A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1581: Destroyed Magic (5)

As one of the two ultimate gods of the gods, it is easy to use the gods of the Luoyang ancient emperor, and the gods of the gods fluctuate. As many apostles of the wolf gods convey the gods, the snow wolf The peak is the center, and the temple that responds to it seems to be the fire of the original, and gradually spreads.

As the ultimate **** of the gods of the gods, the **** of brutal violence was invited by the Luoyang ancient emperor wolf god.

Qianlong! Qianlong! Qianlong! Qianlong...

The golden horns, like the lava flow, the red and double scorpion monsters have a strange vibration with the law of gravity of the earth every step of the way, as the incarnation of battle and strength, the **** of brutal violence shoulders the violent **** hammer, the north country ice and snow mad wind in its power ripple Under the smash, it can't be close.

"Wolf God, what is your servant's terrible will, invite me to this place? And, this is..."

The **** eyes of the savage violent **** under the golden horns of the golden horns, naturally look at the unknown gods of the cat foxtails next to the Luoyang ancient emperor wolf god, it is not difficult to judge from the fluctuation of the superior **** power, regardless of the degree of sublimity or the degree of tyranny of the god, this The power of the unknown gods cannot be underestimated. There are few gods on the mainland that can cause such threats to themselves, but they have never heard of the will of the gods.

At the foot of the glacier, the cracks spread out tens of thousands of meters. The **** of brutal violence jumped out and fell on the top of the glacier. It came to the opposite side of the Luoyang ancient emperor, but it was light and fluttering when landing. The sound, if nothing, is absolutely absolute control of the power that has already been completed.

"In recent days, you should also hear about the chaotic information in the southern part of the mainland. As far as I know, even the **** of war has fallen for it. Although the **** of war is in the upper god, it is a name, but it is a The upper god, but even struggling and resisting, the temple has lost its miraculous glory, so fallen, it is no wonder that they dare to claim to be annihilated."

Luo Yan ancient temple emperor wolf **** under the brutal violent gods under the great pressure, the body surface white hair gradually has some red inflammation.

This savage and violent **** has a lot to offer. In addition to its own barbaric law and the law of violence, the lofty will casts the supreme body. Its believers are everywhere in the mainland, and with the violent barbaric warriors. Spread the faith and become the **** of the most extensive faith without borders.

In addition to this, it is its special blood.

According to legend, it is the legacy of the earth-walker Bimeng, so it is natural to have the power of the gods. Perhaps for some lower-minded gods, the land-walker is a legendary story, but for the Luoyang ancient temple, the wolf god, night and moon For the goddess, it is absolutely aware of the hidden and terrible existence.

"As for this... oh, I believe that whether it is the goddess of the night in the Silbes Mountains or the goddess of the wild dam forest, the **** of brutal violence should be quite familiar? Now the two are united, night and moon The goddess of divine power, even if you and I must face it, the credibility of her intelligence information can not be ignored. It is also the goddess of the night and the moon, the first time to convey the message of the deceased."


The sound of "嘭" is a broken glacier, and the three upper-level gods are generally unassuming.

"Is it a chaotic demon king to come to the world? Hey, when the chaos demon king threatened to conquer the gods, except for his own chaos, he was cast into the body of the gods, and his subordinates were also powerful, and those who broke into the mainland from the cracks. The chaotic demon of the sanctuary is even more amazing. In the end, it is only the establishment of the demon **** system. What is the power of this descending evil spirit, even claiming to be a annihilator!?"

The law of the **** of barbaric violence is strong and strong, not afraid of any challenge.

"Although it is only a distant sensory, but from the point of view of the surviving gods that are separated from the distant mainland, I am afraid that I have reached the level of the ancient gods. I have not recognized myself. I have to give up the temple of the night and the faithful believers, fleeing. Come here."

The goddess of the night and the moon, explaining in a timely manner, showed great sorrow, as if it was hurt when the temple was destroyed.

"The Lord God can!!" When the ancient gods fought, many gods were strong and weak, and they were as strong as the **** of original sin. After breaking the seal, they provoked the war of the gods, and they were not afraid of all the gods. Those minor inferior gods exist, even if some high-level gods can cause trouble for them, both me and the ancient sea gods have had excellent records. What do you mean?"

The skeptical attitude of the savage violent god, not witnessed by the witness, personally confirmed that the **** of brutal violence will never be convinced of the existence of the air.

"I am afraid, it is stronger than the **** of savage violent violence, and confronts the existence of the Lord God and even the suppression! I see from him the black hole that swallows the whole world, the endless killing fear, this is not just the enemy of our gods. It is the enemy of the whole world! So I plan to summon all the gods and discuss how to fight against this enemy!"

The goddess of the night and the moon is the enemy of the gods, so that after the short silence, the **** of brutal violence does not laugh out loudly.

"Little guy, since the invasion of the ancient war, the dragon has invaded, and the gods are awakened. Now there is more chaos. The **** of the stars is likely to be a congenital god. I will not say you, it is me and Luo Yan. The ancient wolf **** wolf has no prestige to carry out the so-called union. Want to unite? Then simply wait for the so-called annihilator in your mouth, one or two of the supreme superior gods! If ~www.novelmtl.com~ he really There is such a power word."

Suspected tone, disdain, the **** of brutal violence still has to wait for the mainland to oscillate.

"Although this is the case, do some preparations as soon as possible. If the guy who claims to be a deceased has the power of the main god, it is best to avoid direct confrontation. It is most appropriate to seal the seal. The colorful time and space seal of the dragon family is also Or the ancient step of the Tianti Mountain, it is always good to prepare as early as possible. Right, it is better to try, to test the spirit of the stars first?"

The **** of the stars has a deep contradiction with the **** of brutal violence. Nor has it officially established a **** system on the mainland. It has been used as a touchstone. Even if it really fell, the mainland has not lost it, and it has also solved the personal grievances of the **** of brutal violence.

Under the golden horns, the **** eyes look at the emperor wolf god.

"My business, you better not to intervene, just manage yourself! It... um!?"

Suddenly, the **** of brutal violence gaze at the sky, and the earth-walker who flows through his body is more aware of the inexplicable change of the rules of gravity of the gods on the mainland. It seems to be from the southern continent. (To be continued.)

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