A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1560: New Era

Whether it is Thanksgiving, or Green's ontology, it has directly and indirectly contacted many sacred wizards in the wizarding world to promote their rule of the wizard king.

I believe that every true spirit exists for Green's movements. For King Green's Wizards, Wang Ye looks like many holy marks and wizards.

Since ancient times, the wizarding world has been broad and vast, mysterious and diverse, and Paul has thousands of images, and all kinds of depictions of Vientiane, as the basis of inheritance, can become the strongest faction wizard leader, and then lead the wizarding world based on this faction. It has the most traditional ideal choice for an ideal aspiring wizard.

However, in order to lead the wizarding world, there will inevitably be opposition voices, and it is impossible to carry out major reforms to resolve fundamental contradictions. Therefore, there is a round table for coordination.

And Green's King of Wizards program represents absolute rights!

The success of any thing is bound to suffer from all kinds of difficulties, and Green is no exception.

When Green preliminarily preached the concept of the rule of the wizarding king, not everyone was like a snarling sorcerer in the earth, because of Green's prestige, and the discretion of the King of the Green Wizards, such as the withered sorcerer!

As one of the many six-level sacred sorcerers of the Holy Tower, the battle of civilization has survived, and its strength is not to be said.

Engraving Green's information on the truth from the close-up of the truth, this element of the great sorcerer's strength is better than the information of the black sorrow of the Purgatory Furnace, but also the sorcerer's world, the sorcerer's world really crouching, not枉Green visited for the second time!

"The tower of annihilation, I respect you for your contribution to the wizarding world during the war, save the world of millions of souls in the wizard world. This is the fact that any gossip can't change your filth, once glorious moment, greatness and true spirit The sorcerer gives you elemental hope, but you haven't cherish it. In the squad, you can promote your so-called King of Wizards plan?"

The ashes of the ashes are covered by the gray wizard's robe, revealing only a pair of deep and beautiful eyes. If it is not close contact, Green does not know that this is a female saint mark wizard.

Around her, there was a lot of dust, like the most deadly poison.

“The master did not think about it, the times are changing?”

Green looked calm and continued to persuade.

"Oh? Is the master of the Tower of Desolation think that he wants to surpass all the ancestors of the ancestors, even the great Anthony Spiritual Wizard can't do it, but he can do it? Oh! It is glory that makes you over-expand, don't forget You are just a holy mark wizard. Your life has only experienced less than two eras. You can't understand the breadth and depth of the wizarding world!"

As a longer-lived existence than Green's life, he taunted Green's ignorance and arrogance.

"Hey!? Don't forget, Green Beast Green is standing on the shoulders of the Eight Lords. His achievement is that a giant is holding up. You have to mention the years with the Lord!"


The withered ash reveals undisguised disdain.

"Maybe some young sacred sorcerers are looking forward to your performance, just like many biographical series of novels, but I will not believe in blood and miracles like them, so the annihilation tower masters don't have to waste time on me! ”

The ashes of the ashes of the sorcerer's sorcerer were ordered.

"So, what do the masters think about the spoon of life?"

Green is doing the final try.

"There is no opinion, I have presented the pharmacy to the great magical wizard."

The answer made Green angry, but also ruined Green's last hope, no longer say anything, Green turned away from the ashes of the ashes, such a decision is one of the most difficult to communicate with the Holy Worms.

In addition, the evil crystals and the ink ice sorcerers who used to want to get rid of the holy marks under the three rings of the true spirits, and because of the "resurrection of the three rings", can no longer follow Green, which is equivalent to indirectly affecting ten. The remainder wanted to rely on Green's Three Rings to protect the Holy Witch.

"Sorry, Master of the Tower of Desolation, but I believe that the Master will definitely complete the miracle of the Wizarding World!"

In the crystal ball, the evil crystal sorcerer is full of apologies.


Needless to say, the obstacles are great, but it is also the driving force of Green. Green doesn't understand some of the sacred sorcerers' ideas, but Green can feel that his gaze has exceeded the sacred sorcerer too much, which determines The strength of the ambition.

Among the many people who want to seek support from Green, there is another one who cares very much, the hand of the super devil, Hilvers!

After the war of civilization, with many rules, but survived and advanced from the five-level holy sorcerer to the sixth-level sacred sorcerer, this talented sacred sorcerer does have its extraordinary wisdom!

There is no fluorescent green on the surface of the Super Magic Hand, but in the face of Green Truth, it is found that all the pollution has been sealed by Sylvester with a balanced seal.

For the conservation of material energy conservation in this spiritual world, Green chose to integrate it into the sword of the ninety-nine, forming a balanced seal sword array, but the most shallow research use, in contrast, the hand of the super magic A half-human world has exchanged from Green's hands for a balanced seal to observe the opportunity, and now it has been applied to the incredible depth, which is contrary to Green's most deeper space-time seal, focusing only on the deeper layers of material energy seals. Mystery.

"Oh, the tower of annihilation, I haven’t told you the last time I came. I support you from the inside, but I can’t make the most direct support because of the above concerns and care."

Sylvester fell in love with drinking tea, in the poetic paintings of the creek stream, under the shade of willow trees, and the drink of Green to the tea ~www.novelmtl.com~ Only after the tragic war, I really understand the enjoyment of this time. With ease, peace is hard to come by.

Peace has never been spoken out in the mouth, but thousands of thousands of thousands of people who have built up from the cruel world in order to protect their own will to sacrifice peace!

"I know all of this."

The tea in the mouth gradually changed from bitterness to sweetness, and Green slowly said: "The time for the appointment is coming soon. I don't know how many people will support it. From the point of view of the former wizards, the supporters are mostly low-level sorcerers. , why is this?"

After a moment of silence, Sylvester solemnly said: "It is not the support of the low-level wizards, but the support of the new era wizards who grew up in the rules of the wizarding alliance. They or us, and those who have experienced the glory days of the ancient times. Different from the ancient wizards, what we are pursuing is not the revival and mourning, but the creation of a new era of great wizarding. We represent the future and hope! To be real... If not the true spirit wizards narrate, the hate will is branded. Deep instinct in the soul, how much do you really hate the incomparable ancient devil?"

New Age Wizard, Future and Hope?

The interpretation of Sylvanis made Green suddenly clear, it turned out to be like this!

In the heart, the contradictions and entanglements are answered. When Green is unloading, the mood becomes relaxed and happy. For the future King of the Wizards, the plan regains confidence. It turns out that it represents the wizarding will of the new era. It is the rule of the wizarding alliance created by the ancient wizards. The new willing wizards who grew up, not the ancient ones who have had a really painful experience, are just thinking about the revival.

“To create a stronger, great, beautiful wizarding world!”

Green quietly laughed, steadfastly, and then had a cup of tea. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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