A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1577: Destroyed Devil (1)

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Oh...

The crows died in the sky, but they were much less than they used to be.

"Hey, the great master of the tower of annihilation, most of my children have been eaten by the tyrannical sea monster. It is too powerful, and I was lucky enough to escape."

The three-legged death crow finally fled back to the sea and saw Green, who had been waiting here for a long time. All the horror and grievances were suddenly vented. This trip was originally a death of the Ravens. Now it is back, but one tenth. .

"The most primitive life in the sea, the ancient sea **** Polovatris, the powerful **** of the sea life gestation rule. After all, this is a big world, even if it is not dominated, the number and intensity of those six-level creatures are amazing, you need to add more Be careful. Hey, it existed in this world before the War of the Ancients. Although it was not promoted to the Lord God, as the will of the sea, it is a existence that cannot be ignored by any Lord God. You can escape from the hands of this superior God. Be proud of it."

Green said so, the three-color gaze gaze deep into the sea, seemingly looking for something.

Unparalleled data flow analysis capabilities on the face of truth, layered information collection, including special gravitational fluctuations, wave ripples, airflow changes, sound shell analysis, and even wave temperature, etc. Finally, Green seems to find what he wants, There was a sneer in the face.

"This trip is hard. Let's go to the base of the world to rest for a while. After I have solved this trouble, the exploration of the depths of the sea still needs to die. The crows will continue to explore, but the focus can be placed on those dragons. I will send a detachment to follow."

Said, Green flew to the incomparable life that followed the depths of the sea.

"Small, continue to fly to the mainland!"

The three-legged death crow realized what it was, fierce and clever, almost cried out, and the guy had been secretly following himself! ?

What do you want to do, and wait for your own exercise to start, is the meat better?

Oh la la...

The ebb and flow, the waves rolling, the blue-gray water seems nothing special, but Green stopped in this sea, overlooking the ocean, seems to be watching.

It is about to go to the sea soon, but it is still a part of the far sea. The sea is so unfathomable that it can easily reach hundreds of thousands of meters. It is directly connected to the heart of the world of Taiji Magnet. It is unbeatable under the huge sea pressure, even if a mountain can be compressed into Crystal ball size.

Green taunted: "Hey, why, still not coming out, ancient sea **** Boro Valtellis?"

The will passes through the thick sea water and falls on a huge giant hidden in the sea. Even with Green's knowledge, it is also marveling at this incredible volume of conch, which is a miracle in the history of biological evolution!

After a while, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭, four water columns rise to the sky, the laws of the sea contained in each water column exudes incomparable lofty, broad, deep, and pure will, in this diameter 10,000 meters At the center of the water column, an unprecedented vortex gradually formed, and in the expectation of Green, slowly, a super conch shell with a volume of more than 200,000 meters emerged.

What is the concept of such a terrible volume?

Even if the wizard is the world's largest space fortress with a diameter of 30,000 meters, the volume is quite different from that of a dozen, but the third soul before the evolution, as the open wings of more than 50,000 meters. The super-composite beast is nothing more than a small baby. In the presence of Green, who has not turned on the real body, if it is not the energy of pure quality of life, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to observe microbes.

The dark red snail shell is covered with seaweed, thick and sturdy, as if the heart of the Taiji magnet, but at the bottom of the conch, surrounded by numerous rules of pure sea, the red and tender meat head protrudes from the snail shell. Ancient sea gods are ancient and grand will also observe Green.

"You are like the strange birds, not the creatures of this world. The law of the sea tells me that you are very dangerous to the world. The powerful life, what is your name, what is it for this world purpose?" ”

Weird bird?

Greene certainly believes that the strange bird in the mouth of the ancient sea **** is the death crow.

"Beyond this micro-world community, there is a large-scale world community that is far more than a thousand times larger than the world community. It is called the Wizarding World Community. Now it has been unified and become a great and powerful civilization. Unfortunately, for some kind of Need, I have to take away the heart of this world and use it to nourish the wizarding world."

When Green is exporting, it is the heart that takes away the world, as if to say something that is taken for granted, plus the terrible vitality of the ancient sea gods, which is much more terrible than any gods he has seen, even in the ancient times. When the gods are the most powerful in the mainland, there are absolutely no other beauty that can be compared with the other gods.

In the eyes of ancient sea gods, Green suddenly turned into a super demon with a terrible background force, and the world of the earth is facing an unprecedented crisis.

This crisis is not the loss of the dragon, the invasion of the devil, the natural disaster of the undead can be compared to ~www.novelmtl.com~ even more than the battle of the ancient gods!

"Oh, as you think, I am about to destroy the existence of this world. You can call me a dying person. I believe that this name will soon spread throughout the mainland! As the ultimate pole of this world. One of the guardian forces, the ultimate sea **** of the **** system, the ancient sea **** Polo Watris, I am going to destroy your myth now..."

The sound is getting colder, and Green suddenly shot!

The size of the image is only relative meaning. Green waved the extreme abyss magic wand in his hand. Hey, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 寒 便 便 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结 冻结Freeze the entire sea area and prevent this marine life from borrowing from the sea to endless power.

The face of Green Truth has been in insight, just as it is difficult to fight against the ancestors in the sorcerer's continent. In the ocean, the power possessed by this ancient sea **** is also surprisingly tricky. If it can't limit its ocean will, even if it is killed. It will also take a lot of energy, and even evolve into a protracted war that lasts for months or even years.

"Poseidon, the sea is infinite."


On the one hand, Green is trying to freeze the sea from all directions with the help of the ice, and the ancient sea **** is imprisoned and the ocean will be outside. On the other hand, the ancient sea god’s counterattack is extremely turbulent, A violent sea torrent from the depths of the sea rises to the sky, wanting to swallow Green, who dominates the ice in midair.

Seeing this, the green tri-color pupils suddenly swelled, and a low roar.


The sound of "嗡", the sea rapids from the depths of the sea, was stagnated in the air by an invisible wave. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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