A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1591: Destroy God (15)

"Lord of Desire!"

Lost in the Kingdom of God for a little exploration, Green stopped to step, the first time to choose to retreat, left the mysterious state of the country and the shallow illusion, return to the world of snow and wolf mountains real energy material world.

Instinctively, according to the legend of the ancient wars of the world, Green thought of the famous **** of desire.

It’s just that Green didn’t think of it. The ancient war of the gods that caused the corpse of the Tianti Mountain to build the gods in the wild. Although I don’t know why, I thought that the result was that the Lord God defeated the gods and found the promotion. Level biological secrets, thus being forced to leave the endless world.

But now it seems that there are some other secrets!

Otherwise, why are these main gods fallen here?

Although the **** has a soul, it loses desire and consciousness and becomes a walking dead!

These secrets involve real dominance. It is no wonder that Green wisely stopped here. On the one hand, Green’s real mission is to subvert the gods’ continents. On the other hand, there are some secrets that Green can’t easily solve. crisis.

It would be more convenient for Green to completely solve the true dedication of the gods and the true spirits, and then to explore such secrets.


The icy cold wind blew.

In the land of the North, thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow drifted away. However, after this war, dozens of gods fell, and the big and small gods and squats smashed the snow-wolf mountain range, and the power of annihilation blasted the earth thousands of times. A hundred holes in the sore, some of the long-standing law of sublime even began to affect the natural rules of the surrounding ice and snow, forming some anomalies.

If the Green's plan is unsuccessful, perhaps a few years later, it will become another chaotic mountain range, which will mutate many new life groups that have never appeared in the mainland.

Green stood on the ruins of this battle of gods. After a few months, I didn't know what was going on outside. This exploration of shallow illusion greatly delayed the process of Green's destruction.

Perhaps, the system of gods in the outside world has already been completely boiled in the indescribable pressure and fear because of the emergence of the dying world of Green. Before the gods abandoned their former suspicions, they have never been united.

The tip of the index finger of the left hand provokes the dimensional dimension ball, and after making an infinite microscopic pure gold energy, Green's fingertips touch the eyebrows, and with the help of the data of the twentieth phase of the truth, the local skynet The computational force recombination has an energy material and is infinitely microscopically reshaped.

This ability is the power of Vantage Quantum Technology's light!

Although Green's s-class server computing power is far less than the powerful computing power of the small emperor to mobilize the entire Skynet, even the space-based starship can be created. The crystal-terminated terminator appears in the same number as the Legion, and the wave is the space-based star gun. But even if it is only some auxiliary ability, it is a "miracle" that ordinary creatures cannot understand.

This kind of witchcraft has even surpassed the knowledge category that the holy mark wizard can understand. After all, on the surface, this kind of witchcraft even violates the balance rule and possesses some "creation gods" ability.

"There is nothing in the middle!"

After the low **** tone, the three black energy bodies gradually emerged in front of the body. As the energy structure of the three energy bodies is continuously adjusted, it gradually evolves into a human form.

It is the black terminator!

The black terminator's incomparable camouflage sneak attack ability itself is comparable to the median god, enough to create a subversive fear in this snow wolf mountain range. At the beginning, in the early days of the Civilization War, the black Terminator's troubles and deterrence against the Wizarding World once made the Wizarding World self-defense, which led to the inferiority of the early days of the Civilization War. Many real-world wizards devoted themselves to it.

Immediately afterwards, Green's left hand smashed the magic to form three gray smoky tobacco, which were infused from the three black Terminator's mouth and nose.

With the data-capability of the 20th project of Green Truth, it is impossible to rebuild the calculations of the three black terminators. However, these black terminators can only be maintained for a short period of time. The long-term mission to the Snow Wolf Mountains is meaningless.

In this way, the source of Green's majestic magic is continuously perfused, and if the duration of its maintenance is infinitely extended, it can only provide the magic of three black Terminators.

"With this snowy area as the center, unscrupulously smash any nearby gods and prohibit them from touching the lost country. If two of you are eliminated, the other will immediately report to me."

After the low husky voice was over, the three black terminators seemed to melt, and quickly penetrated into the ground, hiding and camouflaging, looking for any higher creatures that appeared in the Snow Wolf Mountains.

The three-coloured light of Green is looking towards the Tianti Mountain.

There, there was no doubt that there would be some secrets of the ancient world as a world seal of the seal of the Lord of Desire!

The most important thing is that since the seal of the ancient prehistoric era can seal the desire of the Lord God, so many years have passed, today's power may not be as good as before, but also on the mainland of the gods, Green is the most taboo ultimate threat!

This is also the case, Green did not dare to rush into it, otherwise, if it is sealed, it can only wait for the hope that the Wizards of the World Corps will come to rescue and release the seal.

Silent, the figure disappeared, and as a deceased, Green could not retreat!


Green's annihilation is the most devastating, and the devil and the gods are the most devastating.

The sea gods are scattered and vast oceans, some of which are said to be incomparably powerful sea monsters. In addition to the intensive giant sea **** invasions when the ancient sea gods will wake up, these scattered wandering sea gods can not form a climate.

After removing the weak power of the evil **** system, the dragon **** system and the meditation system became the final barrier to the world of the earth's veins, the road to the death of the earth.

Obviously, it is also very clear that the eternal gods and hate gods on the top of the Tianti Mountain are so clear that after the exact aliens have passed the time and space to the mainland, in addition to their own resistance to the worst conditions, The first time, the above-mentioned ancient transmission array, looking for the three overseas dragon gods, copolymerized Tianti Mountain!

In addition to the ultimate strength of these three mainstays, the bones of the gods, the hatred of the gods, the golden dragon, the gods, etc. ~www.novelmtl.com~ regardless of the soul, the cold, the gods, the blood, the gods, the dark gods, Or the colorful dragons and the dragons of the earth, the ancient dragons of the earth, and the dragons of the middle level of the first level. The strong and powerful people in these worlds of the earth will make this gathering hall full of power and glory!

In addition, among the escaped devils and the mainland gods, there are also several superior gods. Although there is a great gap between the seven great Xeon gods, it is also a existence that cannot be ignored. It is the great supreme god. The influence of the field.

However, the chaos demon did not appear.

I don't know if this was chased by Green and escaped from the chaotic demon.


Through the fight, the chaotic demon knows that the deceased can't resist the overpowering power, Green's terrible horror, and he is not optimistic about the last resistance of the world, so he simply ignores it, but tries his best to escape the **** of the gods. Leave the world.


With the force of the sky, the power of faith came, and many of the strong men of the temple instinctively stared at the past, and the light was in doubt.

This level of the gods is enough to reach the level of the seven strongest upper gods, it is the **** of stars!

The gods of silence, depression, and depression are seen here, and the look is slightly relieved for this.

If it does not form enough influence, the power of the **** of the stars is enough to become the eighth strongest superior **** of the gods, and it is just right! (To be continued.)

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