accompanied by the wild boar's "squeaky" and "squeaky" screams. The body is like a sorcerer's world synthetic beast. The stitching is stitched together. This hill-like sanctuary is abhorrent to the plague. Every step All caused the shock of the surrounding land "bang" and "bang", behind them are thousands of ghoul army, crawling like a lizard.

It’s a disgusting rotten fat pile!

On the giant ear of the sinister fat head, a pair of mung bean-like eyes aimed at the death knight of the sanctuary at the foot.

"I heard that many sacred lords have fallen in the past, and the war between us can be slowed down first. Hey, if you die, it is the best result."

On the fat fat belly of a ball, a giant mouth full of fangs screams, and the rows of fangs are like jagged, spirally filled, leaving some dark green pus from time to time. Stinky.

Under the metal helmet, the dark red eyes stared at the sanctuary, the awkward butcher, and the old rivals for thousands of years. Who can’t help but who is facing the common enemy, although the hostility remains the same, they also fully trust each other’s possession. Powerful!

In front of the phantom keels, it is a high-pitched meditation, as dazzling as a star, exudes the supremacy of the supreme ice, and follows thousands of gods behind the great eternal god. , broadcast the undead natural disaster blessing.

With the vision of the undead in these sacred places, it is already the limit of the large army that the sacred souls of the sacred sacred gods have led.

According to legend, although the meditation is only a median god, but in the endless undead sea, many gods have also excelled, until suddenly one day, several unknown evil spirits broke into the Tianti Mountain and were congested by the gods, among which the evil spirits Gathering their own supernatural powers, they actually succumbed to the stagnation of the gods, succeeded in escaping from the scent of the gods, and the sorrowful meditation of the gods has never recovered. So far, there is no unique position in the meditation system.



The death knight and the sanctuary, who are leading the march of the huge legion, hate to the endless endless undead army. It is like a domino, the soul is broken, the cheekbone is broken, and it falls into pieces, like the most terrible plague in the world.

吼, 吼, 吼, 吼, 吼, 吼, 吼...

A head of Nether Dragon sorrows, falling from the sky, squatting on the dust of the celestial mountains.

Everything happened too suddenly!

"That is……"

The death knight and the sanctuary are both awkward and awkward. There are many sacred sects in the front of the corps. They are like the lower undead. They suddenly collapse and fall down, and they are constantly approaching the two.

"Destroy! World!"!

Although it is said that the source of evil is to be annihilated, when the vastness of the sky is really coming, the whole world seems to have completely collapsed. The death knight and the hateful butcher’s body are only instinctively shivering. It comes from The deepest tremor in the soul, the suppression of the level of life, left only the simplest black and white in the eyes of the death knight and the abominable butcher. The world's changes are slower and slower, and eventually become completely static.

The undead knight and the abhorrent butcher are also in general with the endless undead army in front, and the soul is broken.



The cold and darkness overflowed. At the moment, in the eyes of Green, the Tianlingshan undead sea army is divided into five layers.

At the bottom of the ground is the endless undead army, the number is endless, but it is impossible to cause even a slight threat to the one who holds the dimension of the dimension ball.

Above these undead naval regiments, there is a head of Nethery keel, which is relatively rare. As a peak evolution of lower life, it is necessary for Green to intentionally mobilize the magic ripples and sweep them off.

On top of that, it is the meditation of the quality of life.

As the third layer of the Undead Legion, there are hundreds of them. It is the main force that dominates the battle of the world, and it is also the main class that Green is spending a lot of energy on.

As for the fourth floor, there is only one on the battlefield. That is the bones and the gods. They are trying to show their deterrence. They have let the most horrible and horrible people on the battlefield not completely ignore themselves. That is A horrible body that truly overrides the life of the battlefield.

"Condensed and destroyed God. When my sister took off your arm, I will inherit the will of my sister and erase you today."

It’s awkward!

The black arc shreds the time and space, just like the thunder and the gods, and once let the heart of the Nether, nine wrath, the secluded spring, Green is chased after nine deaths and sighs, and the face is stunned, it is impossible to believe the area for more than 10,000 years. Several inferior evil spirits descending from the minor crack to the main continent have grown to such an extent!

Is there any absurd rule in the world of the dimension they are in, is there no concept of time?

After descending on the mainland of the gods, the gods who killed the killing of Green have no idea. This congeal is only one of them. In the face of the mighty power of annihilation throughout the world, there is no resistance at all. Force, 吭 吭 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无


A deep gully crater appeared on the Tianti Mountain and became the 31st crater caused by the killing process of the Green Donkey. The seven twists and eight squats are located on the Tianti Mountain. (To be continued.)

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