A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1559: Mystery of death

With the departure of Ashura and the closure of the gates of the abyss, the turbulent waves of this deep ocean began to calm down.

Green even stood in the sky of this sea. Now, even though Green's truth balance magic wand is still not formed, even if it is only a dimensional dimension ball, it is enough to use its infinite power to affect the natural rules of the wizard world.

This is the second year of Green's return to the Wizarding World. In the past two years, Green has been observing the changes in the wizarding world as a viewer. At the same time, in addition to Thanksgiving, Greene is also constantly visiting some possessions. Green's special wizards who value their ability, preaching some of their own views, portraying the blueprint for the future wizarding world, and hope to gain support.

All this, just wait for Green to achieve the true spirit wizard, based on the rule of the wizard's ancestors, establish the era of the king of their own wizard!

"Come out, you know, even if you can hold the Abyss of the Abyss, you will never be able to live in the face of the truth of the teacher's insight into the essence of all things."

Turbulent, Green turned to this empty sea, so calmly said.

After a while, the dark clouds in the shadows gradually emerged, and accompanied by some absurd and bizarre phenomena, the dark red hairs formed a distorted monster face, gradually, from the dreamless virtual to the reality, a squatting The figure of the dark red introverted just-melting furnace floats below the dimensional dimension ball.

This person is the second disciple of Green, the nightmare purgatory holy mark wizard Hessian!

It turned out that Green came to this sea area not because of the Abyss of the Abyss, but by the search for the black rope, but only discovered the Abyss of the Abyss.

With the vastness of the wizarding world, even if the true spirit dominates, it is impossible to be omnipotent and omnipotent. It is only an extremely tyrannical life in the vast and innocent world.

Hessian stared at Green, and the same, the abyss of the blade, Asura faced the overwhelming pressure, and Hessian clearly felt the despair.


At this time, the anti-melting furnace of the black cord shoulder is the former king of the Ebdon!

Compared with Ashura's reliance on the Lord of the Sorcerer's Wizarding World to gain unlimited power, Aba Dang's casting of the Purgatory Furnace requires constant smelting of a stronger life, and it will be able to obtain unlimited blessings, and it will be difficult to judge for a time.

He obtained the Purgatory Furnace, controlled by the firepower of the Purgatory, which was fallen under the Furong Furnace during the Second World War II. The power of Hessian has also reached the unspeakable agenda, the brutal baptism of the Civilization War, the new era, chaos In the early days, there have been too many generations of outstanding people to emerge in the glory days, showing the era of the wizarding world, which will never appear easily in the era of peace!

"It was my physical instinct that brought me here."

Hessian explained.

Also, at this time, the soul of the soul of the three-person body is a semi-mermaid, that is, half a sea, and the act of the Shulu aunt and the sea has already made the black blood of the blacks feel a hate crisis.

"Hey, in front of the Eight Lords, you have to be honest. Just if your tutor had shot the Ashura, how much time would you have to wait, is there no chance to win?"

Xiao Ba was straightforward and asked when he was facing the black.

Hessian hesitantly, then he said: "In order to completely control the power of this furnace, instead of the king of Ebdan, I have dispelled all the casting blessings of the furnace, until recently I finally mastered it. Before, I thought I had a 90% chance of winning. After I saw the Abyss Blade here, I found that the odds were less than 50%. Therefore, I didn’t show up until the instructor forced the Abyss Blade to do my best and found that I might only have one chance. And already."

To be honest, Xiao Ba’s “嘎嘎嘎” smiled and didn’t say anything more.

While Green has the face of data-based truth, it has already been evaluated and judged by both sides. At this time, the black cable is indeed impossible to be the opponent of the Abyss.

"However, the Purgatory Furnace has not yet been cast and blessed. I only need to continue to fight and continue to cast the body of the strong, and there will be pressure to overpower him."

Hessian’s explanation made Green shake his head.

"Now the war of civilization has ended, the world community has been unified, and the world of witches is in vain. It takes a long time to recuperate and create a new era of rules in chaos. How can you provide a smelting furnace for the strong corpse of constant fighting? And while you are slowly collecting in the fringe world, I am afraid that the underground abyss and the sorcerer's faction have already extinct the sea and gained more strength."

