A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1571: 7 strong and strong gods

Glut, whisper, whistle...

Deep in the center of the earth, the magma is boiling, the umbilical world of the earth's veins, and the absolute space that Green expands with its own power ripples, with the will of oneself, realizes the vast and endless, unrivalled carrying capacity of this side of the Ethylene magnet world, forty-eight small and medium-sized The world's unresisting ability is firmly absorbed around it, and dozens of other worlds are greatly affected by it. While holding the dimensional dimension ball, waiting for the recovery of the energy order of the perpetual motion machine.

Perpetual motion is not only this power, but it has become a part of the dimensional dimension ball, has been given a new dimension dimension rule, so this energy application, it will take several months to recover, this used to As a source of energy that supports the development of a civilization, it is hard to imagine.

Obviously, the sublimation process of the dimensional dimension rule consumes too much perpetual motion energy, and may also be the hidden attribute of the dimension dimension ball "get equal to loss".

Suddenly, Green felt that he had taken out the Skynet crystal ball.

"Hey! It is an ancient sea god! My ethnic group has been swallowed by it for a long time. It is too strong. I didn't even see its true body. No, I suspect it is the Lord God! It is so lucky to escape this time. , uh..."

At the end of the day, the three feet cried and cried out, apparently becoming a bird of surprise.

At the moment, in Green's crystal ball light curtain, the number of death crows following the three-legged body is very poor. At most, it is about one-tenth of the previous one. It is fighting for the life of the gods. The once arrogant Zhang Jiner has been completely absent, apparently scared by this so-called ancient sea god.

"Talk about what happened?"

Green asked in an understatement, the three feet were in a panic, and the 15th and 10th were all told, and the other Green didn't care. It was the so-called ancient sea **** in the three-legged mouth that was close to the power of the main god. Green paid a little attention to it. What Green really cares about is the seven powerful Xeon intelligence messages in the mouth of the snow scale dragon!

If there is such a hidden message in the world of the earth, perhaps in addition to these seven superior gods, there are other creatures that can be compared with them, but they represent not only the power but also the system of the gods in the world. rule!

As long as they can kill the existence of these seven rules of the system of the gods, as the gods collapse, the sorcerer's squadron will inevitably disintegrate the various gods one by one, and no longer form the possibility that the wizarding corps is enemies with the whole world.


If the ancient sea **** is really as powerful as the three feet, it should not be put back, can you say...

"Well, I know, come back first."

Silent, Green nodded, and then closed the crystal ball in such apathy, silently thinking about the heart of the Taiji magnet world for a while, suddenly jumped up and went to the mainland of the gods again. .

"Then, let's first explore the so-called seven strong Xeon gods. Which seven are the same? When the three feet come back, the dimensional dimension ball should be restored."


Green rose from the magma and flew up along the smooth hole. As the three-color glare illuminates, it has already rushed out of the black smoke and floated in midair.

"Respected Tower of the Destruction of the Desolation Tower!"

There was a death crow greeting from behind, and Green looked at the three bones next to the three-legged death crow. They were all three-level creatures. This death crow also suffered some injuries. Obviously these probes came. There are some real strong people in the three-level creatures, but they have been solved by the little guy who followed Green and the three feet from the black gold world to the chaotic world group.

"Well, it’s hard, take the stone of these sages."

In the battle of civilization, the number of sages harvested by Green was somewhat amazing. After enjoying the little crow for a few thousand grams, he immediately walked in the real time and disappeared.

“Thank you for the Master Grace!”

The little crow was so excited that he picked up the stones of these sages and swallowed them one by one, and realized the beauty.


The evil spirits empire is on the mainland of the gods, but it is a drop in the ocean. It is insignificant.

Not to mention the imperial temple on the mainland is difficult to count. The area of ​​the famous upper-level **** empire is hundreds of times more than the evil spirit empire. There are thousands of sacred and tens of thousands of strong people in the sanctuary. The lower evil spirits can match.

In the eyes of Green, the area of ​​this evil spirit empire is probably the East Coral Island of the Wizarding World. It is even worse than that. After all, East Coral Island has more than a dozen cities under the hard work of human beings, while the evil spirits only have the imperial capital. It is a decent city.

At this moment, the entire evil spirit empire has been covered by the death crows, which has had some influence on several small temples around, but for the whole gods and even the slightly more powerful temples around, it is just normal under the war of the gods. But things.

