A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1592: Destroyed Magic (16)

"Which of you have been in contact with the one who died in the same dimension?"

The **** of stars is located in the corner of the hate temple. Her **** is the gathering of the gods of the ancient gods in the ancient times. It has been hailed as one of the twelve great gods most likely to be promoted to the main god. Sealing and forgetting of time, although the power of God has been regressed a lot, and it has been restricted by the rules of the new system, it still has the pride of the mainland!

the other side.

Next to the law of death, the main tone of black and gray, cold and infiltrated, and the opposite of the vitality of vitality, tumbling.

As the most sacred sacred **** of the undead creatures in the Tianti Mountain, Wanling God is a tumultuous mountain of the bones, which is always like a gushing spring, stirring on the Tianti Mountain.

If it is not the exact law of will exchange, it is not an exaggeration to say that this kind of bones is a natural phenomenon of the deep mountain bone fountain!

"In addition to the chaos of the devil, all the gods who are in direct contact with the dying person have been degraded without exception. We can only use the description of the distant peeks of some lower gods to treat the alien creatures who claim to be annihilated. According to the description, the strongest rule it controls is a bunch of black lightning, which is extremely sublime. Nowadays, any god's law in the mainland of the gods can't bear a positive blow in front of it, which is fast, sharp and fatal! In addition, it has extremely terrible control over the law of ice and the law of fire, enough to reach the level of the upper level of God."

From the description of the eternal gods, the basic strength characteristics of the terrible "different dimension" dying people, everyone has a preliminary impression.

The golden dragon god, a pure gold scale, each golden scale contains the principle of truth.

This already has the supreme talent of the golden dragon, and after the day after tomorrow, the strength of the body can be imagined.

In the case of pure gods, whether it is a chaotic demon or a **** of brutal violence, or an ancient sea god, the golden dragon **** has confidence!

"Why didn't the chaos devil come here, can we destroy it, and it can escape the second and third times from the deceased!"

The sound of "嘭", the golden dragon **** is only a little moved, this hatred law tempered the temple day and night, not cracked all over, was cut between them.

"Hey, is it?"

Hate the gods for the golden dragon network inadvertently destroying the temple, as if not seeing the general, the tone is quite disdainful for the chaos.

"But the gap between the hills, the gap, but the chaos of the demon **** is worse than the deceased. If there is not enough power, how can it be wronged to build the demon god? Now from this death When the person escapes, the source suffers a major trauma. It is not bad to have half of the divine power. Compared with the deceased, it may be even more afraid of the people we are in. In the end, it is also the chaotic demon of the wilderness of the wilderness. Devil!"

The mouth is unobstructed, hate the words of the gods, but it attracts many dragons and the dragons are extremely hard.

Yes, in the early days, the dragon family was also the same-order demon in the mouth of the gods.

"You can't say that."

The ancient dragons on the earth retorted: "At the beginning, the Tianlong world dragons and the evil dragons competed. The Tianlong world is more than the mainland of the gods. However, always, it has found many rivals. A powerful world has never had a world center theory."

After a pause, the ancient dragon **** of the earth continued: "Furthermore... As for the advent of the dying, the mainland of the gods is not the first time. At the beginning of the Lord of the Desire, the mainland of the gods is at its peak, so they can combine them. Sealed, but when it broke out, no one could resist it, and alone launched the Battle of the Ancients, and the gods fell."

Resentment and meditation finally realized the mistakes in their own words. After all, the meditation system was established for a long time after the War of the Ancients. It evolved from the ruins of the War of the Ancients and did not experience the history of the invasion of the dragon. Therefore, it is natural to use the dragon as a native creature.

On the mainland, how many people remember the former landlord than the Mongolian family?

"The mountain of the ladder, the original sin seal is too large and vast. Even after years of meticulous research and hard work, we attempt to reproduce the ancient power, but it is not as good as the ancient gods. The people really have such horror. I am afraid that the original sin seals are not absolutely sure. We must do the worst preparations."

The bones of the gods have taken the words in a timely manner. Now that the disaster of the mainland has come down, there is really no need to pay attention to these small aspects.

Saying, the will of the bones will turn toward the colorful time and space dragon.

"So, I hope that the colorful dragons and gods can perform a second seal on the moment when they break away from the weakest moments of the original sin seal power, and the colorful dragon-season seals can be sealed with the colorful gods and seals. The war and the original sin seals are weakened, and there will be a dead end!"

"Colorful space-time seals? 哼哼~www.novelmtl.com~ That depends on the meaning of the Dragon King."

The colorful time and space Dragon God pushed to the Golden Dragon God.

The hall is bustling, and the gods discuss the conversation, all around the topic of the annihilator, but it is divided into several groups.

In addition to these spiritual groups that are responsible for exploring the ultimate elimination of the annihilator plan, there are other responsibilities, and there is no doubt that today’s powerful mainland gods and demon gods are doing the most dangerous tasks, locking out The world is on the trajectory of the gods.


Wearing the king of the mountain king, as the median **** of the mainland gods, is one of the mainland gods responsible for exploring and monitoring the traces of the deceased. The thousands of people wearing the mountain mouse are their eyeliners.

Of course, nowadays, in addition to the annihilator's body, some cases in the death crow and the witch camp have become important clues. This proves that in addition to their own abilities, the annihilator has the power to open the sub-space time and call the entourage.

And when they have enough legions, the deceased representatives are no longer just simple alien monsters, but the leader!

"It disappeared, and the deceased left the snowy wolf mountains of the North!"

After receiving the news, the king of the mountain kings sent the information to the Tiantishan hatred temple for the first time. During the time, the gods boiled and the gods were shocked.

The new round of the battle of the gods is about to open, the battle of the gods of the gods! (To be continued.)

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