Said, Green's three-color light gaze into the depths of the ocean, seems to have penetrated through layers of barriers, seeing the depths of the ocean like the general shadow of the mainland.

"With your eternal soul, there is also the mermaid king new master, the underground abyss knight perseverance college will not join the battle with blood and witchcraft, the underground abyss but only four real spirits, why declare war, why don't you shoot?"

Glut, whisper, whistle...

Only a few bubbles emerged, and the huge shadows gradually moved away from the sea. Green could clearly feel the helplessness and sorrow of the oldest living body in this wizarding world.

"The ancient defeat, the fate contract clause I can not violate, just because the mermaid king can only save as much as possible the wisdom of the higher sea king, as the underground abyss continue to eat, their ambition will be bigger and bigger, the future of the sea will It only exists in the legend."


In ancient times, the Black Witch King and a round of true spirit wizards joined forces to lead the wizards to defeat the sea. The reason why the Neptune Festival survived has inevitably signed an extremely unequal treaty. It is said that Green’s specific content of the original version of this fate contract is from Have not seen it carefully.

The Neptune sacrifice left silently. No one knows how close it is to seeing a low-intelligence person who died.

This is the sadness of the sea.

"Teacher, I am leaving."

The blood of the black cord seems to be infected by the sadness of the sea. I don't want to stop here and say goodbye to Green.


Green and Haiwang Festival quietly communicated, Hessian did not know, at this time suddenly stopped the disciple who wanted to leave, the three-color light flashed, thinking for a while, suddenly said: "It will take a long time to see your black cable world casting. Perfect, it will not be promoted to the true spirit in a short time, this time will inevitably be based on the recasting furnace. I know a world, can provide you with a constant source of fighting, and if necessary, the black witch king may also save Are you in distress, are you interested?"

"Black Witch King!?"

Hessian looked at Green, and said: "You mean, chaotic world?"

"Oh, it is! You and the Black Witch King are mysteries of death, should there be some intersections in ancient times?"

Green is full of confidence.

Hessian is silent. Seeing Green seems to be hesitant and contradictory. After a while, he slowly slows down: "If the dimensional gap is the most widely used energy material barrier between dimensional dimensions, the endless imagination blocks the difference between different dimensions. Knowing that at the same time, indirect exchanges are also taking place, then the other side of Huangquan is the rule of the rule, mysterious and profound. It is the transit point connecting the end of life and death at a higher latitude. It seems that only the wizarding world and me are exploring with the Black Witch King. The mystery of death, but now, you have to have three more magic wizards and mentors."



About the three-ring true spirit wizard "death and resurrection", Green and the small eight committee really surprised for a long time ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ really someone can die and resurrect! ?

It is absolutely impossible, it must be that the three-ring true spirit wizard has avoided the stellar orbital attack in some way!

“Why do you say this?”

Green asked suddenly, why would it involve himself, and what happened to the three-ring true spirit wizard?

"The way the three rings of true spirits go to the other side of the Yellow Springs is unknown. The only thing I can think of is the fate lever. After all, this is a magic wand with infinite possibilities. It is the embodiment of the power of miracles. As for the mentor..."

Hessian looked at Green's feet.

"It's your shadow! Going to the other side of Huangquan is a death experience. You have imagined that there have been any strange phenomena that have not been understood recently. Those are the guidelines for you in the other side."

Weird phenomenon?

After the reminder of Hessian, the first thing that Green thought of was that he had drawn the dimensional gap runes in the secret of the tower of the annihilation tower, and that kind of grotesque, even his own slightest flaws were taken away by those grotesque.

Is it that it is the other side of the Yellow Springs! ?

As for his own shadow, experience death...


Green took a deep breath and was full of suspicion and contradiction: "On the other side of the Yellow Spring, can you die and resurrect?"

"What is this what the tutor asks, isn't it the ultimate pursuit of all black wizards to control life and death? If you can resurrect, you should become a higher latitude creature, and recognize them at a higher level beyond time and space. In the knowledge, maybe our life and death are nothing at all, even in the eyes of our wizarding world, in their eyes, it is only a short time, even the shuttle time cognition?"

Hessie joked and laughed, and then said: "What is the price of this information as a mentor to open the door to the chaotic world?" (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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