A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1558: King of the Abyss

The world of wizards, ancient and wild.

Here is the birthplace of the sea, one of the two major sources of life in the wizarding world!

In the prehistoric period, even though the ancestors and the barbarian giants already possessed the power of destroying the genocide, but because of the endless world time and space cognition and the blocking of the ocean rules, it was only the super tribe of the mainland, and did not evolve into a civilization. world.

However at this time!

"Snoring, snoring, snoring..."

Violently breathing, this head is like the life of a kingdom whale in a giant island. It is terrible and terrible. The whole sea area is filled with dark red blood, and the wind is rising, the waves are turbulent, and the stench is bloody.

On this island-like floating corpse, the Abyss of the Abyss is soaked in the hot springs in the cold winter, every cell is nourished, from the beginning of the war of civilization, this is not known how many times he The ancestors of the human body absorbed the will of the wizarding world and tempered the cells.

As an addict, after enjoying the beauty for the first time, Ashura was completely immersed in it, unable to extricate himself, and continued again and again. Gradually, the secret attack gradually became blatant, and now it is more civilized. During the war, the nightmare Haizu assisted the metal destroyer civilization to open the door of the nightmare world as an excuse to officially declare war!


The long black blade was pulled up from the floating body of the island. For a moment, centered on the black magic blade that was dark red light, the residual body of the tyrannose whale was quickly withered, as if an old tree was dead, until it spread to more than 100 meters. Just stop.

With this six-level tyrannake, the life-threatening area is so traumatic, this magic blade is powerful and can be imagined!

"The vitality is tenacious, but unfortunately it is just a beast that follows instinct. Compared to the cruelty of the abyss, it is a luck to survive from ancient times!"

Relentless and ridiculous, the corners of the mouth emerged some cruel and wonderful, Ashura stared at the direction of the wizarding continent, infinite desire and greed.

There, countless wizarding academies are fighting the Sky City mechanical wizards, but they have not yet torn off the last piece of fig leaf, and the Holy Mark Wizard has not officially entered the war.

"Hey, hey, let the mechanical wizards and elemental wizards first be proud. When the plan is successful, when the wizarding world is ruled, who is the deer, is still not known... um!?"


What was really fascinated by Ashura, who looked back from the direction of the wizarding continent and looked at the sky.

That is……

Originally, with Ashura fighting this tortoise, the power of the sea called by the Tyrannosaurus reinstated with the energy overflowing, the natural disaster caused the body to roll up a 12-level hurricane, the entire ocean deep in the sea is violent In the turbulent waves, no ships can survive.

As the battle ended, even if the hurricane had dissipated, the shadow clouds that condensed in the sky were still whistling.

It’s awkward!

The violent arc cut through the sky, and the sky seemed to cry for the death of an ancient life that inherited the will of the wizarding world. At this moment, an inexplicable pressure suddenly impeded the entire sea.

Even the shadows of the storm clouds, the ocean of stormy waves, at this moment under this pressure is not forced to calm down.

Even the rule of destiny leverage was forced to appear in this space and time, turning into a rainbow that hangs across the sky, supporting the dark clouds sky that seems to be about to collapse!


The shadow dark clouds are getting thinner and thinner. It seems that something is going to be pressed down. The large ocean surface is actually sinking under this pressure. Asura, standing on the whale's floating body, looks up at the center of this pressure. The sky, he, the cruel sneer that floated at the corner of his mouth at this moment has completely solidified.

"what is this!?"

Gradually, as the endless dark black hole oppresses the dark clouds, it gradually appears in the sky. The black hole is like a door, leading to the unknown dimension of time and space, and it seems to be from a high-latitude dimension, overlooking the vast world of the wizarding world. In the oppression of looking like a bottle through the mouth, the Abyss of the Abyss has been unable to control his own trembling, a roar, and the wild instinct has turned into a body, and the 10,000-meter ancestors stood up!

After many times the wizarding world will bless, at this time, the true strength of Ashura has reached an extremely exaggerated intensity. If the promotion of the rules of the Santana is not keeping up with his progress, the underground abyss of the great mark has already been replaced. Falling down the position of Samsung, the true spirit.

"Hey, don't have the opportunity to lead the underground abyss and refine the sorcerer to fight for the world of the wizarding world, even in the most chaotic period of the wizard's world rules, with the help of the general trend, to benefit yourself, to cast such a powerful body, if it can bring the sea Complete extinction, it is possible to achieve the second ancestor and even surpass it in time."

