A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1557: The spoon of life!

"Hey, when is this day, when is it?"

Escher is only an ordinary farmer in the mainland of the sorcerer. When the land is harvested every year, it pays a large amount of rent and taxes to the lords and nobles. Generally speaking, the income of the farmers is composed of three parts: crop harvest, hunting and harvesting, and odd jobs. Nowadays, not only crops are harvested. The fall has been terrible. The prey in the mountains has been occupied by extremely powerful beasts due to the ecological environment. It is not a long-term way out.

The reason for the difficulty in the life of the farmers here is precisely because of the war of the land roaring wizard school!

The war between the Earth Screaming Sorcerer and the School of the Sky City has been going on for several years. Although the war between the sorcerers does not directly affect the safety of ordinary human beings, in the wizarding world, the survival basis of ordinary humans is It is based on the Wizarding Academy.

Without a large number of wizard apprentices to go out to collect specimens, the monsters that are terrible for ordinary humans will breed a lot, making it difficult for hunting hunters to survive, and even the fighting energy spillover between wizards will also cause some ecological pollution of the land, although For the wizard, it is only a very short time, and it will have little impact on the whole world of the wizarding world, but for ordinary humans, it is equal to one year's harvest!

Although it is a war between the wizarding colleges, the ultimate bitterness is the most common civilians who maintain the world.

"Our food can't survive this winter. The people in the village are gone. I heard that the textile factory in the city of Ying'an has started to recruit a lot of people, and the main land is recovered. One cotton is raised, Escher, otherwise we and also……"

"No! This is the land cultivated by generations of ancestors. If you want to leave, I will not go!"

I didn't expect my wife to persuade myself like this. Although Escher knew that she was right, she never walked out of this mountain. The farthest is that Escher, who has been to the town, is not willing to leave. He has not yet greeted him. A new era of the wizarding world that is quietly changing.

"Oh... another two days is Thanksgiving. I hope that the lords in the town can do it and give more food."

The wife tied the headscarf and was about to usher in the first snow in the winter. The weather had cooled down so badly that she didn’t go back, and went home with the sweet potato covered with mud.

Escher stood there for a while, watching his wife's thin figure full of apologies, but unable to change all of this, in pain, followed back.

After the two left, they were silent, and on the land that had gradually frozen, a figure was silently drilled out.

This person is the land roaring holy mark wizard!

"Through the war of civilization, but you have to suffer in the wizarding world war, the significance of doing this... in the end is why!"

Not just civilians, wizards who live under the rules, formal wizards, and even the sacred marks of the college tower are also suffering. As long as they do not reach the heights that can be used to formulate the rules of the wizarding world, then everyone is just a meditation. A part of all beings.

In the same way, it is precisely because this right is precious and full of temptation that the wizards of different factions will be greedily vying for each other.

"As long as the Wizarding World does not end the factional battle one day, then such a day will never stop. Whether they are, or us, there will never be real peace."


The roaring sorcerer of the earth roared back, the two cyan fangs were filled with horror, and they experienced the five-level sacred sorcerer of the Civilization War. This person could quietly appear in his close distance without being Find!

Ragged, the body does not seem to be an entity, but a certain regular energy, with a silver long sword behind it, the eyes are indifferent, calm, full of wisdom, it is Green's Thanksgiving promotion.

With the help of the war of civilization, the population has been greatly reduced, the source of annihilation and a large number of believers have promoted Thanksgiving. With the end of the civilized war, the population increase has really been promoted. Nowadays, this avatar is only a five-level biological level, but the body is It has been able to keep pace with the annual festivals.

I believe that as the world of sorcerers gradually recovers, Thanksgiving will gradually spread to the hearts of everyone in every village. In the process of growing strength, it will inevitably be promoted to the true spirit.

Once, Green Thanksgiving Day had once thought that this was the welfare after the war of civilization. It was a period of population decline to gradual growth, and it caught up with a good time to promote Thanksgiving. However, over time, Green finally realized It is the suffering of life that makes Thanksgiving really popular!

This...not what Green wants!

"Who am I, is it important? Look at the current world of wizards! In order to protect this world, hundreds of millions of martyrs have gone on and on, and have stopped the enemy's footsteps. Now it is hard to be peaceful, but they are profligately squandered by the real wizards. What are the wizards who sacrificed to protect the world, what is in their eyes!?"

Very heartbroken, the source of Thanksgiving annihilation is a hateful look, hate yourself can not make the wizard world a better place.

Green’s avatar caused the earth to roar and resonate. He clasped his fist and asked instinctively: “Yes, I am what we have?”

Slowly, Green Thanksgiving took out a few small bottles filled with emerald green liquid, and was handed over by the elements of the earth in the doubts of the roaring holy mark wizard.

"Greatness, starting from small, this is the great annihilation tower. The sorcerer has long seen the rules of the world history of the wizards, in order to save the hundreds of millions of suffering civilians~www.novelmtl.com~ for the wizard world a better and stronger future The hope of the wizarding world that he developed with his noble intellectual life is here."

Hearing the words of the sacred tower sorcerer, the earth roared the sorcerer's sorcerer.

"You said that it is the world savior of the wizard who is called the future ten rings, the tower of the annihilation tower!"


Thanksgiving Day is low and low: "I can't bear to see the world of wizards fall into chaos again because of the struggle for power. The sorcerer of the annihilation tower has returned to the wizarding world from the universe, promotes the power of the key to life, and is finally preparing for the dedication of the true spirit. Go ahead and feel the great power in the spoon of life. If you have the same ideals as the great annihilation tower, then seven years later, the city of the sky will gather in front of the eternal mechanical clock."

Solemnly looking at the spoon of life in his hands, the earth roared the holy mark wizard and nodded, slowly disappeared away.

"The first one hundred and twenty-seven. There are still two days away from Thanksgiving. With this Thanksgiving, some miracles may be unexpected. The promotion plan must not be killed in the bud. Well, I don't know seven years. After that, how many people will follow the expedition, and the next holy sorcerer who needs to meet is..."

Green is actually using his own source of annihilation to promote the spoon of life between the great saints.

Because it is only the first generation of products that have been developed in a hurry, the spoon of life still has a great limit, and it can only produce effects on pregnant women, but when the baby is born, it is the innate ability to feel the power of nature. The wizard, still has the ability to change the wizarding world!

The plan of the Green Wizard's ancestors is just beginning, just like a single seed began to try to promote. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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