A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1535: Dominant trap


Even in the wizarding world, where the use of the rules of fate leverage is extremely high, under the wizarding system, it is not a low-level wizard who can use it freely. According to Greene, the universe of the universe is not a rule of use for the Vantage, which is like a kind of Large machinery performs spatiotemporal conversion to conduct energy for permanent magnets.

In this way, it also explains why only the huge machinery of the space-based starship can borrow the kinetic energy of the perpetual motion machine to provide a constant source of energy for the metal destroyers.

"if it is like this……"

After gradually understanding the charging principle of the metal destroyer, the three-color light of Green gave off a dazzling light.

Different from the characteristics of the general magic wand head, Green's Daqian world ball is a refuge for the design of the ancient Jacques civilization, with a large enough semi-dimensional dimension space, and Green has another type of verification with his understanding of the dimension dimension Grimm's Fairy Tales. At the same time, assisted in the dimensional gap seal, such a vast space to collect a chain of giant mechanical devices, will never be a problem!

In this case, after Green became the new human ruler of the universe, the completion of the truth lever magic wand head is almost always a matter of stability. What Green needs to do is to let the new humans build another set of days in the world. Based on the Starship destroyer charging equipment.

Truth lever magic wand body is the light of balance, the head of the world of the big head, the fairy tale of Grimm and the seal of the dimension gap seal, and the element of perpetual motion, this is the difference between the green and the stick. Black gold technology.

This plan will provide Green with the singular material of transforming ability, which will replace the true magic transformation of Green's Extreme Abyss Wand at this moment, and complete the magic wand in Green's heart that can rival or even surpass the fate lever.


Suddenly, everyone was awakened by the undulations of time and space. In the call of cappuccino, the uninterrupted elements of the people teleported, appearing at the top of this vast expanse of metal, gazing above the head.

"Oh!? I thought I caught something prey. It turned out to be a wizard."

The stone giant dominated the crowd, the concrete gray body, the innumerable biplane gargoyle, the huge skull and depression, and the disappointment appeared some curious colors. Finally, they looked at the three eyes of the central mysterious wizard, which was about to be pressed. The sky-covered giants stopped.

It seems that the wreckage of the space-based starship should have been destroyed by the coalition of the Union Stone Giant.

"I have told you earlier that after the World War in the Wizarding World, there are few metal destroyers in the universe. If there is a high destroyer, it is not you and I can deal with it. I have to arrange traps here."

In the dark red eyes, three black cockroaches are swimming in the pupils. The tentacles are long and swaying. The evil eye king jumps infinitely in the space-time enchantment. It is like a time creature. Just this evil eye is Wang Zheng. It is this way to hide one side of time and space, and everyone has not been unaware.

"Now, the Terminator and the Destroyer did not wait, but a group of little wizards came in."

Everyone is so close to the real dominance of the pressure, except for the free dandelion sacred mark wizard is slightly better, the rest of the people feel difficult to breathe, the pressure of life level is obvious.

Green smiled.

"It turned out to be the two space-based starships that dominated the destruction. The Alliance has the dominance of two like this. It is a matter of course to defeat the metal destroyer civilization."

Green was a bit polite, and Xiao Ba said: "We are bound by a true spirit wizard, and there are tasks in the body. We need to sneak into the internal affairs of the universe. Even here, the alliance has been encroached. It seems that the care before it is completely unnecessary. It is."

I was caught by my own people, and Xiao Ba felt that his old face was almost exhausted.


The evil eye king opened the space and bound, and said: "Then you are wrong. In recent years, your wizard has broken into the universe of the world many times. It has already aroused the vigilance of those metal robots. You said... your wizards understand the perpetual motion Are the loopholes in the protective cover, or are they more aware of the perpetual motion loopholes?"

In this case, Green is also up.

It is the sorcerer of the sacred mark of the night and the moon. At this moment, it gradually disengages from the close-up of the dominance of the power, and the evil eye that exudes the dark red demon light: "The great alliance master, this is the annihilation of the wizarding world." The tower of the St. Marks Wizard, I believe that the two sons should have heard of the name of the sacred tower sorcerer even here."

"Oh, this is natural, otherwise I will show up and you nonsense."

The evil eye king actually admitted.

"What! He is the tower of annihilation, do you know? If you say this, whether it is extraordinary energy reaction or appearance, it is similar to the annihilation tower."

The Wanmi Stone Giant was slow to respond and did not recognize Green's identity.

"So only you will insist on setting traps here, waiting for those Terminators and Destroyer to come back and recycle, wasting us for decades."

After complaining about one sentence, the evil eye king said: "The sentiment of the protagonist of this civilization is of course to be given. If the tower master of the annihilation tower is to advance to the true spirit, the Alliance Assembly may take care of my world interests. The alliance will occupy the short time. For so much time, there will always be some worlds that the wizards can't see. www.novelmtl.com~哼哼哼, so that we will cause the eternal motive protection cover to fluctuate. Now the number of the world's legions is pitiful. It’s no longer the time to emptiness, and then you are waiting for action.”

Although these masters know that the wizarding world has mastered the perpetual motion loopholes, the wizarding world has not disclosed these loopholes in order to have the civilization and the completely different knowledge systems in the universe.

"So... I would like to thank the two masters. If the mission is successful, the future two people in the league can contact me personally."

With Green's words, after getting Green's promise, the two dominated the short-term will exchange, and first flew to the universe.

"Mom, Megatron and the ancestors of the new human being are still there, these two guys don't play anything."

Xiao Ba’s mouth screamed, and Millie leaned against Green’s side and whispered: “Although our mission is to persuade, you have absolute right to speak as the future ruler of the world, but if you don’t go through a war, you will eventually be different. Sound affects your rule in this world, not as good as..."

Green knows what Millie is going to say, shakes his head and slowly says: "Let the new humans save hope, they will be more motivated to serve our hunting demon expedition. For those old wizards, this world community is just one To develop a temporary body that plunders and grows up. The original sorcerer tribe was their real home, so the relatively compromised organization of the Wizarding Alliance was established, not the ironic regime of the ancient wizards."

For Millie, she never thought about this. Born in modern times, she has become accustomed to using this world community as the foundation of wizards.

Listening to Green at this moment, Millie can't help but squat and think hard. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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