A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1590: 灭世魔威(14)

The Snow Wolf Mountains, the northern country, no more gods gather.

The chaos of the devil flies, the Luoyang ancient emperor wolf god, the **** of brutal violence both fall, and there are more rumors that the ancient sea **** has been secretly killed by the deceased, for a time, the legend of the descendants of the world, as if the plague is generally public The mainland of the gods spread and spread quickly to the deep sea dragon gods and the sea gods.

At the same time, in the depths of the Snow Wolf Mountain, Green, as the deceased, did not rush to the Tianti Mountain, destroying the last powerful obstacle to the world, exploring the secrets of the ancient Tianti Mountain, but staying in the snow wolf. Deep in the mountains.

"Where, should it be the means that the Luoyang ancient emperor wolf God pursued?"

The three-coloured gleam of Green gazed at nothingness. Through this weak time and space and the guidance of the gods gathering the majestic power, they found a chaotic illusion of time and space.

That should be the mysterious realm of the ancient masters of the Luoyang ancient emperor wolf god.

After thinking for a while, Greene retracted his left hand, "The Book of Truth", and the dimensionary ball that had been wandering around Green was in Green's hands. After a low roar, Green's left hand would move the dimensional dimension ball to the front. Push it away.


Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Oh...

As if the mirror was broken, Green could break the real space-time barrier with the dimensional dimension of the ball. The hands squatted on both sides of the broken time and space, and the head wearing the truth face went in. The three-color light was slightly different. Curious to look forward to.

If there is no Almighty Soul or other energy imprint leaving the guiding coordinates in the real energy material world, it is very possible to explore the extreme danger in illusory time and space. It is very likely to be lost. It is equivalent to self-exile and degenerate into a lost monster in time and space.

Under the general circumstances of life like Green, although not afraid of other lost people, but the endless world is too broad and broad and profound, who knows whether there is a birth in the history of the river is more powerful than the green under the dominating level of life lost?

Moreover, the real danger of illusory time and space is the infinite illusory and absurd rules, some horrible rules and illusory life, even if the lord can only exhausted!

If the stream is watery, it is the most deadly ruins, and it is probably the trajectory left by those time creatures.

Green's head from the real world, the three-color ray is turning in three different directions, confirming that no special rules and phenomena have been found, and gradually locking a stream of light in the distance, opening mouth, with the truth of Green Under the face, the mouth continued to suck, and the light filament was gradually sucked up by Green.

This time filament represents the time and space leads!

It is possible to find an accurate one in millions of confusing time and space leads, and it is conceivable that the face of Green Truth has powerful data-assisted performance.

Gradually, the ridiculous chaos in front of Green's eyes was infected by some shallow illusory rules, and some strange phenomena occurred. An indescribable tickle feeling, Green knew in the first time that the rules of this illusory absurd world are related. Feeling.

Data analysis: Unknown energy bodies are found, with unconventional inducing properties, ra-string structure, and analysis results, which have an effect on the activity of bio-carbon water molecules. When the organism is polluted by it, it will accelerate metabolism and produce mild pleasure, commonly known as “itching”. .

Tip: Current carbon water activity 335, itch degree 11/100. (Itching degree 0~25 is slightly pleasant and exciting, 26~50 is to adapt to the endurance period, and 50 or more is the discomfort period.)

"Do not provoke the illusory creatures of this world as much as possible, hoping to have some unexpected gains in this mysterious country."

Overlooking the sky, through the layers of illusory light, Green discovered some semi-dormant elemental worms in the foggy fog. These elements are worms that are small and active. If Green is not studying the microcosm for a long time, there will be a help from the truth. Doing other ethnic creatures, I am afraid that I can’t find them at all.

Of course, as a wizard who has long explored and observed the illusory world, Green knows that these illusory creatures appear in their own eyes, only the observer's own sorting optimization and self-combination concept after combining rules and energy.

Perhaps in other biological eyes, these elemental worms will be another form.

In such a illusory world, as long as you are willing to explore in depth, you will inevitably find that the masters combined with the illusory rules will often have some incredible singular abilities, and some of the most taboo encounters that dominate the exploration of the illusory world.

噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗...

In the mouth of Greene, he spit out more than a hundred times of esophageal esophageal scorpion scorpion monsters. These scorpion monsters squirmed from the black coal ball shape, gradually extended their limbs, and then dispersed in all directions to find the lost dreamland of Green.

At the same time, Green gradually spread a layer of white mist, shrouded the face and waited quietly.

The illusory world has no direct boundaries in the chaotic time and space. The rule is where the illusory world is. In theory, the same illusory world can enter anywhere in the endless world. Some rare ethnic groups use this as a time and space to cross the springboard. According to Green, Titan Xiahe civilization is one of them.

In this way, Green waited for a few months, a skeleton monster with a antler batwing flew back and finally found the clue that Green wanted!

"Take me in the past!"

Taking the dimensional dimension ball as the medium for eternal maintenance of the door of time and space, Green follows this skeleton monster and flies deep into the illusory space of this unknown shallow layer.

According to the analysis of the world of energy and material, about the past ten days or so, under the leadership of this skeleton monster, a discovery of a teapot surrounded by endless elemental worms, let Greene delight in and out of the claws.

唰, 唰, 唰, 唰, 唰, 唰...

These elemental worms are only representational factors representing the illusory rules. After they perceive the crisis, they flee in the first place. At the same time, Green is also completely exposed to himself in this illusory world. Time ~www.novelmtl.com~ there will be real illusory absurd rules creatures to find.


With a scorn, this teapot seems to have completely blended with this illusory world rule, and Green touched it.

It’s awkward!

Green wants to use the power of annihilation to forcibly open the secret environment of the Lord God, which has been lost for many years. However, the black arc has been gradually eliminated by the rules of foreign countries. It seems that there is still a considerable distance from destroying the barriers of the Kingdom of God. degree.

Slightly surprised, Green thought for a while, "The Book of Truth" "哗哗啦啦" opened, want to use the seal to test the quality of the time and space of this country, but suddenly, an incomparable sucking force from the teapot Inside, Green was so close to him that he couldn't catch it.

"Oh... is this?"

At this moment, in the eyes of Green, the endless creatures seem to lose their soul consciousness, become a walking dead, instinctive wandering.

Green can see at a glance that these creatures are some of the ancient peoples of the mainland of the world!

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar……

When the face of Green Truth gaze at the vast expanse of the gods in all directions and indirectly senses several powerful energy sources by means of energy ripples, Green will determine for the first time that these are the ancient gods of the gods!

However, at this moment, these so-called main gods are like beasts at this moment, wandering and screaming in this lost country. (To be continued.)

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