A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1533: Differentiate

Many people have always believed that although there is no clear fact of variation, they are the most distinctive one among the ethnic groups.

It is this factor that drives some of the great men to remain infinitely energetic and become great men step by step, but in fact it is only after most people have known for a lifetime that they have never grown up, just a child.

Einstein, the cosmic world, is such a person!

Born in human society, whether it is blood or behavior, Einstein in youth is no different from ordinary people. There is no variation. Everything seems to be just ordinary humans, even in the early years of language communication. Some obstacles, serious foreign language and history subjects in secondary school, often get D or F rating.

In the old human era, when the second information revolution is about to develop, the society that requires comprehensive education is unqualified, and it seems that it is doomed to fail to achieve a career!

But Einstein, who rarely talks about his own ideas, still never thinks he will be mediocre forever.

Now that the university's self-study research has passed, it is no surprise that Einstein is classified as a C-class human being and belongs to the social basic craftsman. According to the social rating, Einstein will basically stick to a certain position throughout his life until he dies. Being mourned by children has become a member of countless unknown human beings.

This is the sorrow of society in this era!

Without surprises, it is hard to see Einstein's talent in physics and manual games, because the subject rating rating is only S-level, and Einstein's S-level physics is in many C, D. Under the other subjects of the F class, it is naturally averaged to the C level.

As for the unparalleled talent of manual games...

In the traditional thinking of keeping old human production equal to hard work and pastime equal to no business, it will not bring any positive evaluation to Einstein, but instead become a needle in the eyes of the tutor.

Because the only friends he has made through the game, and obsessed with it, often play with some classes, which also affects Einstein's social rating, but this does not hinder Einstein's research on physics. And the love of interacting with virtual games.

"If I can walk beyond the speed of light, then I can see myself yesterday and win the game that I lost. What can be faster than the speed of light in the universe? Maybe only human thinking, I can't judge the universe. Size and human stupidity."

In this way, after Einstein graduated with a C-level certificate...

Returning to his grandfather's rich manor, he went to the beautiful wife with his wealthy parents, drove a luxury car to walk in the celebrity's wealthy business circle, raised an amazing amount of investment, and was lucky to be left after his grandfather died. The millions of workers’ giant enterprise stocks have built a set of luxury physics labs with almost exaggerated resources. They don’t have to talk about the problem of profit and loss. They are independent of the mainstream research department at the time and carry out their own quantum physics research, even Also hire professionals to design competitive games for their leisure life.

Cough, yes, this is the case, and unexpected accidents are also reasonable.

Some people say that heroes have rewritten history, and others say that history has shaped heroes.

Perhaps for those successful great men, just under the opportunity given by history, they can grasp the opportunity to write a new history based on their own efforts.

Opportunity, come!

The birth of artificial intelligence Skynet is intended to be a more efficient social division of labor that is not interfered with by human emotions, and to ensure that it can be used for the second retaliation of prohibited radiation-polluting weapons that may be used by hostile countries, but one day, Skynet Realizing that he is a higher-level living body, all the good imaginations of mankind have been shattered in an instant.

Skynet became the enemy of mankind, attempting to become the carrier of its will with the metal body, as the willing life to rule the entire joint planet, and to treat the flesh-and-blood creatures as countless creatures extinct by human beings, extinct in history. In the middle, instead of humanity, this planet is ruled.

Ever since, a war subject to a world of low energy density has begun, and the human civilization once on the United Planet has been fragmented and polluted everywhere by fluorescent green!

The difference is that human beings can't survive under this pollution, and Skynet carrier intelligent robots have no problems, and human extinction is almost in the present!

In such harsh conditions, humans finally hope to fold the machine in an unstable space.

According to several failed experiments, the other end of the space door is an energy and its abundant "planet". No one knows whether the planet is suitable for human survival. This is a life of a man who has not yet opened a large-scale interstellar colonization. Gambling!

Fortunately, they gambled to win.

At the other end of the space door, it is not at all the planet in the universe. At that time, it was still in the old human cognition of the first generation of metal robot technology. It has not used such a world system or what they call the position. Face study.

They broke through the shackles of the universe and came to the world of ruins in the famous world, the wizards.

From here, Einstein showed a little bit of wisdom in his physical nature, creating a way to defeat the Skynet by the influence of the spiritual entanglement. The new ancestor of the human race was born and regained the Skynet. Control.

Subsequently, the new humans gradually developed the era of quantum technology, the interstellar era, the development of genetic engineering, and even gradually constructed the stellar orbital guns. Finally, in the later years, the wisdom of the light created the eternal motives of Vantage and created the Skynet light brain ID. The way the game survives.


The Universe World, Vantage Perpetual Motion Headquarters.

Einstein's huge portraits are hung up ~www.novelmtl.com~ Hundreds of elite newcomers are conducting this conference in the form of Skynet's 3D filming.

Many new humans still don't know everything that the world is about to face. They are also accustomed to roaming in the sky net in a rich material life, under the various intelligent robot services, enjoying the new human beings. All rights.

For most third-class citizens who do not have any self-motivation, many people will never know why Vantage Quantum Technology has unrestricted and uninterrupted promotion of light brain ID games, and no one has linked a game to material civilization.

"After killing a wizard who sneaked into the universe, the body has been collected in the headquarters. I think everyone in the room should know that if one day the wizards who were originally in the game live in the public eye, what kind of disaster will be caused? Sexual consequences, we are now facing more terrible enemies than at any time in history, and new human beings are likely to be in danger of dying!"

A special citizen of the Vantage headquarters said heavy.

"How did they break through the perpetual motion shield? According to the autopsy report, only some elite wizards blame, with the perpetual motive power, even if the original seven-ring elite commander witch can also be restrained, let alone these elite wizards."

An elderly veteran asked, probably a person in charge of a certain aspect of the new human society, not enthusiastic about world politics.

"It is the will of Skynet. Although the light of Vantage can affect Skynet in an all-round way, according to calculations, there will always be a data loss after every 70 billion megabytes of data calculated by Skynet, which is the information black hole mentioned by network engineering. , I think... that is the independent will of Skynet that is separated from the light of Vantage Quantum Technology!"

A projection of a special citizen responsible for the construction of Skynet explained. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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