A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1530: Summon hope

Green is calling the other holy sorcerers in the area as the strongest wizard in the 22nd District of the Second Ring.

At this moment, Green, Millie, Cappuccino, Anderse Seymour, Jinyun, and Dandelion lived together in one room. All the people stared at Green and listened to Green's arrangement.

"We will usher in the last glory of this war of civilization. The Wizarding World will be the sole ruler of this world community and restore the ancient glory. This result cannot be separated from the efforts and courage of every one of us here, and those who Civilization inherits the wizards who sacrificed their lives forever."

Green’s words were so clear that everyone’s delightful and relaxed look gradually became serious.

Yes, compared to the wizards who sacrificed for the war of civilization, everyone on the scene was just a lucky one. Whose side is not familiar with the sacrifice of the wizard?

Even in this 22nd district, the six great sorcerers who were there before the war were left with Green and the free dandelion sorcerer.

"Teacher, after this war, you will become the ruler of the metal destroyer civilization universe, is it true??"

Cappuccino can't wait to ask, the mysterious and powerful unparalleled tower sorcerer in the eyes of others, at the moment in front of Green's mentor, it seems to be a child who will never grow up, keeping a playful and lovely side.

"Well, it is true, but it is also foreseeable. After the war of civilization, there is a whirlpool of interest as an elemental wizard and a mechanical wizard. You may have a headache for your tutor."

Hearing Green admitted that Cappuccino and Anderse Seymour could not help but show their joy.

"Guide, what kind of rules are there in the universe?"

This question is Ansimo, among the three disciples, the big disciple Cappuccino, the second disciple Hessian, and the third disciple Ansimo, the most important thing for Green is that this looks ordinary. The three disciples who work tirelessly are like themselves!

Today's achievements have shattered the sorcerer's sorcerer's time is still short, but with Green's vision, this disciple has unlimited potential!

"This, I have not been in contact with other spiritual wizards for the past few years, and I have not asked."

After Green answered this question, he paused and said: "However, for some needs, the Wizarding World will retain new human practices and will avoid the possibility of the last battle for both civilizations. I am responsible for this persuasion mission! If it is better to be able to persuade success, it may be that Vantage will become a world tree in the future and gain special care status from the Wizarding Alliance."

"Shi Bo, that war, how should we prepare for the 22nd district?"

Jinyun and the three-tailed fox sit side by side, from the cloud, Green seems to see the shadow of the master sister secluded spring, the special emotions that can't be said.

"My task is to persuade, so this time we don't need to prepare for a large number of corps. It is good to listen to the command of a true spiritual wizard, and hope that the task can be successfully completed."

Green said more easily.

In the final battle, whether it is the Wizarding World Power Attack or the surrender of the Universe World, there will be no impact on the world of the wizarding world. The result is already doomed.

However, as far as Green himself is concerned, if he can persuade him to succeed, it will not only add another piece of personal reputation. In the future, when he rules the universe, he will have more reasons to refute, and avoid the contradiction between elements and machinery as much as possible.

In the hall, Green and Millie are together, and everyone seems to take it for granted. It seems to be a recognized fact.

However, apart from cappuccino, other people will not know the past of Green and Lafite. What kind of persistence and perseverance Millie can do with Green.

After a brief rally, Green left the Ice Age secrets and traveled to the Eternal Sky City.

In this war, the city of Eternal Sky did not suffer from too much fluorescent green pollution. It quickly recovered after the war, and now there is no war trauma.

Flying all the way, Green came to the Eternal Mechanical Clock in the shortest possible time.

Even in the battle of civilization, there are still tens of thousands of second-level wizards and three-level wizards gathered in front of the eternal mechanical clock, hoping to use the special time nodes here to realize the power of half-step time and true time.

The wizards who were immersed in the silence of time were motionless and varied. Even though Green's mighty powers came, they only let some passing and guarded wizards scream and look up at the holy sorcerer in the sky!

"Oh, these little guys are really lucky. The time and space nodes caused by the consumption of sand and sand are enough to make these little guys have a qualitative change in the perception of time and space!"

Xiao Ba stood on the shoulders of Green, overlooking the many silent wizards lost in the light, and so on.

However, at this time Green in midair, what I thought was another thing.

The most famous thing about the projection of civilization is the lever of destiny. Although the lever of destiny is in the hands of a true spiritual wizard, its infinite space and time can be embodied in any place in the wizarding world. This is the lever of fate. Magic wand regular projection.

In addition, this is the timeless mechanical clock. The reason why the city of Eternal Sky can guarantee the eternal immortality of those dying souls is probably a big reason. According to Green, the heart of the human race is in the body of a true spiritual wizard. In other words, the eternal mechanical clock here is probably just the projection of the fate lever of the wizarding world.

According to Green's expectations, since the protective cover supported by the metal destroyer's civilized eternal motive can protect the great world of the universe and let the new humans mistakenly believe that they are playing video games in the high latitude world, even if they cannot get from the wizarding civilization. Vantage's perpetual motion machine body, but if it is possible to obtain such a projection blessing on the balance of the magic wand of his own truth, it is perfect to make the truth balance magic wand gain the power of the dimension and the blessing of the elements.

After all, Vantage's perpetual motion is probably the root of the metal destroyer civilization's large-scale use of energy!

"It’s not a short-term thing to summon a giant beast from the second-order esophagus. www.novelmtl.com~ It’s also the foundation of the world’s gods. In this period, if the lower wizards feel the power of time, they will get twice the result with half the effort. This is also the time for the little guys who have experienced the scourge of this civilization, and since then it has been the time node for the division between the ancient wizards and the descendants of the wizards."

Said, Green will open one after another with the empty pockets of the time to open the sand, put away the extreme abyss magic wand, the hand with a gold scepter, sprinkle with extraordinary luster, it is the hope of the scepter !

With this scepter in front of the eternal mechanical clock, you can summon the hope of the sand to the wizarding world.

"Hey, let's get started..."

In the expectation of Xiao Ba, Green hopes that the scepter will gather a large number of sands in all directions to form a golden light column that rises into the sky, penetrates time and space, and reaches an unknown and illusory dark terror legend.

There, there are still legends in the mouths of the monsters who are walking above the dead bones. There are still legends that someone once broke away from the secondary esophagus...


If so, like the tides of the sea, a wave of time and space fluctuates, because this time and space fluctuations are so vast that even the lower wizards are not aware of them, and they are ups and downs.

Gradually, the wizard world is above the sky city, and an illusory huge illusion is gradually emerging!

"Call, it seems that it is necessary to rush back to the wizarding world through chaotic time and space, at least for hundreds of years, but not, it does not delay the post-war journey."

After such a muttering of his own words, Green looked up at the many lower-level wizards, holding the hopeful scepter with a small eight to leave.

This glimpse of a glimpse, and inevitably some of the legendary rumors of Green in these ancient wizards. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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