A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1599: Destroyed Magic (23)

I don’t know for what purpose, I should have arrived earlier than the hatred of the gods, and the dragons who endlessly endlessly horrible powers, like the bottomless dark abyss of the battlefield center, stopped and waited for hatred. Instead of leaving the Legion.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

In the distant place, the sound of the battle is soaring, and it is faint and faint. It can be seen that a large area of ​​light seems to be absorbed by a gravitational beam, forming a beam of light and vortex, while at the same time emitting an amazing sound and shock wave. Spread in all directions.

Although I have not seen the legendary annihilator, I have not been able to see the scene of the annihilation of the battlefield hosted by the 10,000-bone god, but through remote sensing, it may be guessed one or two...

Since the deceased will take the initiative to show up, plus the two previous masters that transcend the cognitive limits, this dark hunter must have been prepared for it. In the battlefield ahead, it must be a one-sided slaughter!

I don't know how many gods have fallen under their magical moments.

"Golden Dragon King, why did the dragons suddenly stop here?"

Hate and God led more than a hundred gods, boundless and vast army, the sky and the vastness of the deadly atmosphere formed a vast death cloud, from afar closer to the dragons led by the Golden Dragon God.

The golden dragon god, the colorful space-time dragon god, the earth ancient dragon god, the three-headed dragon king has hundreds of meters of body even if it has not revealed the real body, proudly stands on the top of the dragon, as the spiritual pillar of the dragon family, leading the giant The will of the dragon family.

"You have also seen that the destruction of this scale is by no means a rival to any **** on the mainland. Under the prestige of the deceased, in addition to our supreme existence, it can bring some threats to it. Other regiments are just icing on the cake. It’s better than nothing. Its fascination from the appearance to the present has not been reduced by the consumption of cockroaches.”

After a pause, the Golden Dragon God said: "According to the King, even if we are, it is very difficult to cause too much threat to it. Now the hope of the gods can only be placed on the original sin seal and my family. The highest inheritance of the colorful seals! Right... the two attacks before the annihilator, what is the original sin seal?"

I hate the gods for a little silence. During this time, the mighty army that followed me has also gathered, gradually integrated from the scattered, and reorganized into a legion with the dragon family.

"The roots are subject to some damage, but they can still launch the original sin seal, and then connect with the colorful seals. We have at least 30% chance of success!"

Yep! ?

Suddenly, hateing the gods and the dragon gods, it seems that they have discovered something at the same time. It is incredible to once again gaze at the center of the battlefield, and there is a rule of the undead. Even if the deceased will be unable to threaten the bones for a long time, .

The overwhelming black flame was actually squeezing away from the natural gloom of the sky above the Tianti Mountain. More importantly, it was actually ignoring the law of hate!

"How can this alien power destroy the power of the original sin of the gods?"

After hating the gods, the upper body is unbelievable and the will is stirring.

"No, this is not a pure hate rule. In addition to hatred, it also contains disgust and fear."

The law of hate is unique. On the mainland, the hateful **** is listed as one of the supreme superior gods. Apart from the original sin seal that has been gradually controlled for nearly 10,000 years, the most primitive foundation is the hate rule. This is also the ladder every 10,000 years. The mountain must inevitably launch the root cause of the undead natural disaster.

The ancient gods of the mainland developed to the peak of the peaks. Although they successively gave birth to a number of supreme power gods, they overlooked the sentient beings with their lofty and mighty laws. Even the gods can only bow down to worship, but in this group of gods, it is the original sin. The **** and the **** are the peaks.

Although the Lord and Lord of the original sin is essentially the same person, for the mainland of the gods, it belongs to the mystery of the ages.

In the first half of the ancient gods, the first half was created by the gods of the original sin, and the latter half was destroyed by the Lord. Since then, the gods of the gods have been devastated. Until the recent demon gods joined, the **** of stars broke, and gradually improved. However, after the great reunification of the wizarding world community, the sorcerer's world annihilation tower sacred sorcerer led the army.

When the gods of the gods are in control of the original sin law, it is unbelievable. The golden dragon god, the earth's ancient dragon god, the colorful space-time dragon **** secretly exchanged their mutual will, and the eyes flashed.


The dark flame, although there is no body of the soul of the 10,000 bird, even if Green launches the illusory body with the body, absorbs the abhorrent power that pervades the vast battlefield, and allows Green to fully play the war killing attribute of the elemental wizard.

Compared with the annihilation arc, killing the gods one by one, there is unlimited energy blessing of the perpetual motion machine. Even if hundreds of gods on the entire Tianti Mountain are all gathered together, it is nothing to do with Green. This is the power supported by the civilization!

However, in the face of hundreds of millions of corps, even with the magic ripples, the speed of killing is nothing more than this, and Green has started the art of the ultimate killing of the sorcerer's war against the Legion War, the illusory real body!

The black flame ~www.novelmtl.com~ spreads to the end of the sky, to absorb the hatred of hundreds of millions of undead army, to lower the hatred of fire, and the low-level undead attack is insignificant for Green's vast and illusory real body. Nearly nothing.

Hey! Hey!

The tens of thousands of broken scorpions are spliced ​​into a 10,000-meter head. With two mysterious crystals as the core, two secluded black columns rise up to the sky and move toward a dark cloud of disgusting clouds that are almost shrouded in a small piece of Tianti Mountain.

It is also the attack of the eternal god, still only more than eighty thousand degrees.

"Oh, it’s too far."

A 10,000-meter stick sticking out of the clouds, smoky black smoke, and the top is a blue-blue crystal awning. It is Green's extreme abyss magic wand, which is extremely cold and slightly entangled with these two beams, and a large piece of ice bursts. It was easily offset.

Looking into the distance, every deep and smooth crater on the earth represents a annihilation of the arc, a life-long eye in the upper gods, behind the formation of the catastrophe.

It’s awkward!

The center of the sorrowful cloud is also an arc. Because of the fall of the gods, the remnants of the gods have already fled to the edge of the battlefield, so that Green is free to annihilate the arc, and it is really the median god. Escape to avoid.

For Green, there is no such thing as a blow. For this god, it is a test of nine deaths and a fear spread.

In the distance, the golden dragon **** and the abhorrent gods have a large army, and they first came to the fore. (To be continued.)

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