A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1580: Destroyed Magic (4)

"Finally mastering the sorcerer's world, it is impossible to spur the world-class cataclysm. However, if it is a subversive and complete destruction of local sites, it is a perfect choice, such as... The top of the Tianti Mountain!"

Greenfield looks at the three colors of the mainland. Full of cruelty.

Distinct from the general biological field of vision, as the deceased, the earth's world in Green's eyes is only a variety of world's main obstacles, as well as the world's pollen life, fluorescent dots.

What Green wants to do is to erase the fluorescent dots, let all the complicated and complicated rules of the world disappear, and fall into the never-ending darkness. Without any will to stop, kill the world will, and then smoothly mine Taiyi. The heart of the magnet world.

"Oh, although it is a witchcraft that will take effect after decades, but for the big world of the war, these times are not really anything. As a six-level life, forward-looking and predictive, even decades. Forming, after accurate calculations, who can think of the horrific witchcraft that was disguised and launched decades ago is actually prepared decades ago? This is enough to destroy the confidence of some resistance organizations!"

Thinking like this, Green was laughing and laughing, and his magic wand slowly waved.

Although outside the field of vision, the three-color light of the Green has captured the world's rules through the face of truth, locking the center of the world, the top of the Tianti Mountain, the source of the gods, the ancient gods and gods!

With such a large-scale devastating witchcraft, the root does not need too much accurate coordinates, just grasp the general orientation.

The necessary conditions for launching the Netherworld to collapse the Great Witchcraft are the trajectory of the world itself. It must be two special gravitational time and space that entangles the world. Only after the wizard has fiddled with some of the gravitational rules, can it be calculated through accurate space-time coordinates to complete two Different worlds collide with each other in the same time and space, causing a catastrophic ecological disaster.

What the wizard did was to accurately calculate and manipulate the rules of gravity between the world.

At this moment, Green is using the extreme abyss magic wand to play, and the invisible whirlpool of the inductive side interferes with the resistance of the gods, so that this small world can no longer bear the unparalleled strong gravity of the gods, falling to the direction. In the heart of the world, after the accurate calculation, choose the perfect fall location, which is also the top of the Tianti Mountain!

With the vastness of the Tianti Mountain, even such a scale of witchcraft can not cause a comprehensive blow, and it can only subvert the destruction of the local.

"I don't know, what is the name of the world that is about to fall and destroy, but it doesn't matter, hehe."

It only senses that the world is full of incomparable flame rules, and the heat is extremely high. Only then, after Green absorbed a considerable part of the world's repulsive force, the world and the earth's world trajectory have changed to some extent, and gradually began to shift... ...

"Golden Holy Dragon God, the **** of brutal violence, the ancient wolf **** of Luo Yan, the hateful god, the bones of the gods, the chaos of the gods, there are six super strong gods. In addition to the golden dragon, the gods are alone, the other five The Xeon strong gods are on the mainland of the gods, two of the gods, two of the mainland gods, and one of the devils. Hey, then, start from this chaotic demon!"

Cold and cruel words, the figure of Green gradually turned into illusion, shuttled to the real time, and flew in the direction of the chaos of the gods.


the other side.

On the mainland of the gods, I know that the goddess of the night and the goddess of the moon are the same ones, few and far between them, but as one of the seven most powerful gods, the gods of the mainland gods, the Luoyang ancient temple wolf **** is one of them. Bit.

After the night of the goddess was attacked by Green, the goddess of the night fits with the goddess of the moon in the first time, becoming the goddess of the night and the moon, a godpower, in the gods of the mainland as much as the stars, the application is also strong. One of them, and then contacted his own friend, Luo Yan ancient temple emperor wolf God.

On the snowy front, like a wolf king of ice sculptures, with the ice and cold wind proud of the main force, a group of wolves.

Here is the cold ice vents. In the ancient times, there used to be countless terrible iceland gods. Nowadays, only the Luoyang ancient temple emperor wolf **** is a strongest.

Only the coldest of the cold can train the most essential red inflammation!

"Night moon, you have always been alone in your month. Why is this, even if you come together, is it the chaos of the chaos?"

The chaos demon king was truly earth-shattering. When he broke into the chaotic mainland, he caused a deep disaster. In terms of combat power, the Luoyang ancient emperor wolf **** could not recognize himself.

However, after the mainland peace has been so long, the seven powerful Xeon of the Chaos Devil has been recognized, and the Devil God system has been ingrained. The two will naturally take into account some feelings and avoid causing too much contradiction.

"No! Not him."

The goddess of the night and the moon appeared in the form of a cat's first foxtail, and the furry tail swept away a snowflake. It was lying beside the wolf **** and staring at the scenery of the northern country.

Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drifting ~www.novelmtl.com~ This is a humid and warm view of the Silbes Mountains, which is hard to see anyway.

"In the remote places of the southern seas, a sneak stalker is a more terrible guy than the chaos of the devil, enough to rival the ancient divine life of the ancient god! My night **** country has been destroyed. He is cruel, evil is extremely, I It will not take long for him to use his evil will to spread to every corner of the mainland. We must plan before, and the evil army will not follow him before the fall, stop him!"


The wolf **** stared at the beautiful things beside him, and the wolf licked his teeth.

"Is it more terrible than the chaos of the devil, is it because of your long lost ancient gods?"

Listening to the meaning of the Wolf King, it seems that even the Chaos Devil invaded the mainland of the gods, but also because of the goddess of the night and the moon?

"I'm afraid... yes. Since the chaos demon, I have rarely used summoning advent, but this terrible monster still comes on its own. From his breath, it is hard to believe that I once summoned him to resist the chaos." The growth rate is too fast!"

"I have told you long ago that this ancient godsmanship has led to the fact that the great landwalkers were almost extinct than the Mongolians. The precedents of the dragons invading the gods are placed in front of you. You don't listen to advice, insist on continuing to explore, now not only more Out of the chaos of the chaos, there is more of this more terrible existence! You..."

Luo Yan ancient temple emperor wolf God claws "嘭", the glacier under the foot is broken, suddenly, hundreds of millions of ice wolves are wolf, the sound is terrifying, the whistling wind is also submerged at this moment.

"It’s useless to say anything now. We must immediately find a way to stop him and form a new balance of gods!"

The goddess of the night and the moon shouted. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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