A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1531: Persuade the messenger

The Wizarding World is the general attack on the universe and the battle for the unity of the wizarding world!

According to the wizard's will, the total attack on the universe will only involve the Wizarding Legion, taking over the world of this party, but indirectly with the wizard's general attack, there are wizards of the world, the size of the world, and the metal from all directions. The remaining worlds of the Destroyer civilization are the joint general attack.

Nowadays, a ring of Santa towers is gathering an amazing number of wizarding corps. These wizarding corps have gone through hundreds of battles, and as the most elite wizards left by the war of civilization, this civilization will be followed by a large number of advanced sacred marks. A member of the ancient wizards that the later wizards yearned for, fought for the witch civilization and completed the civilized revival.

Green led the unparalleled tower of the sacred sorcerer, the smashed sorcerer, the sorcerer of the sacred mark, the sacred sorcerer of the ice age, the sacred sorcerer of the dandelion, and the sacred sacred sorcerer, who came to a ring of Santa who received a ring of true spiritual wizards .

As the last glory of the elemental sorcerer, even though the sorcerer of the sorcerer has seen the peak of the black witch king, it is undeniable that this battle of civilization has written a thick pen and ink belonging to a true spiritual wizard. This is a true spirit. The wizard-led war, the wizarding world achieved the final victory, completed the unified task of the world community, and realized the foundation of the hunter expedition!

Holding the Destiny Lever Magic Wand, the power of the elements gathers together, and everyone stands respectfully in the ring of the real spirit wizard rules, waiting to be dispatched.

"The Green Tower of the annihilation, after many considerations, the final mission of persuasion is still determined to be handed over to you. Although there is only a very small possibility, if you can avoid the final conflict and complete the unification of the world community, you still need to try your best."

Say, a ring of true spirits screams: "But you can rest assured that the wizarding world will not let you take the risk of nowhere. After many trials, I have absolutely grasped that the fate lever rule breaks through the loophole of the Vantage Perpetual Protection Cover. Make sure that you can be recalled at any time. Once the peace talks fail, the Wizarding World will immediately launch a full-scale attack on the Universe World! Tower Green, annihilation, now you have something to ask, despite the opening."

"I want to know how my so-called dominance of the cosmic world was implemented after the war?"

Green asked quietly.

"Hey, hello, don't come when my young master is in front of the mechanical wizard, but it is your old guy who is cheaper behind, and my first disagreement!"

The little gossip shouted.

"Nature is at your disposal. After that, the universe will be part of the Wizarding Alliance. What you have to do is to try to develop the contribution of the world to the Wizarding Alliance, to help the Wizards Alliance develop and expand, and to complete the Hunting Expedition."

A ring of true spirits did not respond positively to Green's question. What Green is worried about is the dispute of elemental machinery on the great world of the universe. At this moment, the elemental wizards have obviously declined a lot, and the mechanical wizards are about to usher in the peak era!

Gently sighing, Green asked again: "So, what rights do I have for this persuasion and peace talks, what guarantees can the metal destroyer civilization Vantage Quantum Technology be given, and what degree will the new mankind give to?"

"It's still up to you to deal with it. You only need to violate the Wizarding Alliance Treaty. The future of the universe is just a common world in the Wizarding Alliance. You will be its ruler, making sure it belongs to the Wizarding Alliance forever. As for the sale of it, the development, and even the destruction, it belongs to you!"

This time, the answer from the true spirit wizard not only made Green take a deep breath.

"The changes in the world community that I mentioned in the war, once the incomparable ancient demon has now become the abyss of the abyss, the fate of truth is gradually expanding its influence, and it is intended to destroy this unprecedentedly powerful and horrible civilization in the material energy world. In addition, the darkness of the dark world is trying to reach the secondary esophagus, and the illusory rules are endless. The horrible monsters are eager to return to reality. It is the world, and unremitting efforts to promote the rules of darkness. I wonder how the true spirit wizard intends to respond? ”

This time, the Green question is already about the direction of civilization. This is not a far-reaching problem that the general sorcerer can see!

"This one……"

A ring of real spirits stunned, staring at Green for a while, suddenly the force of the rules surging, actually separated the five holy marks wizard behind Green.

Closed environment, a ring of real spirit wizards: "These things are not the current control of the wizarding world, I can decide independently, I thought you will be the inheritance hope of the elemental wizard, you will master the fate lever It is possible to lead the elemental wizard to the top of the world and decide on these things, but now..."

In the sigh, a ring of true spirits said: "Only the wizard who can decide these things will stand on the top of the world and decide the fate of these civilizations. Not just elements and machinery, the abyss There will also be big moves on the side of the refining wizard. Only after the three parties will compete for hegemony will become a foregone conclusion, the new wizard world leader will be qualified to decide these things."

"But! The situation in the dark world is inevitable. The sooner the wizarding world is, the more sure it will be. Otherwise, once the Dark Portal runs through the secondary esophagus, the dark ancestors will form dark rules in the secondary esophagus~www.novelmtl.com ~ Collecting the infinite endless horrible world of the Legion, I am afraid that it will be difficult to reach the wizarding civilization in a short time!"

Green is eager to cut.

"In fact, from another point of view, it should be more urgent for the dark world to be perfect. We are about to complete the unification of the world community, and then we will start the hunter expedition. Compared to the fate we have planned, he opens with the dark door. The secondary esophagus is uncertain, and it should be them."

Putting a wave of hands, a ring of true spirits continues: "Overview of the endless world, what you say now is the dark world of the wizarding world, and we are the ancients, no matter what, this time We will never lose!"

Silence, perhaps relative to the height of a true spiritual wizard, Green's vision is still too narrow.

"Well, your soul imprint has been completely locked. When the negotiations break down, I will directly move your time and space back to the wizarding world! In addition, your assistant night sacred sorcerer, she is the first sorcerer who sneaked into the universe. Will help you break through the perpetual protection layer, go!"

With a ring of true spiritual wizards, Green and the other five sacred marks are removed from the isolation layer.

In the dense element fluctuation space, an element is teleported, a strange female saint mark wizard appears, a pale green orb in the hand, a white face with a red lips smile, revealing some white teeth, and the golden eyes are staring at Green. Unrecognizable reverence and longing.

"Make sure, this is the respected master of the tower of annihilation?"

The voice is warm and spleen, infinite, and a living fairy, a half-naked wizard's gown is full of teasing fun.

"Oh, hello."

This is just a four-level holy mark wizard, Green is not too concerned. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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