A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1543: Skynet Light Brain ID Helmet

The first-class citizen means that the new human gene breaks through and the spiritual power reaches ten points. It is located at the top of the new human being, and is qualified by Skynet's light brain ID. It can perform the so-called light brain virtual game outside the universe world!

Although pain and cruelty are realistic for those worlds conquered by the Skynet Robotics Corps, for most of the light brain ID players in these great universes, it is nothing but the wisdom of Skynet's informatized random data shaping. Monsters, a virtual game, need to constantly try to solve the difficulties and keep on copying the game.

They did not understand that the cosmic sea world is not able to count the interstellar colonial new human beings, and the new human beings who can carefree for a lifetime without labor can be built on the basis of endless plundering and colonization outside the cosmic world!

Game life, life is like a play.

At the beginning of the new neo-human social system created by Einstein's whimsy, with the continuous development of Vantage's quantum technology and the continuous extension of the new human society, people seem to be unable to prove that the universe has created a light brain ID game to open up an endless world. Or the endless world has evolved such a heterogeneous civilization with its own vast expanse, and developed an endless world with the Skynet Unreal World.

Until the Wizarding World first appeared in the universe, Vantage Quantum's high-ranking powers finally realized that the vast expanse of the face, he is likely to be just one of them.

The closer to failure, the more clearly you can recognize yourself, as if the ancient wizards who were once in the world were defeated by the abyss civilization.

The frequent high-level consultation meeting of Vantage Quantum Technology indicates that new human beings will face countless waves!

"I will definitely not agree to this so-called peaceful settlement dispute proposal. As long as the Vantage eternal motive is still in the hands of our new human beings, the spirit of Vantage Quantum Technology is still there, the stellar orbital cannon can still operate, we will not fail, we will not The wizards of the low-level planes surrender!"

In the 3D holographic light curtain, the man with glasses was filled with indignation, red face, splash of saliva, and surrounded by human elites in the hall, angry and roaring.

"When we mastered the ultimate mystery of the infinite universe, we are destined to be the center of the universe. All low-level planes must be surrendered to the birthplace of civilization and wisdom. We spread rationality and science, and those who are ignorant and low. Waiting for the illusory plane to save the creatures, giving them a modern life in a new era! For them, we are the angels who spread light and love, we are the omnipotent God, we are the omnipotent God!"

This man seems to have considerable prestige and is very excited.

“And what about the wizards who live in the low-level dirty planes? What are they? But they are primitive creatures that don’t believe in science and continue to adapt to the springboard with those strange world rules! Let’s look like the original Biological surrender, this is impossible!"

"Lord Anglisky, to understand the progress of a civilization, it is necessary to understand the history of this civilization. Only low-level intelligent creatures will find answers from a limited space. Higher intelligent creatures will gently dial the timeline and find out For some clues in the longitudinal timeline, please analyze all factors of the enemy and us from an objective perspective."

A woman who is indifferent and even a little poker face, looks around with her dead fish eyes, touches the sky screen and makes a stereoscopic projection.

This turned out to be a humiliation scene of an ancient wizard who had lost the abyss of the past!

"According to the wizard's civilized system, the war between us and the wizards is nothing but a war in a plane community. The wizard civilization has an extremely long history. They were not the original creatures of this plane. In the extremely distant planar community, the only ruler of the planar community initiated a war with the abyss civilization, and eventually fled to this world community after defeat."

Suddenly, this female new human is stiff: "That is to say, once they have possessed the power of today's vast and infinite plane group, even after a long period of development, they are stronger than now, and so powerful. Face, but defeated by the abyssal world, I think all of you who do not insist on our universe plane is the center of the endless plane, do you know what it means?"

"The Dark Forest System, when Dr. Einstein was worried about something happened..."

At the right time, a white-haired old man answered the news, worried, and the deepest part of his eyes flashed a trace.

"Einstein said before his death that as the plane continues to explore, we will discover the new civilizations that are truly ancient and terrible. They have a more ancient history, the unknown power above the new physical laws, and us. The physics rule recognizes the development of the technological system to confront, the loser will become the winner's nourishment, grow into a higher level civilization, find new opponents in the dark forest, those more ancient and terrible plane world! We... ...just the fans who are looking for a way with a torch in the dark, must be careful about the more ancient planes."


the other side.

Not to mention that the new humans who hold the top-level rights of Vantage Quantum Technology voted and quarreled, and they are constantly deepening their comprehensive understanding of the wizarding world and the objective understanding of the endless world system. Green is finally starting to really be on the planet Duvaduk. Recognize the power of new humans in the universe!

"This! This... is this the power that has caused hundreds of millions of direct degeneration to hide behind the Skynet Robotics Corps?"

Green holds a helmet-like helmet in his hand. This is the Skynet light brain ID that was removed from the first-class citizen suspension cabin. It represents the breakthrough of the perpetual motion protection layer of the universe, and brings the spirit into the robot. The power of "the body of immortality"!

Even if the wizard destroys all the metal robots, it only destroys the game accounts of these new humans.

Their bodies are still safely hiding behind the curtains of the Perpetual Motion Shield and Skynet, like the dimension dimension, overlooking the wizard as the game controller.

"Oh, hey, then let me experience the power of the metal destroyer civilization!"

As a planner of the ancestors of the wizarding ancestors, Green used this life-characteristic agent made by the new human body to easily change the life form temporarily!

As a six-level holy mark wizard, the ten-point spiritual requirements of the district need not be more to say. In the moment when the metal helmet is on the green belt, the world of information and dataization gradually begins to overlap with the truth world in the truth. Have a sense of dizziness.

caveat! caveat!

Data anomaly, the nervous system finds unknown data information to simulate the interference device, please immediately turn off the information simulation interference device, independently use the Skynet light brain ID helmet, Skynet light brain ID helmet is customized by Vantage Quantum Technology for first class citizens, you can Enjoy a swim...

prompt! prompt!

Dear Miss Xu Qiaoling, you can send the information interference device to the Vantage Quantum Technology Center for testing and testing, to provide you with a new information fusion technology, to bring you a better Skynet light brain ID experience.


As Green temporarily shuts down the perception of the truth~www.novelmtl.com~ The truth of the present is gradually receding, and the Skynet light curtain information simulation, which has been replaced, has changed.

Blue sky and white clouds, small town villages, people in the village of Zhaizi are discussing with seriousness, some holding inferior bows and arrows, some carrying axe, and the watchtower built with wood is only four or five meters high.


This is... the wizarding world!

And myself, this is a black terminator disguised as a common human being in the wizarding world! ?


Dear Miss Xu Qiaoling, you are welcome to return to the Skynet Light Brain ID World again.

The failure of Vantage Quantum Technology's total attack has caused huge losses to new human beings. Your wizard larvae growth observation plan has made initial progress, which will help Vantage Quantum Technology to better understand the wizard and overcome the mainline gold story, your development creative task. It has been approved and the task completion is 588/1000. (To be continued.)

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