A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1570: Ancient sea god

A month later.

After the three-legged desire to find the upper dragon god, he led to the sea near the evil spirit empire and handed it to Green to kill.

However, contrary to expectations, the three feet clearly did not understand the basic outline of the world's spiritual system.

Because the number of ethnic groups is relatively small and the quality is extremely high, the dragon **** system maintains considerable unity. After the three-legged killing of the island, there should be a large number of dragons to retaliate, and the death crows are too extinct. However, the entire dragon island did not escape from a dragon, so the ancient dragons still "snoring" on the desolate island deep in the sea, not awakening.

On the contrary, it is the sea **** that the three feet think is difficult to find. As the death crows gradually deep into the sea, they emerge one after another!

"I am the master of the wave of reversal of this wave of water, Bokvas, the mainland god, your death breath has scared the natural fishery here, I ask you to immediately return to the mainland, otherwise it is an enemy of my sea !"

This is a five-level creature of half-man and half tuna. As one of the central gods in the world of the earth, the **** of reversal of the wave is not a general in the sea **** system. The sea area under its control is extremely vast, and the lower arm is the thirteenth. The reason why the wave reversal **** Pokwas came here to intercept the death crow is a lower Poseidon warning that escaped from the three-legged claws more than ten days ago.

Like the demon **** system, the internal system rules of the Poseidon are also subordinate, which constitutes a system of power rule, not the evil **** system, the dragon **** system, the **** system, the meditation system, and each fights for the believers' resources. status.

The only fundamental reason for the formation of such a strong control system is one, that is, the ultimate powerful **** in the gods!

"Oh, finally there is a god, the little ones, tear it up!"

Endless deaths stretch for dozens of miles, cold and horrible, three feet in the center of the vortex of this death cloud, "呱呱呱呱" laughs, in its sly laughter, countless black feathers and death The crows were crushed, and the time was coming, and the end of death came.

The wave of reversal of the gods of Bokvas, the face of the tuna was raised high, looking up at the sky, and after an angry screaming, the long fork in his hand was lifted up and moved toward the cloud of death.

Oh la la!

The entire sea area is boiling, and the turbulent waves are layered around Polkwas. A few meters long tuna are the sea gods, and they jump on these waves and stare at the death wills that dive down to the sky. They jumped up and clashed with the death crows in the interlacing of the death vortex and the surf.

The battle lasted for a day and a night.

The entire sea area was dyed red by the body of tuna, and some dead crows fell into the sea. The three-legged "噗通" flew back from the depths of the sea, staring at the sea that had lost the sea **** power, and was actually escaped.

Relatively speaking, these sea gods are the first-class escape, so if it goes on, it will take a long time for a stronger sea **** to come.

"Oh, forget it, what is the heart of this king, anyway, until the fall of the wizarding army, the sea is wide, but there is no place for it. The whole world will be completely collapsed and destroyed. Now I have escaped some median gods and the next god. What's up, oh, small, keep moving forward, our mission is almost finished!"

In the cheers of the death crows, "呱呱呱呱" screamed and continued to fly forward.

Three months later.

Red sea area.

This seems to be a deep red dyed by a special seaweed, flowing like blood, the sea is extremely calm, without any wind and waves, quiet like a small bay.

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

It turned out to be a skull-streaked giant tortoise, but this super giant tortoise is like an island floating in this sea area. The turtle shell is densely covered with burrs, and each spur is hundreds of meters high.

At first glance, this giant tortoise is even bigger than the wizard's world's largest 30,000-meter-diameter space fortress.

Different from the sorcerer world, the biological evolution of the biological bloodline occupies a considerable proportion of biological evolution. In the world of the earth, every creature has a law of sensation, breaking through the self, consolidating the godhead, and realizing the possibility of the gods. In the rules of the sea **** system, the more ancient The sea god, the bigger the volume, the more noble and pure the law of the sea that conquers the sentiment!


Since the death crows flew to this sea area, no matter what the sky or the sea, no one has ever seen a living thing. It seems that this is a dead sea. It is not suitable for the survival of living things, leaving only endless blood red.

Finally, in the "clam" of the death crows, they found the floating spurs on the sea.

"God god! Hey, finally found a superior god, really a great big guy!"

Through the distant sea, the three-legged death crow saw the giant tortoise exposed to the turtle shell on the sea, and then shouted excitedly, finally found a superior god, although not one of the three upper dragons, An unknown sea god, but its six-level biological atmosphere is real!

Oh! Oh! Oh!

In the **** red sea, the giant tortoise slowly extended three large heads, each of which was like a layer of granite inlay, and six eyes stared at the black birds that had never been seen before, staring at these deaths. The crows are far and near, but there is no reaction, just floating quietly on the sea.

"What are you, the new generation of creatures coming from the mainland, here is the great Polovatris Ou ancient sea god..."

The scorpion's three-legged death crow did not listen to the giant tortoise. The screaming, the screaming, and the death of the crows, the three-legged squad also smashed the dead feathers and stabbed toward the giant tortoise.

For the unknown hostility of these strange creatures, the giant tortoise did not show any anomalies, just like yawning, letting all the attacks fall on themselves, there seems to be no consciousness, even if the three legs die. The same is true of the crow's death feathers!

On the other hand, after the giant tortoise opened its mouth, it seemed to have endless appeal. In the screams of tens of thousands of death crows, the giant tortoise swallowed it into the abdomen, and the big mouth closed and disappeared.

"Wow, it’s really interesting to use the Poseidon rule to consolidate the body. You are very different from other sea gods. I think it should be one of the top gods of the Poseidon."

The three-legged death crow is thinking about how to trick this big guy into the waters near the evil spirits.

However, the giant tortoise is slow to swallow: "There is no one of the top gods in the sea **** system, only the great Polot Valis Olympian ~ www.novelmtl.com~ from the battle of the ancient gods to control all the creatures in the sea The presence."

Yep! ?

Just as the three-legged scorpion was exhausted and worried that this giant tortoise would not follow himself to the evil spirits empire, suddenly, the sea of ​​the entire **** seas began to surge and swell. It seems that in the depths of the sea, some of the most powerful will manipulate and play, even Let the seawater become part of the body, and lose weight to rise up, forming a giant water polo that covers hundreds of kilometers, trying to wipe out all the dead crows.

Such a god, such a will, even if the once infernal giant Wang Aiba was in the peak of the sixth level, but this is not the case!

"Even the ancient gods, and they are not willing to fight the great Bolot Valis Olympian sea gods in the sea. You, the new generation of gods, have taken the initiative to come in."

The giant tortoise seems to have anticipated this. Seeing the three-legged death crow flustered, it seems to have seen a lot.

The cage of the sea is about to be completely formed. Then, an incredible super giant conch gradually reveals the tip of the iceberg, but even so, the volume is comparable to that of the giant tortoise. It is hard to imagine what it was like to be a super giant!

Every cell is trembled, the three-legged and dead crows scream, watching the sea and the sky meet, the sea cage is about to be completed, the three feet can no longer care for the other, the third death variation foot gathers all the power in the sea After the last weak point of the cage opened a few gaps, led the group of the most elite death crows to panic and escape.

However, more dead crows were swallowed up by the sea cage and became the nourishment of this seaweed.


The crow of the three-legged death crow led a small piece of death cloud to escape toward the road of the gods. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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