A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1542: Vantage Specialist

"The 19th place in the Skynet Hunting List, the Tower of the Sorcerer!"

The golden brilliance, Vantage is a golden terminator, the combat power is stronger than the blackening terminator, and often because of the high-level relationship of Vantage Quantum Technology, it is exposed to the most cutting-edge technology and masters the extreme sci-fi ability.

Alone, this black umbrella, wearing a black windbreaker, with a gold gold silk sunglasses, the golden terminator, in the eyes of Green, the image is weird.

"The war of civilization is over, ranking from twenty-five to nineteenth? Hey, interesting! So, now I am asking on behalf of the Wizards World Counter-Strike Army, is Vantage Quantum Technology ready to surrender to the wizard's will? Or is it that the new man intends to swear to defend his dignity, even if the wizard is willing to invade and face the complete extinction of the race?"

The night moon, the ice age, the unparalleled tower, and several sacred sorcerers of Andersen, were deterred by the violent energy of the golden terminator, like a wave of waves, as if they were enemies, as if they were emitting eternal light in the center of the galaxy. Raging energy stars, more than 90% of the natural energy in the universe, are derived from these stars.

In the embarrassing gesture, Green sneered at the extreme abyss wand, not so much as persuading the messenger, it would be better to issue an ultimatum in the world of the wizard.

If you don't surrender, it is the extinction of the ethnic group and the dead end. It is such a direct answer, there is no room for transit!

The golden terminator sunglasses stared at Greene.

"I can't give you the answer. Your wanted will be handled by other special envoys. My mission is to stop you from causing more damage and loss to new human beings and to minimize the negative impact! Even if you defeat me, I am only the most. The special commissioner who arrived first will soon have more and more powerful special commissioners. Even if you are the top 20 wanted criminals on the Skynet Hunting List, don’t think that you can be in this world. Here is the cosmic world guarded by Vantage Quantum Technology!"

In the face of the Golden Terminator warning, the face of Green Truth is sneer.

"In this way, we are somewhat similar. I am only an ultimatum to the new man. I first came to the wizard of the world. Even if the world has a chance to defeat me, how about it?" Hey, since you don't have the power to deal with the allures that the wizards have, that's useless?"

After the words, Green's colorful runes swimming quietly across the body, and the extreme abyss magic wand in his hand slammed.


The power of extreme cold crystals is like the waves of Hongtao, and the torrents of glaciers are generated in the void space, and the golden terminator is unstoppable.

In the view of the light brain ID players, the wizard blame is divided into four types, namely, the fighting wizard blame, the spell wizard blame, the mechanical wizard blame, and the undead sorcerer.

Undoubtedly, the most difficult thing to do is the magic wizard, which is also the element wizard!

I saw the gold-coloured sunglasses under the mirror of the Emperor of the Emperor, the dark red and the strange light flashed, the black umbrella fell to the next level, the Vantage Specialist wearing a black trench coat disappeared without a trace, with the extreme abyss magic wand caused by the rolling ice, Green There was a black ball on the top of the head, and it was the Vantage Commissioner who had disappeared before.


Green seems to have already expected, the three-color gaze gaze at the past, a sneer sneer in the corner of the mouth, no left object stretched out the index finger, pointing to the top of the head, the light and dark staggered high shocks and harsh sounds, annihilation The arc came out.

"Wow, just because you want to linger in front of my Green Beast, I’m looking for a dead end!"

On the shoulders of Green, the small gossip shouted under the light and dark staggered, and a pair of wings squatted, and the smug look was bungee.

It’s awkward!

The war between the two sides was only a matter of moments. After the annihilation of the arc power, the Vantage commissioner in a ragged trench coat appeared in the other direction. The younger half of the body had disappeared, and the pit was on the skull. Seeing the internal brilliance, it seems to be a kind of powerful information processing center. One eye loses the skin and is covered with a green ball. It looks extremely embarrassing!

"Oh, is it good?"

Green sneered, his left hand did not know when there was an amber ring, and the bright yellow amber ring was sealed with an inconspicuous particle, but at that moment, Green had a feeling of heart-throbbing, it should be a kind of science fiction weapon. Have incredible ability.

caveat! caveat!

The bio-conductor syringe has been defended by the other side. Your chances of winning will be reduced from 1.5% to 0.10%. Please immediately leave the scope of the sorcerer's blame attack, and after assembling with other Vantage agents, assist others. The special commissioner will jointly annihilate the sorcerer and wish you good luck.

"When the odds are zero, the God factor will appear?"

It is impossible for Vantage to be able to escape. Through the various energy flow data links listed by Tianwang.com, Green has completely controlled the vast and innocent space in the vicinity of Deva’s unique planet. .

Just a short moment later.

Green's multicolored runes were inserted into the golden body of this Vantage Specialist. The core of the energy in the chest was the core of the Vantage's golden body, which seemed to melt the ice cream.

"I don't deserve to be the master of the sacred mark of the annihilation. Even the Vantage Specialist can only try to challenge by looking up to the identity, being played by the master in the palm of his hand, killing it!"

The night and moon are so close to each other and witnessed Green’s blink of an eye. They destroyed the so-called second-generation technology terminal of the Metal Destroyer Civilization, and the Vantage Commissioner, the strongest parade in the universe, eagerly aspires to be more intense. Nearly unconcealed crazy worship!

The Vantage Special Commissioner is the direct will of the Vantage and the second generation of the finalist Green!

It is a robotic combat unit that does not count resource consumption and does not count the cost-effectiveness of resources. It is used to realize the direct perfusion of the spirit of Quantum Quantum in the vast universe of the universe. It is often only when a star-rated disaster occurs.

These Vantage Specialists are extremely rare ~www.novelmtl.com~ The number is rare, even far less than the number of metal destroyers!

On the side of Millie, seeing the night and the moon was so blatant and "distracted", the heart gave birth to a kind of ridiculous sense that Green was robbed, but at the same time it was also so fascinating for Green's mysterious and unpredictable power. Once, this is also Millie. The reason for admiring Green is that this is a desire to explore the mystery of truth.

"Cut, this is where it is, even the warm-up has not arrived. This guy is a lot worse than the two who appeared in the wizarding world."

The little gossip is very ecstatic, as if the worship of the night and the moon is toward it.

"Don't care, there will be more special agents coming soon. The fate leverage rule has been entangled in us. If something unexpected happens, leave the world immediately, don't hesitate, after all, this is the birthplace of the metal destroyer civilization! ”

Green was seriously vigilant against a few people. At this time, in the planet Devaduk, which was branded with a clear visible handprint by the hand of Green, there was a free dandelion.

“Found a first-class new human citizen!” (To be continued.)

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