A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1534: Perpetual motion projection! ?

Twenty years later.

It seems that the metal destroyer civilization is indeed close to the edge of collapse. Even though the Greens and the people are so close to the universe, according to the information coordinates, they can reach the edge of the world in a few days, but still have not found that they can threaten several people. Large-scale inspection of the Legion.

To know that once the metal destroyer civilization and the wizarding civilization were fiercely agitated, the void world was almost a sorcerer's forbidden place, and countless battles with the metal destroyer's civilization were all defeated by the wizard world, and the death and injury were heavy. Green also experienced it personally. .

However, nowadays, everyone from the world of functional crystals has gone all the way, has already swayed this distance, and is good at the space and coordinates of the night sacred sorcerer, almost able to perceive the space-time influence fluctuations in the team of the virtual sky universe. However, there is still no large-scale virtual air force group!

"Mom, haven't got any patrols at the doorstep, and the metal destroyer civilization has been labeled like this?"

Xiao Ba was squatting on Green's shoulder, and obviously felt a little unbelievable.

"The Wizarding World has passed hundreds of years after World War I. So many of the Destroyer attacked the Wizarding World but did not get the desired result. The Wizarding World is only the Real Wizards who have returned to the defense. Many Alliance Masters are still on the front line. A ring of true spirits has arranged these masters to clean up the important world, and as such, the metal destroyer civilization should be completely hopeless."

Green muttered and explained it according to his own guess.

At the right time, the night moon that has been lingering around Green has also explained it.

"According to the Vantage rule of the new world of the universe, due to the fragility of new humans, metal destroyers must not enter the universe of the universe, otherwise it may cause the devastating collapse of some spaceships and colonial planets, even inadvertently. The Vantage Specialist Golden Terminator above the general crystallizer Terminator can only patrol the virtual space of each planet, and the planet space is guarded by the light of Vantage Technology. Even the world close to the universe does not respond. There are really few ruins left there."

Vantage's Golden Terminator, the combat power is indeed quite powerful, but it is only for the general six-level creatures. If it is in the secondary esophagus of the monsters, these golden terminators are just one of the many ordinary monsters.

"It is also the name of the planet, but it is similar to the Jagged River and civilization."

Green has infinite curiosity about this vast but energy-rich world, the birthplace of the Metal Destroyer civilization, and even wants to immerse those new humans who are immersed in the virtual light brain ID game out of the game bin and experience it once. The feeling of the light brain ID operator.

More than once, Green was called by the metal robots to scream the wizard!

After killing Green, how many experience coins will be awarded by Skynet, and even some short-term gain status rewards of BUFF, but also information on Green's HP attributes, MP attributes, skill attributes, historical records, and hunting lists. Ranking, equipment that may burst out...

In the vision of the metal robots that are immersed in the game bins and manipulated outside the universe, everything in the game has nothing to do with the Universe World. Everything is just a game designed by Vantage Quantum Technology. There are goals to do things.

After all, the two are separated by a perpetual motion protection cover.

And Green, is a smart monster in this game, nothing more.

have to say……

In the early days of mankind, the mentor despised Einstein’s enthusiasm for the game, which was the future of the new human race. Anyone who was not qualified to enter the game of light brain ID became a livestock of the whole sheep, as a third-class citizen, consuming Insignificant material resources and almost unlimited Skynet resources, nothing more.


As he said, Green finally found something in the void, and the three-color gaze gaze forward.

"Teacher, that is..."

Anderse Seymour got some knowledge of Green's visits and perceptions. Even if it was only a four-level sacred wizard, he built the Witch Tower with great power, but it was still found earlier than Free Dandelion, Ice Age, Jinyunhai, Wushuang Tower, and Night Moon. The front is abnormal.

"Well, the ruins of a void battlefield, the space-based starship was wiped out by the force of the void, and it seems to have stayed for at least a few decades. The original league lord has surrounded the universe and cut off the universe. Support for those important resource worlds."

Green took a deep breath and muttered.

"Without the destroyers, these space-based satellites are only a deadly threat to the lower wizards. For the real masters, disassembly and defeat is only a matter of time."

As the people approached, others have discovered this vast and ruined metal wreck.

As the energy base of the metal destroyer of the third generation of scientific and technological civilization in the universe, at this moment, it seems that it has been arrogant and smashed by a certain giant.

Destruction is easy, but I don’t know how many years of metal robots need to be built in the base of the space-based starship.

The people stayed a little on the ruins of the space-based star-studded ship floating in the void, and there were some small metal robots that carried out secret activities in the isolation cabin.

After a few hourglasses, Green took everyone to the core of the energy of this space-based starship.

"It seems that the brute force earth and stone elements dominated. Seeing that the space-based starship has a total of two energy sources, it just destroyed one of them. The energy source here is still running. If it is not this space-based starship The number of internal metal robots is really too small~www.novelmtl.com~ I am afraid that I can continue driving with a little repair, and I can continue to fight after a major repair."

Green's palm has been pressed against the metal at the end of the corridor to isolate the wall.

Others have found some valuable things in the process of exploring the space-based starship, and even several virtual motherships stuck in the cockpit!

For the scrap metal wreck that dominates nothing, for the sorcerer, there are knowledge clues of foreign civilizations everywhere. Even for Green, there has been no opportunity to explore the space-based starship since the war of civilization. .

"Master of the Tower of Eternity, you do not know, the space-based starship does have two sources of energy, one of which is a super-large tandem dark matter reactor, responsible for the trending power of the space-based starship, and the positive and negative electrical energy belonging to the metal destroyer civilization. But the other is a completely different eternal kinetic energy that can only provide energy for metal destroyers."

The night and the moon put forward a completely different view!

Green is stunned. From the words of the sacred sorcerer in the night, it is clear that this sacred sorcerer knows a lot about the space-based starship.

In this case, there is no doubt that this sealed energy source is the mystery of the metal destroyer's energy.

It’s awkward!

The light and dark twists and turns, the high shock ripples spread out, maybe it is very difficult for other wizards to break through the energy isolation layer, but for Green, it is just a matter of hand.

After millions of attacks, a constantly rotating aperture appears in the eyes of everyone.

"This, this... This is the projection of the energy rule of Vantage's perpetual motion machine, similar to the existence of the rule of fate leverage!?"

Green guessed the root of this thing for the first time.

However, it is clear that Green does not understand the unique nature of perpetual motion machine (to be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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