A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1540: Duvalduk Planet

Duvalduk Executive Star.

"Scorpio, it, it... they turned out to be living creatures! The life that can survive in the space of nothingness in absolute zero space! Unbelievable, incredible, this is a miracle in the history of the development of the universe!"

Said Diqinho is relatively large headed ghost, exaggerated expression on the face, next to the service robot has been holding coffee for a long time, and did not pick up.

"It must be an illusion! Impossible, this is not in line with science!"

Ayr quickly denied everything he saw with his own eyes. After taking the telescope away, he said: "If you convert it into a joint star calendar, is today April Fool's Day?"


After the service robot handed the coffee to Ayr, it was taken for granted.

"Who is fooling me in the end, have the holographic images been transferred to the astronomical telescope? Oh... it’s the group of **** from the Civil Aviation Administration, must know how we just talked, and then tease us in this way. !"


Suddenly, Siddi Kino’s horrified ghost shouted, and Eyre scared. “What happened?”

"That guy, it... it's looking at me!"

It’s no wonder that Saidi Dicino was shocked. On the one hand, Sedi Dicino used the astronomical telescope to peer into the Green. On the other hand, Green peered into the Sadi Dickino through the eye of the field of vision, as if in the field of astronomical telescopes, it was like Green. In the same way as Sedi Dicino, a sneer expression.

It is necessary to know that the location of Green is not far from this administrative star, but in the length unit of the astronomy of the universe, it is also calculated according to the light years. The ordinary civil aviation technology company's curved spaceship will take a few days to arrive!

"Okay, this is the whole evil of the Civil Aviation Administration, unless the world really has omnipotent God, oh..."

Ayr was drinking coffee, and his heart shook his head.


In the old human era, people always kept on fantasizing. What will human life be like in the future?

This was once a question of thinking, a forward-looking wisdom exploration, and also promoted the development of society. The progress of humanity is often said to be wise by history. Based on the comparison between history and the present, it is speculated now and into the future. Developmental changes.


Every suspension cabin is so delicate, it seems that an egg shell protects the new human beings inside. The service robot is used as an auxiliary equipment for the suspension cabin. Having Skynet service is the most basic right of every new human citizen. As long as it can connect to Skynet, This floating cabin is the outerwear of new human beings. The home of new human beings, the Skynet equipment inside can meet all the basic spiritual and material needs of new human beings.

Perhaps the new lifestyle brought by Skynet is too rich and colorful, too convenient, and people have long forgotten the real material world.

"Dear, we have been in love for nine years, and finally you can communicate so close, it is so happy!"

Even if she is around, the female new man is still talking to the Skynet 3D projection light curtain in front of her face, and her face is as intoxicating: "The nine-year-old distance can't stop our beautiful love!"


The man is beside him, reaching out and touching the Tianwang quantum projection light curtain, the man can even feel the temperature and pulse brought by the light curtain projection, revealing a sweet happy smile.

Steel and metal forests, except that every towering tree is a building built by millions of service robots, providing a richer spiritual and material foundation for the survival and reproduction of new human beings.

One metal robot after another walks on the street. There are only two types of these metal robots. One is the type of social service. It belongs to the public service robot that maintains social operation. It has the legal status of social citizens, one is private type, and belongs to personal property. The legal "slave" under the development of the new era.

It is no wonder that some Skynet self-aware rises robots, comparing new humans to parasitic worms!

The Universe World Duvalduk Executive Star, with the common characteristics of all the administrative colonial stars of the Metal Destroyer civilization, is extremely monotonous and boring, all cities are designed to achieve the goal quickly, and the human beings immersed in the Skynet will not Wasting time, even if you look at the real world.

In this way, compared to the colorful dazzling of some technological horizons, the Duvalduk Executive Star has some return to the true sense of the original, the closest to practical design.

Although they are both science and technology, they are not the same future because of the different nature of life.


"Hey, is this planet the home of a new human being?"

No space, Xiao Ba stood on the shoulders of Green, overlooking the planet Devaduk.

There are six satellites of different sizes around the blue-gray planet. Although there is still a distance from the planet, Green has already affected the gravitational relationship of these satellites. Green clearly perceives that the tide of the Duvaduk planet has occurred with his arrival. disorder.

"In the infertile and empty energy environment, these basic physiques are not as good as one hundred percent of the weak and unbearable creatures. In this vast world where the world is almost empty of elemental vacuum, it is gradually proliferating, using its own exploration of infinite microscopic and energy utilization. It’s unbelievable that the metal destroyers compete with the wizarding civilization."

After a short while, Green’s image was likened: “We have been in a war with the epidemic bacterial virus in the special world.”

"Rely, according to what you say, the ancient billions of witchcraft have become abyss moss nourishment!"

Little gossip.

Several other people are also in the void, overlooking the planet about 700 kilometers in diameter. Andersimo came to the back of the green, and said: "Teacher, if our level of life is on the planet~www.novelmtl .com~ will trigger that layer of Gaia's light, to the extent of the Gaia of this planet, about five levels of life?"

Every colonial planet has the guardianship of Vantage Quantum Technology, and according to Skynet's independent will intelligence information, there is a different name for these scattered light of Vantage Quantum Technology. Gaia Light is the most common one.

In this way, the ancestor of the new human being in the mouth of the wizard, the Quantum Quantum of the Van, is why the second civilization of the metal destroyer is self-evident.

"Oh, destroy it."

Green showed a sneer and hoarse voice: "We can enter this world, not to spread peace and love, but to exchange for the most brutal civil war! The energy fluctuations caused by the previous world should have attracted the day. The network is concerned, I believe that those Vantage agents have already traveled in space. If so... let the fear of the wizard spread among the ignorant new humans, which may be more conducive to future peace talks. We are regarded as a game experience, and it will become history. It is time to bring those arrogant new humans back to the red and naked and cruel reality."

Green stepped out and stood in front of everyone. After the left hand extended, the five fingers opened and slowly pressed down.

The power of the elements is surging, and in the void space of this elemental vacuum, a palm of more than 100,000 meters is formed, and it is pressed toward the planet.

At this time, the fragile atmosphere of the planet formed a whirlpool of hundreds of kilometers of holes, and the energy supply was in chaos.

The new man was disturbed by the tremors of the earth, and they gaze at the sky that had not been seen for many years, and was immediately shocked by the end of the day.

Then... what is that!

More dazzling palms than satellites! ? (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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