A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1541: Planet disaster

"Stop, here is the second-level executive star of the Universe World Duvalduk. Everything you have done constitutes the S-class felony of Vantage Quantum Technology. I have the right to be in a capital punishment for you. You will be listed on the Vantage Quantum Technology list. Get the sanctions you deserve!"

Suddenly, a mysterious light appeared in the center of this whirlpool, as if it were the guardian of this planet, defending the planet.

Although this mysterious light has only one small light spot, it is very dazzling. Under the observation of Green truth, it seems to be a kind of emotional gathering of spiritual meaning. At some historical time, the emotional cohesion occurs, thus realizing the new Human emotions and Skynet serve as carriers and exist in the real material world.

It's like... Green tries to promote Thanksgiving Day, but every day in the future of the Wizarding World is Thanksgiving!

"It's a pity that the intensity of the light that you gathered in Gaia is nothing more than that, and you want to impose sanctions on me?"

Although I can feel the resistance at the center of the elemental hand, for Green, the strength is too low. Even if the annihilation of the qualitative change is not used, it is only the power of the low-level elements, and it is not the limit. It can be controlled by a resistance of 100,000 degrees.

"This planet will be completely destroyed as a metal destroyer invading the wizarding world! Oh, now, I will prove here that the Wizarding World has the power to destroy every new human being in this cosmic world, even if you Hiding in the most remote planet, surrender, only unconditionally accepting the rule of the wizard is the only way to ensure the continued existence of new human beings, surrender to the feet of your God! Right... For many new human beings blinded by Vantage Quantum Technology, we Just a monster in the game? Hey, now, it’s time to understand the cruelty of reality!"


The vast and infinite elements of the hand quickly crushed the Gaia group, and the vortex of the atmosphere almost spread to a small half of the planet. The metal building under the pressure of the burning element of the sky, "Oh yeah" distortion It melts like an ice cream that is deformed.


Under such pressure, the fragile body of the new human being is instantly fragmented.

Perhaps the previous two astronomers discovered that the news of the Green and the Wizards was only flowing in the new human information on the top of Vantage Quantum Technology. However, at this time, there are countless information on the civil Skynet. This end of the world has already followed numerous quantum entanglements. , like a virus, it gradually spreads!

With the quality of the sacred sorcerer, even if there is no energy leak, the excessive level of life will lead to the sudden exploding of the new human being exposed to the sacred sorcerer, as if it had been exposed to super-magnetic radiation.

Green's sacred sorcerer personally shot, power can not be measured, the entire planet instantly into the end of the world, easily extinct a new continent of new humans.


Like a giant giant comet impact, the fragile planet surface instantly cracked into a fingerprint shape, and the "bomb rumbling" spread, and the power seemed to have penetrated the earthworm into the center of the earth, and the mainland plate collapsed around the palm of the hand. In the gully canyon, one volcano erupted again, and the black volcanic ash gradually darkened the original blue-gray planet.

But all this, standing in the macroscopic angle of a few holy sorcerers in the void space, is the unparalleled element of Green, which pushes the whole planet away from the orbit of the original fixed star.

Green overwhelming the level of life of the entire planet Gaia light, easily destroyed the balance rules of the planet.

Perhaps in the films of the new human Skynet channel, there are many stories of superheroes, guarding the peace of the prosperous city, and there are many evil devils, the owners destroy the incredible individual power of the city, but these so-called heroes and devils are so crushed Under the sexual assault, it is nothing but a small ant. The superhero limits of the new human movie plots are converted into the wizarding world advent rule, but it is only a three-level life.

"Yunyun, Dandelion, you try to collect the first class of new human citizens on this planet."

The dandelion billions of dandelions have already dispersed in the universe, and only one has followed Green.

Although according to the information, these first-class new human citizens with higher status represent the Skynet light brain ID account, representing the consciousness to break through the universe, representing the contribution to the social civilization system in the so-called virtual game, representing Protecting the universe is safer, so they are used to living on the United Star. However, there are very few first-class citizens who are used to wandering around, and even some of them are in the process of learning. They understand the meaning of Skynet’s light brain ID. It is through the history of S-level history that has reached out to the history of human civilization.

On the short journey to the planet, according to the free dandelion reaction, a small part of the body has been eliminated by external forces. It seems that it is likely to choose a planet protected by Gaia Light, or a Vantage Commissioner, or it may be Destroyed by the deep unknowns in this universe.

With the quality of this dandelion, it is barely able to ensure that it wanders in the new human society.

"Yes, Shi Bo."

"it is good."

As the two descend on the planet, Green and the new human life level are as vast as the dimension dimension. Although they can't be in contact with new humans, they are like the stylus under the Green microscope. The dynamics of these small microbes.


Millions of clouds, but millions of grievances are crying, walking between the collapsed metal buildings on the other side of the planet, new humans in one and another suspension cabin see real ghosts, a very small number of so-called criminal police service robots Holding light weapons, attacking these grievances, protecting new humans from finding the interstellar spaceship ~www.novelmtl.com~ attempted to escape the planet.

Here is the interior of the universe of the complete Tianwang informatization. The metal robotic corps and the virtual fleet produced outside the state of the rich energy world are almost in the universe of the world!

Because the fragile new mankind does not need this level of weapons to maintain order, it will only lead to the extinction crisis of new human beings, just like the Skynet war in history.

The Emperor of the Vantage is aware of this, and under the behest of Einstein, consciously closed the universe of the universe with a perpetual motion protection cover, and carried out different modes of internal and external development in the way of game drivers, even if they have the ability to popularize. Higher is only to limit it to the law of the universe, so as to avoid new human beings repeating the same mistakes and almost extinct in the hands of their own weapons.

And the development of the second generation of technology outside the universe of the world and even the third generation of technology is just to protect the interior of the universe!

This way of living is very similar to the wizarding world...

All the developments of this world community, in the eyes of the ancient wizards, are just to return to the original wizarding world to sit in the community, the efforts made before the snow.

This is just a process, a transit station, a temporary gathering place, the Wizards Union and the beautiful ancient wizards will not have any nostalgia, just a tool!

Although for the future wizards of Green, the long life has become accustomed to conquer this piece a little bit, and the world community that has been growing and growing up as a home.

After a few hourglass hours.

Jinyun and Dandelion have not found a citizenship message with Skynet ID account. The robot around the night and the moon suddenly said: "The Vantage Special Commissioner is approaching!" (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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