A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1579: Destroyed Magic (3)

one day later.

哗哗啦啦, fluorescent green sea water rolling, Green has consumed three S-class prohibited weapons, large areas of seawater are polluted by energy, has successfully affected the ancient sea god's ocean will influence, in this case, Green is the ancestors The true body posture is almost crushing the ancient sea god, without resistance.

However, in Green's vision, the Poseidon HP actually floated around 80 million, and the resilience is very amazing. As a result, as soon as the time has passed more than a day, Green still has no way to deal with this ancient life with a long history.

As for the forgotten space-time seal, the other side has a marine will blessing, and Green's success rate judgment through the face of truth is only about 77%, which is equivalent to one-fifth of the possibility of Green's seal failure, and the magic counterattacks.

As a dying person played by Green, this cannot be accepted anyway.

As for the higher dimensional gap seal, it is also due to the dimensional dimension ball problem, and it is temporarily impossible to use the rune brand to carry out the rule call.

As a result, it is logical that Green will put all his energy into the rules of the double force.

If it can form a larger scale to use the rules of the double force, and force it out of the ocean will that has been infinitely fading, Green will have enough power to kill it in a short time!

"The great power of the gloomy world due to the collapse of the great witchcraft, the trajectory of time and space between the world, the gravitational rules..."

For a long time, Green's use of witchcraft to understand the dual forces has stayed in the stage of formal wizards and even saint marks, namely: rule understanding, knowledge data, and witchcraft applications;

The relationship between this rule understanding and witchcraft application is only observed from the observation of the development of the appearance of the skin, but as a living body, the power observed by the naked eye is limited.

Between this rule understanding and witchcraft application, in addition to knowledge data, Green lacks a program, which is to expand the imagination!

Only imagination, unlimited power, this is the most basic rule of dimensional gap, the separation between different dimensions!

Moreover, it is obvious that the application of the macroscopic force of gravitational time and space between the worlds is not something that can be achieved by ordinary living bodies. It must be the "old gods of the ancient gods" discovered by the sorcerer's heart in the mainland of the gods.

With the improvement of Green's life level and the improvement of his vision, he finally has enough macro understanding to be able to infer the Lenovo imagination from the grand witchcraft effect and even reach other levels of application.

For example, for the reverse rule of the Netherworld due to the collapse of the Great Witchcraft.

For example at the moment!

After the understanding of the spirit in the heart of the Taiji magnet, coupled with the speculation during this time, Green has been weakened by the use of S-class banned weapons and large-scale fluorescent green pollution of the ocean will, after a night of fighting with the ancient sea **** giant snail. Ancient sea gods have a lot of power. At this time, they only need to completely remove them from the sea. Green will be sure to kill them in a short time.


At this time, the world in the three colors of Green has gradually stripped away the chaotic rules of the world, leaving only those lines of gravity.

The world of the veins is like a super magnetic field, attracting thousands of things, and depending on the quality of things, the degree of gravity is different. The degree of resistance to gravity of these different quality things is also very different, only the struggle above their own gravitational constraints. In order to escape the shackles of the gravitational rules of the earth, fly.

Even with a common stone, the number of ground veins reaches more than three degrees, and those first-class creatures reach dozens of degrees. It is no wonder that the world can only fly when it reaches the so-called sanctuary of the third-level biological level.

As for Green himself, the body is almost full of gravitational force more than ten thousand degrees, and the overall mass area of ​​the small world around the center of the earth's veins reaches tens of thousands of degrees, trying to resist the gravitational rules of the world of the earth. Several medium-sized worlds have already exceeded 100 million degrees!

And if you can use some of the power...

Green's magic wand slides in the air, graceful like a finger walking on the piano, but in the Green Eye, it is like a fishing net, as much as possible to cover the strongest resistance to the world of the world in the forty-eight vortex of the Green Eye. As long as you can use some of them to resist the mainland of the gods, you can easily pull this so-called ancient sea **** from the ocean!

Gradually, Green felt that there was an incredible power in his magic wand. In addition to Green's understanding of the rules of gravity, Green also needed a powerful body and a height sufficient from the ground to absorb the resistance of the world to the world of the veins. .

"The Netherland is a big witchcraft!"

With a low roar, Green suddenly found the mid-scale world of the extreme abyss magic wand tip to the millions of gravitational resistance of the Earth's world, all concentrated in the ancient sea, Polot Valisio.

This is the reverse use of the great witchcraft in the Netherland!


Time is unprepared. The giant snail, which is more than 200,000 meters in size, will be exclaimed and gradually floats from the surrounding fluorescent green water. Ancient sea gods apparently never expected Green to display such power and feel it. The ocean will be far away from itself, struggling with panic, but it will not help.

Compared with the tolerance, inclusiveness and true quality of a medium-sized world, even the dominance is far behind, let alone the six-level life.

Millions of degrees of power may not completely destroy a medium-sized world, but it will certainly kill a master. This is a paper-based data fact.

"Impossible! The law of the land and the land, even the law of my sea is shielded, how can there be ridiculous things in the world, this is impossible!"

Losing the shelter of the sea, the ancient sea gods seem to have lost the outer shell, soft and fragile, although still tyrannical ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ but in the eyes of Green is no longer so difficult to live, just a shiver Slaughtering soft creatures.

"Oh, the **** of ignorance, the law of the sea? This is the power of the wizard to play with the rules! You have been bound in this world for too long, and you will not understand what the real power of the world is."

It’s awkward!

Losing the shelter of the ocean will, the power of black arc annihilation distorted the light and darkness in all directions, and the destructive power was turned over several times. It fell on the giant snail and easily penetrated the hard shell of the mountain. The inside of the large flesh and blood cells.

Without the ocean will, even if it is nourishing, and loses the amazing ability to regenerate, these annihilation damage is the real destruction of the gods!

"No! The will of the sea is supreme!"

Painful sorrow, the ancient sea **** seems to have seen his own death.


The cruel and hoarse laughter in the depths of the throat, Green's extreme abyss wands are on demand again and again, as if playing the seal of death.

It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward! Hey! It’s awkward...

After dozens of annihilation forces, the world of the earth has survived since ancient times, witnessing the long life of the ancient gods, the dragon migration, the awakening of the dead, and the invasion of the devil, so it was Offshore bombing, falling and dying.

The wind and the clouds subsided, the sea water gradually calmed down, and the fluorescent green did not linger for a long time. Unknown and pervasive,

Restoring the human body, Green stands at the top of the snail shell, which is like showing off the heroes of the winners. The devils are fascinating, and the three colors are gazing into the depths of the gods, wanting to destroy. Will take it.

There is the root of this world. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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