A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1532: Functional crystal world

Destiny leverage, infinite time and space, between the turn of the stars, the Greens and the people are squeezed by the violent time and space, appearing in a world of dark red crystals everywhere.

Hey, hey, hey...

嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭...

Seven holy sorcerers came, and there was a super-quality sorcerer of Green. In a moment, the dark red crystals were broken like spider webs, and then some local small creatures hidden nearby were instantly blasted and fragmented. The cell collapses.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

It has just adapted to the slightly heavy air in the world. The air contains a lot of crystal dust, which causes the long-term living in this world to crystallize. Then, the intensive energy fluctuations in the distant sky will be overwhelming.

"Medium-scale world, functional crystal world, one of the most important resource-based worlds of Metal Destroyer civilization, the indispensable resource in the development process of the crystallizer Terminator, Vantage Quantum Technology retreats into the world, we come to metal destruction The civilization of the real land, haha, did not expect the alliance has already hit here!"

The night sacred sorcerer picked up a few dark red crystals from the ground and introduced the world to everyone. It is clear that there is research in this world.

"Functional Crystal World?"

Green took out the Wizard World Community Chart and the Endless Astrology.

Two coordinate reference maps, one is the world of the wizarding world for the unification of the world community, and the other is the coordinate map of the Gemini star given to Green in the second esophagus. In contrast, the endless astrology map records many world communities and illusions. The world message, but there is no such a functional crystal world, and the wizard world community coordinates clearly mark the world.

The functional crystal world is very close to the cosmic world. The seven people have just crossed the majority of the world community and came to the dark areas that were once unexplored by the wizarding world. Only recently have the mystery unearthed here!

"I didn't expect the great magical wizard to move our time and space directly here. It seems that the Wizarding Alliance is fighting fiercely with the metal destroyers for the rule of the world..."

The trio of Green's tri-color gaze at the battlefield of the nearest war, and the dawn is deep and deep.

It was a super-large mining and smelting base set up by the Metal Destroyer civilization in this world, but it was being attacked by a handful of wizarding corps. The innumerable wizarding corps attacked from all directions, and the mechanical wreckage in the sky fell like a raindrop. ", "Boom", "Boom", "Boom" explosion sound, continuous.

However, Green’s people came to the world’s leaked destiny to leverage the space-time power. Obviously, they were also hidden by the wizards who commanded the Legion. Under the guard of hundreds of metal-winged lions, two third-level wizards Come close.

After sweeping away from this large base, Green's tri-color lighter understood the situation of both the enemy and the enemy, and then stared at the other direction of the dark red crystal continent, full of wars between the wizarding alliance and the civilization of the invaders. The Wizarding Alliance is in an absolute advantage and is constantly advancing.

However, the main force of this world is not the Wizarding Legion, but the various world monsters from the Wizarding League.

Probably all the great saints and sorcerers who are scattered in the front line of the league have been assembled by a ring of real spirits, ready to launch a general attack on the universe.

"Oh... all the masters have come to the functional crystal world. I don't know what needs to be helped?"

In the metal winged lion monster group, two third-level wizards stared at the seven figures between the staggered crystal columns, which turned out to be seven holy marks wizards!

I was shocked. I didn’t think that the wizarding world had sent seven holy marks to the wizard. Is there any more advanced plan?

Among the seven people, especially the one in the center, the bird standing on the shoulder, the gray-eyed wizard of the three eyes, even if they just looked at themselves, the overwhelming pressure made them unable to breathe, and the surrounding iron wing male guards Like a kitten, there is no movement in front of these sacred marks.

Such a stance, is that one...

The two third-level wizards have their own guesses, but they can't believe it.

"Hey, the Eight Lords ask you, how long have we been attacking the world, and whether there is a space-based starship that has appeared outside the world, which is your direct sacred sorcerer?"

Xiao Ba also turned around on Green's shoulder after turning around and asked the two little wizards.

"Responding to the master, we have only recently dispatched from a round Santa tower, responsible for commanding several small legions. As for the space-based starship, of course, there has not been a case, otherwise the metal destroyer will be able to, we are afraid that we will not exist. As for the immediate sorcerer, we are not directly affiliated with the sacred sorcerer, and it is already the highest sorcerer here."

The female third-level wizard snorted.

But apparently she did not know that the metal destroyer civilization was due to the expedition to the wizarding world, and a large number of metal destroyers did not carry the base of the space-based satellite ship, so there are still many parking starships left here.

"Well, I know, you can continue to complete the task."

Green felt a little oppressed in the world, as if trapped in a small space box ~www.novelmtl.com~ waved to two unscrupulous little wizards, indicating that they could leave.

The night sacred sorcerer is close to Green, and the eyebrows are soft and smiled: "The sorcerer's alliance of the sorcerer's sorcerer has launched a full-scale attack. It seems that it is indeed not fake. Even the world cannot be guarded. It seems that the metal destroyer civilization has already been inside. In a complete collapse, maybe our mission of persuasion really has a chance to complete!"

"If you don't surrender, you will launch the last battle. Little wizard, pay attention to some, the master of the tower of annihilation can be not interested in you like this guy."

Millie, who had endured for a long time, couldn’t bear it anymore. She was cold and cold as she went to Green’s side.

Although Green and Millie did not disclose things, but Green has already spoken, Millie will certainly not endure Green to be provoked by other witches.


The bright eyes of the sorcerer's sorcerer's golden eyes turned around after Millie, and smiled, but did not care about it, still very close to Green's standing.

"Then let's go, from here to the cosmic world still needs a long journey. It is a very vast and vast world with different rules. It is very different from the general world rules. It is divided into two parts: administrative planet and void space. The light of Vantage Quantum Technology and the Vantage contingent are protected, with a total area of ​​more than one hundred wizarding worlds, but the density of energy elements is extremely thin, far less than the wizarding world. The central administrative planet is called United Star and is also the destination of our trip. ”

A group of seven people left the functional crystal world, overlooking the sky, and the whole world was in a fierce battle.

In the night of the moon and the moon, the sorcerer's second generation, the origin of the metal destroyer civilization, the rules of the universe, opened a veil in the eyes of everyone. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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