"Prisoner empire, hey, try to inquire about intelligence from this prisoner."

All the way to the place where the power of faith gathers, there is no process of collecting souls along the way. For Green, the number of souls needed to summon an elite wizarding corps, the souls of those village tribes are also invisible, straight The prisoner’s feathers are gone!

Relatively neat streets, there is no mud in the tribal villages, and the buildings are relatively majestic.

The wandering goblins, the forest dwarves, and the Shichao tribes are chaotic and intertwined, but they all accept the guidance of the temple bells, pray on time, pray for the grace of the gods to shelter and live a happy life.

Green figure, silent and appearing in the city's central high altitude, above the prisoner's temple, some believers inadvertently happened this strange appearance, opened his mouth and pointed his fingers, but have not had time to say Something has lost self-awareness.


At the moment when Green's unmatched power ripples were released, the entire emperor was instantly destroyed by Green.

Centered on the Prisoner Temple, a giant crater was formed within a few tens of kilometers. All the buildings were destroyed without a trace. Only a lot of mourning souls were swallowed by the big-mouthed whales under the face of Green Truth. Even the main sacrifice of the temple was not spared.


The belief was destroyed, and the collapse of the kingdom of God was a matter of time. However, Green was not willing to waste extra time. After the "Shenzhen Jingjing" was put away, the left hand grabbed the air in the air and sucked it out of the crack. A void space, there is a relatively strong will in the attempt to make the final resistance, dozens of sacred heroes rushed out of desperation, but was waved by Green.

"Hey, give me out!"

The kingdom of God was completely broken, and then a lower god, like a scorpion, was taken by Green. Under the investigation of the truth, Green suddenly discovered that another **** was sealed in his body, and he constantly took the other's divine power and turned it into himself. use.

This seal is similar to the shadow mystery seal of the shadow mystery world. I don't know if the believers of the sealed gods know this. From the perspective of lower organisms, the mainland conspiracy wars are really chaotic.

I’m afraid...

With the complete collapse of the Wizards' World System of Rules, the chaotic period before the birth of the new era will also come to this end!

Have had the peaceful coexistence and common struggles, and then go to such a conspiracy to make calculations, to grow up with the other side as a stepping stone, to harm others and selfish.

Green can't bear it!

"The information of the seven strongest gods on the mainland, don't talk nonsense, otherwise I don't mind if you don't mind telling you in your body."

Seeing that the country of God, which had been working hard for thousands of years, collapsed in an instant, Green Resin was cruel and overbearing, and the evil spirits of this whole body scale were horrified.

"The ancient sea god, the golden holy dragon god, the **** of brutal violence, the Luo Yan ancient temple emperor wolf god, hate the gods, the bones of the gods, the chaos demon **** ~ www.novelmtl.com~ This is the seven strongest gods in the world!"

After the prisoner’s evil spirits finished speaking, they did not feel relieved: “The **** of the stars before the millennium broke out, and between the divine power and the **** of brutal violence, it is very likely that after the chaos, it will become the eighth largest in the future. Xeon God!"

"The world... what other powerful players can match?"

Green's voice is low and dark. In the eyes of the prisoner's evil spirits, Green's three-color light is evil and horrible to the extreme. I am afraid that it is the embodiment of some evil law, and it is on the mainland of the gods.

"I am just a **** of the gods, the specific information is not known, but I heard that the Tianti Mountain has the secret of the ancient war, which seals the ancient gods and even the supreme god, and the mainland gods worship the earth according to the ancient heritage. Mother, it is probably the guardian of this world, the monarch king, but I don’t know why I have never appeared, maybe it has been as extinct as the ancient gods! Oh, yes, there is a tower called the leaning tower. The medium-sized vassal world is said to have had the power to be ignored..."

Prisoners and evil spirits will tell all the information they know, and they will delay some insignificant time.

"Yep, got it."

The sound of "噗", the body of the prisoner's evil spirits was broken, and the black flame on the body of Green seemed to be absorbed by a conscious squirm, and a crystal of the gods was photographed by Green.

In the eyes of the world, in the eyes of Green, it is only experimental research on props or consumables.

"this is?"

A human **** in the body of the prisoner of evil spirits squats and has not reacted. The same moment, the body is broken.

Green's cruel and ruined demons, the beginning of the show! (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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