A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1597: Destroyed Magic (21)

Unlike the liquid glazed lake left by the space-based scorpion gun, after the annihilation of the great sorcerer's magic, the Tianti Mountain was riddled with holes, and the gloom was also chaotic, refilling the space of the space-based comet. region.

Although the strength of the annihilation of the Star Wars is amazing, but compared to the space-based comet guns, whether it is the area of ​​the envelope or the destructive power, there are too many differences, which can only be used to clean up these remaining 6 gods and dense eyes. The huge army, as for the original sin seal in the Tianti Mountain, has hardly been greatly affected.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓!

Bang, boom, boom, boom, boom!

Noisy sounds come and go, the ruins of the ruins, the elements of the wizards, the art of war, let the once endlessly endless undead sea become a real dead, no life, two large-scale war witch surgery, has left a permanent on the Tianti Mountain Sexually imprinted, in the next few decades, there will be a smashing of the Netherland, and the great witchcraft will descend on the Tianti Mountain.

Here is the center of the Great God 6 and the center of the world of the earth. Any disaster change will be like ripples here, spreading to the whole world, gradually increasing and increasing.

The heart of Green's death is cruel.

After the annihilation of the great witchcraft, only a few strong men fled the Green Devils range, and those who fell were not known.

While supplementing the scarce source of magic with the infinite energy of the dimensional dimension of the perpetual motion, the three-color light of the Green is looking in all directions, and the extreme sense of individual creatures is far-reaching.

That one after another, the light of fireflies, even if hundreds of millions of people gathered densely, it seems extremely bleak.

These light spots represent low-level living bodies. Although they are insignificant, they are the basic composition of the world's will. They support the rules of the world and are the resources of faith that the gods compete for.

Above these dim light spots, like a candle-like relatively dazzling light spot, it is a god. They are based on the power of the believers and stand on the top of the world, overlooking all beings.

Among them, the three light spots are the most dazzling, no doubt, these three are the last obstacles of Green on the gods 6 , the bones of the gods, hate the gods, the golden dragon god.

Beside these three Supreme Gods, there are several relatively weak spots, but they are enough to attract Green's attention. For years of peeping observations, Green knows these gods well.

In addition, there is a dazzling light source like the sun on the Tianti Mountain. Compared with other spots, there is almost a qualitative leap. No doubt, this is Green himself!

"The ancient sea god, the Luoyang ancient temple emperor wolf god, the **** of brutal violence, the **** of stars have been destroyed, the chaos devil has also become difficult to become a climate, these three supreme superior gods will be the biggest obstacle to the dedication of the true spirit, there are dimensional dimension to support Even if these three Xeon superior gods occupy the advantage of geography, it is difficult to be enemies with me. Only seals can reverse the pattern. Well, in addition to the original sin seal, the colorful dragons and gods need to pay attention, if any Maybe it’s a good idea to kill the dragon first."

Muttered to himself, Green waited for the work, waiting for the nearest strongest superior **** to lead the Grand Army.

Oh la la la

Like the sound of the rushing spring water, countless shins roll, from the depths of the Tianti Mountain, forming a raging hill, the excess sacrum flows to the surrounding, some evolved into a ghost, some become the raw materials of the new undead, quiet on the Tianti Mountain .

The first one to arrive is the supreme existence of the millions of undead in the Tianti Mountain, the bones of the gods, the source of the undead!

"Destroyed, Tianti Mountain is the foundation of the gods. I will be stationed in this last line of defense. This will be your eternal sacred barrier, unless my body is completely defeated."

Gradually, the tumbling sacral fountain was soaring and rising, and gradually a star-shaped giant face made up of billions of sacral bones floated in the air and stared at the dark condor on the altar of evil power.

Looking far away, under the face of Green Truth, the three-color light flashed.

"It turned out to be the same ability as the ancient sea gods. One was blessed by the will of the sea, and the other was blessed by the will of the Tianti Mountain. However, compared with the ancient sea gods, it would be difficult to extract this guy from the Tianti Mountain by using the foreign world to reject gravity. In contrast, this willing life can't leave Tiantishan for life, and the guy who grinds seems to need to deal with it casually, and then finally find a way to seal it."

Knowing that this is an unsuccessful sticky tooth sugar, Green is a annihilation force.

It’s awkward!

The black arc is distorted with light and darkness in all directions, stirring high-frequency shock waves, tearing time and space, and spurting toward the huge face of the 10,000-meter skeleton.

The giant face also responded accordingly. I saw a large mouthful of it. The black and cold smog spurted out and formed a vast cloud of whirlpool. The center of the vortex didn't know where to go. Green saw a dark world, but it was not illusory. It seems that another ancient **** lost the kingdom of God.

"Hint: Your attack is absorbed by the sacred gods in the sense of time and space, p: 3535."

"Hint: There are a lot of ghosts in the earth, and the roots must be plunged into the Tianti Mountain. The resilience is increased by 10,000. Please cut off the dead roots or destroy the Tianti Mountain. After the calculation is not established, collect time and space. God country information data."

After the black arc enters the black vortex, ~www.novelmtl.com~ no more sounds, completely disappeared, this is still the first time Green has been smashing the arc in the face of the gods, and it made Green feel a little surprised. .

However, there are only a few surprises!

With the tens of thousands of sacred bones in the eye sockets of the hundreds of thousands of bones, the two areas of 800,000 degrees of attack, can not help but let Green Smile smile, it is really an immortal sesame sugar, this kind of attack strength is really inconspicuous.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!嗡

At the same time, the corps of the 10,000-bone gods attacked the earth, and Green on the altar of the Dark Wizards, the face of truth rushed out with amazing data flow. The first time, the book of Green Truth "哗哗啦啦" After turning over and smashing the altar of the Dark Wizard, I used the lightness to avoid the vast majority of low-level biological attacks, and put them into the "Arrow Rain". All the undead corps swept by the Green Power ripples collapsed. .

Hate God and the Golden Dragon God seem to have signs of convergence. It is better to solve some legions before this time. Otherwise, once these gods come together, they will seal the seal with great power, and Green will resist the limit. It was only a temporary seal and it had to be prevented.

In this way, a slaughter that was crushed at the level of life, the second time in the world of the world, the war of extinction in the Tianti Mountain entered the stage of consumption of the backbone.

p: The third is more, a bit late, everyone pays attention to the egret Sina Weibo "Egrets don't cry", stand up and squat. To be continued.

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