A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1572: Fair goddess

The Temple of Justice, as one of the mainland gods, the hard work and wisdom of the construction of human city-states is far from being comparable to those of the mixed populations. Thus, although the **** of justice is the lower god, but because of the power of faith, its power must transcend There are many prisoners and gods.

Of course, for Green, it makes no sense.

The three-legged death crow is still on the way back. Even if it is full flight, it still takes quite a while to get back. It is better to collect soul resources as soon as possible, and summon an elite wizard army to explore the mainland.


One is insignificant in the case of Green, the fireball fell to the earth, and the time caused a big explosion. The human city in the sea of ​​fire was instantly destroyed. Green stopped a little and stopped, and absorbed the soul of the city with more than one million specifications. Unstoppable to the next city.

In the ruins of the flame, no one else, the branch of the temple was completely overwhelmed by the blazing flame.

The next city is a trade mall built along the river. In the turbulent river, the merchant ships filled with trade goods are connected one after another. A carriage carriage transports the goods to the village tribes radiated by the city. This is the most important of the just empire. One of the business cities.

"Alia, I will come back to marry you after the goods are finished. We will open a pub and watch the sunset of the Irvine River, never separated."

On the 20-meter-long uploading freighter, the city’s specialty sherry is sold, and they only need to be sold to the prisoner’s capital, and then transported back to the local specialties, even if a large amount of customs duties and bribes are deducted. The profits are still very impressive, attracting countless young sailors every year to fight with robbers and temple fanatics, in order to make a fortune.


Aliya almost cried into tears, and the next pair of amber blue eyes of linen hair was very moving. The high-pitched nose bridge showed her three-dimensional facial features, although she was reluctant to Arthur’s life-keeping to go with the robbers and fanatics. Wrestling, but she knows that every man's **** heart is eager to get wealth after taking risks, and to give her beloved girl a reward for her victory and give her a promise of happiness.


With tears in hand, Eliya waved farewell to Arthur, watching the cargo ship leave the harbor, and the harbor was filled with new ships.

"I hope this trip goes smoothly, nothing will happen..."

This sentence, but Alicia and Arthur mutter at the same time, worried about each other, witnessed the young love.

Winds and waves, the turbulent river can't stop Arthur's desire for wealth, praying at the bow of the **** of justice, praying for the smooth progress of the trip. At this moment, the crew members who have been away for a short time are exclaimed. It seems that something unbelievable happened. Arthur hurriedly ended his prayers and followed the sailors back together.

I saw the hometown that I had just left. At this moment, it was covered with the flame of the sky, just like the end of the world, the black smoke of the blazing flame rushed into the sky, and there were countless cryes in the faint.

"No! How can this be, no, this is true! Fast, go back to the dock, fast..."


As the demon king of the world of the earth has come, at this time in the early days of Greene, the whole world has not realized the danger of Green, what the world will face, and still fight against each other for the power of faith in the regular order of the gods.

The **** of justice faces the distress of the promotion of the median god. In order to improve the power of faith, the **** of justice has been preparing for nearly a hundred years, intending to launch a war of the temple, annexing the **** of evil spirits, and once successful, the **** of justice will be promoted in this way. God!

However, the sudden annihilation of the evil spirits empire made the **** of justice unprepared, and even the squad sent to explore the intelligence information did not return.

Is it that the higher evil spirits have come to the world?

Uneasy feelings, the **** of justice reported everything that happened here to the **** of the **** of war, and asked him to come over to preside over the rules and order with the supreme power. Now, a few months later, the messenger should have arrived at the Temple of War and communicated himself. Pray for the will.


On this day, the **** of justice, the eye of the eyelids, or the goddess of justice, discovered that the power of his faith is rapidly weakening at an incredible speed. This kind of change can not help the goddess of justice to descend from the kingdom of God, and all the sacrifices are high. Calling the miraculous spirit, the song of the singer's justice, the goddess of justice uses the source of the faith of the temple to explore the changes in the power of his faith.

From south to north, the sub-temples distributed in various cities are constantly being destroyed!

Suddenly, the goddess of justice knows that the terrible will of the evil spirits must come, and the goal is to face itself.

From the way of its unimpeded, all the way to kill, the other party does not seem to be in the battle of faith, Kenben does not care about the believer problem, and the other party obviously has the supreme power of completely ignoring their own strength!

"Escape?~www.novelmtl.com~ betray your own believers? Or..."

In the end, the goddess of justice chose to stick to the temple.

Here is the foundation of oneself. The goddess of justice has invested too much energy and it is difficult to give up. All the people born in this land receive the belief of the goddess of justice from birth. It is the most determined fanatic of the goddess of justice. The goddess of justice does not Willing to leave here.

If this is really a superior evil spirit, then I would rather betray the gods for a chance, not willing to betray my followers!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

The explosion of collecting soul resources is far and near, and the fire is shining. Green is able to collect souls from the level of life of the overriders. The number of high-quality souls in these cities is quite large, so the average number of conversions is nearly one million. According to Green’s estimate, If you can kill a few such empire, the number of souls should be enough.

"The great unknown god, I am the goddess of justice, your supreme power has won my affirmation, I am afraid, I will surrender to your gods, as your god, seek your shelter."

Just the emperor, the lanterns are colored, like a grand festival, the priests lead people to laugh and laugh, as if to welcome Green.

It is also true that these lower living beings do not know that Green is doing evil all the time, collecting the soul constantly, and being evil and horrible as a deceased.

"God is God? Oh, sorry, there is no need for the native world to live in the Legion of the Destroyer. Your soul is a precious resource that I call the Destroyed Legion."

The tri-color light reveals irony and indifference. With the extreme abyss magic wand of Green, the creatures of the fourth level of this area will be destroyed along with the glacier, and then the souls of the emperor will be swallowed up by Green. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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