A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1596: Destroyed Magic (20)

The annihilation of the great magic of the stars has been in the final stage of the brewing, and the figure of Green stands proudly on the altar of the Dark Wizard, as the source of evil in the world, highlighting the power of the civilization that the wizards built over the long years.

In all directions, the gods have gradually come together, but without exception, they are shocked by the scene before them!

The power of the space-based star-studded gun, the great trauma left on the Tianti Mountain, has almost completely changed the face of the mainland. Even in the face of such destructive power, even these gods are seemingly small.


I have always only heard the name, but I don’t see anyone. At this moment, I gaze at the shadow of the dark sorcerer’s altar by crossing the vast liquid glass blank on the Tianti Mountain. Although I am extremely scared, I still can’t help but spy on the past and witness the mainland. The horrible body that subverts the tremor.

The distance is very far away, although it is very vague, everyone can see that the gods who feared the gods of the mainland are actually a "humanoid" creature with a height of less than two meters, only three on the pale face. The eyes are a bit strange.

This is the creature that escaped from the crack of the Dimension into the mainland of the gods, wanting to destroy the world! ?

Because the **** of the stars is responsible for the guardianship, the golden dragon god, the hatred god, the eternal **** are all in other directions. Under such a large-scale law fluctuation, the star law has no sign, and the only way to explain this phenomenon is One, that is, the **** of the stars has fallen...

"Even the **** of the great stars, all fallen under the devil of this dimension, is there really no hope in this world?"

The atmosphere of despair is pervasive.

Without the supremacy of God, who dared to act as a pioneer, challenge the majesty of this devastation?

"The law of courage, supreme!"

The **** of the stars is responsible for guarding the region, and is mostly dominated by the mainland gods. Therefore, the vast majority of the first to arrive here are the mainland gods, and the death of the world is overwhelming, standing on the altar of the altar, and the fear of the gods. However, there is still a unique rule of control. The gods stood up for the first time, bravely marched into the scope of Green's magical fluctuations, and challenged the deceased.

"I want to avenge the **** of war, you will pay for the fallen **** of war!"

This mainland **** is the **** of courage.

The **** of courage, the **** of war, the relationship between the two is extraordinary, but it is the life and death that is made from the sanctuary.

In ancient times, after both of them entered the peak of the sanctuary, they could no longer be refined. They sweared and sweared into each other. Since then, they have formed their own forces. After hundreds of years, a huge battle of blasphemy began. The alien gods who have just entered the mainland of the gods have been carefully prepared for the sanctuary. After a desperate struggle, the sanctuary is degraded by seventy-eight, and the alien evil spirits are also degraded. The godhead is divided by many sanctuaries.

After the **** of war got the godhead, he saw that his good brother and courage **** was dying, and he almost did not hesitate. He chose to abide by the original agreement and resolutely divided the godhead into two parts. The two entered the domain of the gods together, and they were regarded as the warriors of the ancient times. A beautiful talk during the decline of the Chinese mainland.

It can be seen that between the **** of war and the **** of courage, after the death of Green, the **** of courage came to revenge!

As the upper god, the **** of courage has been preparing for this moment for several years, and the great power gathers the law of courage, and the body shines brightly.

Even if the mainland gods have completely declined, the **** of courage still gets enough respect from the gods.

There is only one reason. That is to hate the gods and know that the **** of courage will be the absolute death of the deceased, swearing and never retreating.


However, the initial entry into the six-level life body, with the ability to change the local natural rules, the maximum attack degree of more than 200,000 degrees, this kind of ants life, Green can be pinched to death.

The three-color light of Green is just a little gaze. Compared to the scope of the magical attack of the **** of courage, Green's magical envelope is undoubtedly much broader. After the mysterious power of the three-color light is shrouded, "咔嚓", "咔嚓", " "Oh," the body of courage condenses a layer of stone armor at a visible speed, and is being petrified by the face of truth.

In this way, the courageous **** has turned into a stone statue, falling from the sky, and has fallen.

"Uninteresting ants, who else?"

The will of Greene is raging, the evil that is not concealed, and the aggressive banter will open.

"The sacrifice is only short-lived, fighting for glory, and the righteous party will eventually win the final victory!"

The **** of glory, golden glory.

The green skin and the thin skin of the four arms, wearing a golden robe, a golden crown on the head, holding up the shining scepter, and witnessing the death of the **** of courage, although only the median god, the **** of glory decided to sacrifice himself. Awaken the faith of the gods to protect the mainland.


Under the face of truth, Green seemed to spit, and spit out an elemental cannon.

Because it is only casual and casual attack, it has not been blessed by the rules of dimensional dimension ball and annihilation. However, as a higher life body integrated with natural phenomena, even Green’s random attack has broken through 50,000 degrees.

The sound of "嘭", the **** of glory that just entered the range of Green's magical fluctuations, was bombarded by the elements of Green.

A little bit of crystallized and scattered, this is the root of the life of the gods, the godhead!

If in the ordinary times, these godheads may have already caused competition. However, at this moment, no one has started. Even some indecent undead souls seem to resist the temptation of these godheads, and have been completely ruined by the horrible The pressure is shocking ~www.novelmtl.com~ The **** of glory of the broken body of the gods, the gods are constantly flashing, under the blessing of the power of the temple, they slowly flew out of the range of Green Magic fluctuations, re-aggregated, weak, The horror looked at the monster that descended from the cracks of the gods to the mainland of the gods.

What is hidden in this small body!

"Start with you first, there are still three waves behind, come on, annihilate the great wizard of the stars!"

嗡, 嗡, 嗡, 嗡, 嗡, 嗡, 嗡, 嗡...

One black stone over one hundred meters away, sliding a black arc tail flame, falling from the sky to the earth, the area of ​​witchcraft intersected in the past, not the same day, with these annihilation stars carrying annihilation power has exceeded 200 Ten thousand degrees, it is easy to get out of the 10,000-meter crater, and any one who is hurt by the gods can not escape.

And even with the endless endless ice gyro, compression fireball, the degree of attack fluctuates between 10,000 and 100,000 degrees.

Such a scene, really destroy the earth!

Under the dark red glory of this dying power, Green stood on the altar of the Great Wizard, staring at the gods and the shivering guardian corps, and sneered.


: Completing the mission of the great Qingmang editor, paying attention to Sina Weibo Egret not crying, the following is a bird, I hope everyone pays attention to support. I will often brush Weibo in the future, and I will have daily life and writing feelings. If there is anything, I can talk privately. To be continued.

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