A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1578: Destroyed Devil (2)

The world of the earth, in the eyes of the gods, the power of the universal law. Perhaps there are gods that control the law of gravity, but the degree of sublimity is only one of the usual rules in the law.

But in the wider and broader perception of the wizard's rules of play, the reason why the world is in the world of the world is precisely because of the unparalleled gravity rules of the world!

From the perspective of the wizard, the gravitational rules in this world are the noblest rules!

At this moment, Green replied with a torrent of torrents, and the three-color glare could not help but sneer, Zhangkou, the ultra-high frequency oscillating wave swayed in all directions, the light and the dark chaos twisted together, and the supreme power could cause the chaos of the surrounding sky energy. The violent, oppressive giants in the sea, the sea is soaring.

It’s awkward!

The annihilation of the arc cuts through the sky, as if to completely annihilate the space.

Suddenly, under the annihilation power of nearly four million degrees of annihilation, even the famous ancient sea **** Borovatrisio could not help but feel the trembling of the body under the ocean snail shell. The marine shell that is proud of it cannot bring its true security.

"Raging the Sea!"

It is also a sea **** technique, but this time it is based on its own strength, and it is hard to create the lion's head with tens of thousands of meters. The lion's head is locked in the green, like the sea. Imprisoned, the lion's head screamed at the heights and never yielded.


At the time, the energy of the high-altitude cloud due to the chaotic and violent energy of Green has gradually tended to be in a state of compression, forming a cloud that obscures the sky.

Due to the chaos of the gravitational rules, the Bean Raindrops splashed irregularly in all directions. Only the space around Green was quiet, and was scattered by the layers of power ripples inside the Green Body.


In the face of this amazing sea **** magic, the annihilation of the arc is like a sword that is unfavorable. From this sea law, it roars through the center of the lion's head and falls on the amazingly vast and vast oceanic shell.

Oh la la...

It seems that the annihilation of the arc in a flash has consumed all the power. This sea of ​​roaring sea gods collapsed in an instant, and the three-color glare of Green fell on the shell that was smashed by the power of its own annihilation.


Sure enough, as previously thought, even after this sea **** technique weakened, the annihilation arc still easily blew through the most arrogant shell of the Borovatris Ouhai ancient sea god, which caused a certain degree of damage to its body flesh and blood tissue. But compared to its incomparably huge volume, this damage is really insignificant, just a small hole in the shell.

not to mention……

Under the omni-directional insight into the face of Green Truth, this ancient sea **** is sucking the life force from the amazing vast sea beyond the scope of Green's perception with amazing assault, repairing the damaged tissue, its recovery speed, if Green was so slammed and killed by the power of annihilation. He did not kill himself but the magic was exhausted.

"I am the embodiment of the ocean will, the noble law casts the supreme body, and the accumulation of years gives me endless power. Although you are strong, you want to break my body, it is impossible!"

In the visible speed of the naked eye, this ancient sea **** snail shell is also recovering rapidly.

"Dimensional dimension ball has not been restored. It is a bit of a hassle to encounter such a will-rule life. It is necessary to find a way to cut off its will to take it. After all, it is necessary to involve the repulsion force."

Thinking like this, with the ability of Green now, if you want to maximize the power of the double force, you must keep Green in the strongest state. So, Green has completed seven times of brutal transformation and turned into a million. In the state of the ancestors of the Mi people, the rough arms violently beat their own wide black hair chest, and the sounds of "咚", "咚", "咚", and "咚" continued one after another.

There was a sneer in the face of the fangs, and Green was full of violent words: "It is impossible to break your body? No one can stop the world from being destroyed, what are you?"

The original repulsion rule 霎 time changes to the gravitational rule, Green's hands are attached to the top of the ancient sea **** snail shell, as if pulling the radish, want to take this super behemoth out of the sea.

As long as it can get rid of the sea and make its power blessing disappear, Green's power will surely destroy the other side!

"On the basis of your alien creature, you want to block the will of the sea!"

In the ancient sea **** law, spit out a bright red sea water, which is a sea with special rules.

On the one hand, Green tried to get this giant out of the ocean will, and on the other hand, this giant is also trying to completely digest this terrible monster that claims to destroy the world with the will of the ocean.

Oh la la...

With this small piece of sea, it is no longer able to carry the wrestling of two such tyrannical bodies. The rules of the sea have completely fallen into chaos, and the seas are no longer intensive, even because of the chaotic rules, the number of drops in the city The huge "water droplets" of ten meters are completely dispersed. This is obviously a victory for Green in the wrestling.

On the other hand, the ancient sea gods are still gathering a broader ocean will, brewing a vast ocean of ten times and a hundred times more powerful than this sea. Its power will only grow stronger with the will of the ocean.

"Maybe this thing will be useful."

What Green took out was a banned weapon from the metal destroyer civilization, and the S-class radiation burst!

As early as during the war of civilization, the wizarding world discovered the destructive effect of such polluting weapons on the world's will~www.novelmtl.com~ After the war of civilization, the guardians of the wizard world have invested in pollution destruction and recovery.

In the metal destroyer civilization, in addition to the four major civilizations, a variety of technological masterpieces and sci-fi weapons emerge in an endless stream. Like the Skynet wizards, they are the valuable wealth that the wizarding civilization absorbs, but the wizarding world pays the most attention. It is a banned weapon that pollutes the world.

Perhaps this will be an effective weapon against the will of the abyss moss world!

In this way, Green has also secretly invested a lot of power to begin researching such weapons that can cause major disasters in the big world.

Although the number of prohibited weapons held by Green is far from enough to destroy the catastrophe of one big world, the world willingness of a S-class banned weapon can be equal to the world of a small world. It is equal to the upper sacred gods of the gods on the mainland.


With a not-so-violent explosion, the fluorescent green, which is full of evil and evil, is rapidly spreading. It has never seen the power of this kind of pollution. The ancient sea **** is crying. The body of the ocean will gradually change. It’s so soft and weak.

"This... what is this law?"

This ancient sea **** is still understanding the power of this technology system in the way of the law. If the power of the wizard's incitement to the rule is also in contrast with the law, the derivative of this technology system is in another new way. Ways to understand the endless world!

"Who knows, I just know that there was a world trying to destroy the wizarding world with this thing, hehe."

Green's gloomy laughter made the ancient sea **** gradually feel a fear, as if to see the hellish world of destruction. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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