A gray robe wizard appeared in front of this overwhelming oppressive black ball that occupies the entire ocean, overlooking everything on the ocean.

The abyss blade Ashura couldn't believe what he saw, it was unbelievable, and the violent double-mode pupils trembled fiercely.

At this moment, if Ashura is in the second esophagus, it is enough to become a ruler of the gathering place. He has barely possessed the power of a battle with the former Green, but in the face of Green, this monster-like life, Asura seems to be rushing. In the era of the once-ecological esophagus dark rules, but now Green may be more terrible than the beginning of the period of the dark ancestors!

This is an unprecedentedly powerful life!

"Hey, do you want to kill this guy? Now the wizarding world has become like this. A big part of the reason is that he drives him, killing him and no one can say anything, and he can get support from the sea."

On the shoulders of Green, the little gossip.


Green did not answer anything, but extended his left hand and gently pressed it down. With the help of the dimensional dimension ball blessing, this is only a vast element of the whole face of the ocean surface descending from the sky, Ashura violently shaking the pupil to see this scene, It is still.

"Hey! The tower of the annihilation tower! You turned out to be..."

Wanmi is really under the giant of this element, just like the giant walking on the desolate land trying to pick up the end of the world's collapsed doomsday sky. In the roaring shouts from the deepest part of the throat, he barely supported it and gradually lost his knees. Then, after a thrilling roar, the last struggle, the blade of the abyss waved, but it was still just a car.

In just a little while, the Abyss of the Ark of the Abyss is in the hands of the elements of Green's easy-to-press elements!

"Green, this is what you forced me! Come and see the real power of the abyss sculpt wizard I developed, the abyss summons!"

Hysterical screaming, the door of the abyss connected to the abyss of the earth opened, and the Abyss of the Abyss turned out to be called the Abyss of the Abyss of the Abyss The two are not a hierarchical concept at all.

In the door of one abyss and abyss, tens of thousands of dragon monsters are rushed out, and the fierce abyss dragons have lost their will, and rushed toward the three-color sorcerer who stood in front of the dimensionary ball.

"Mom, my God, he actually summoned the abyss and developed it, it’s awful!"

Even though Green, it was shocked by Ashura's abyss summoning.

Of course, this does not mean that Ashura has already had the strength against Green, but Green found that Ashura must also have amazing ambitions, as Green’s ancestors plan, and Ashura is also promoting the king of the abyss. plan!

In time, if the plan is completely completed, Ashura may indeed be able to lead a powerful underground abyss sculpt wizard, suppressing the mechanical wizard, the elemental wizard, and becoming the ruler of the world of the new era, leading the wizarding world to the hunter expedition.

"Okay, good! Hey, hey! Good, good! It's a good helper in the future. It seems that you still have a lot of hidden power~www.novelmtl.com~ Then let's test your bottom line. !"

How strong is the strength, how much history can be penetrated, and how broad the heart is. Green has already imagined that he truly became the king of the wizard. One word and one line is the wizard's will, the wizard's world rule, no one can violate the law. At that time, the king of the abyss became one of his most capable ones.

In this way, some of the hostility that was originally there became an appreciation at this time, and instead decided not to block the plan of the sacred mark wizard.

The sea is alive and dead, and Green will not sympathize with it.

With the words of Green, the extreme abyss magic wand is being waved for higher intensity suppression, while the dark dimension of the entire sky is gradually dimming, and the wonderful luster envelopes all the abyss. This moment is no longer endless. The abyss flying dragons hit Green, but the dimension of the Dimensional Ball became a big mouth, desperately sucking the dragons in the gates of these abyss.

In the screams, some of the abyss flying dragons that were still gathering on the other side of the abyss of the earth were sucked to the side by the dimensional dimension ball, forcing the dimension to suppress the seal.

"The tower of the annihilation tower, the abyss of the earth does not conflict with you, let him let him go."

Suddenly, a large hand is covered in the door of the abyss. The whole arm is shrouded by the purest black gas, and the resistance of the resistance dimension dimension ball, while holding the Abyss of the Abyss, Lead back to the abyss.

The release of the Almighty Spirit forms a barrier to space!

"Wow, one star, you have to remember, this time you owe my young master! The new era, to see who is the end of this chaos, to create a new era of wizarding world rules..."

Xiao Ba’s smug laughter, returning to the abyss of the abyss that gradually drifted away from the bottom of the earth. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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