A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1529: Massive time sand

Back to the mystery of the Ice Age, Xiao Ba followed Millie and Green, who was in the laboratory and blood-stained.

咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚...

The blood-rained hunter heart mixes the nightmare plundering rules, revealing the violence, fierceness, and cruelty of the Dark Dark Wizard, but because of the lack of emotional expression and Green’s deliberate control, it has not been thoroughly stimulated for the time being, only facing the black witch king. Sudden loss of control once during stress.

"What's wrong with you, more and more unable to control your own suffocation, because of the sequelae of the rules of the world of nightmares?"

Green stared at the blood and rain, and asked low.

At this moment, Green speaks with the avatar, just like a schizophrenic, talking to himself.

"Ha... Do you know the feeling of hunger? Yes, you should know. When you were in the youngest winter when Bisel City was hungry and cold, the kind of hunger that yearned for warm food! I am so hungry, no fight... What is the meaning of my existence? Behind your boring ontology as a shadow!"

With a hoarse voice, Green can even feel the **** rain and the faint oversight of his own resistance. This is because the level of life is higher than the inevitable phenomenon produced by the ontology.

"I know. The blood of these wars is for you, hoping to ease some of your hunger, and soon you will have an endless war."

After that, Green was bound by the power of time and space, and most of the blood of Aba Dang, which was obtained from the hands of the Black Witch King, was given a **** rain.

There is no more words in the blood and rain. Zhangkou, the heart of the inner hunter seems to have endless inspiration, and these bloods of the Aba as the blood of the war are swallowed and the heart beats vigorously. The sound actually makes the blood and rain separate into the chest and ups and downs, obviously it is the pure battle of the condensed will to blame, this is the special place of Ebash's blood!

"First relax here, I will call you later."

After that, Green left the motionless blood and the body, the sky, the blood rain, and it seems that there are more rules of war and flame.

After half a month.

The yin and yang butterfly and the "Inflammation of the Soul", is the seven-ring true spirit wizard left to Green, even if the number of treasures in the hands of the seven-ring true spirit wizard is numerous, but the value of these two treasures is still the most incalculable.

At this moment, Green did not know how many times after reading the "Inflammation of the Soul", this book about the use of the soul is closed, and the way the soul is controlled by the lower creatures to control slavery is much behind the wizarding world. After all, this is the way of soul slavery control developed on the Yanshi Budo, and the wizard studies the soul since the ancient times.

However, in addition to the soul enslavement, the "Inflammation of the Soul" is also the application of the door to the collection of time and space for the massive soul.

This kind of ability is very rare. If the former Green in the hands of this "Inflammation of the Soul", when the second esophagus, it is possible to independently create a gathering place, open the space and time to the world of material energy with a massive soul. door!

In addition, the application of the soul rune in "Inflammation of the Soul" is straight into the soul instinct of the rune viewer, forming a soul resonance, which is also a very strange soul knowledge, and it is also the case, once the wizard apprentice Green got the so-called After the "Devil's Contract", the handwriting can be recognized.

"In this way, if you can study some deep mysteries of the soul, you may also be helpful to the wizard's ancestral plan. Over the years, I have gradually felt that perhaps in the process of human beings changing to the wizard, the soul of nature does not come from blood changes, but A special kind of soul power and blood and blood resonance..."

Muttering to himself, after thinking for a long time, Green put away the "Inflammation of the Soul" and looked at the yin and yang butterfly.

The rule of Green's annihilation is based on the new qualitative energy generated by the contradictory energy, and the mystery of this yin and yang butterfly is also the same. This is the rule of the wizarding world.

If Green is able to dedicate himself to the true spirit of the Sorcerer of the Sorcerer, he will be qualified as a Guardian of Freedom, saying that he can not complete the double rule of day and night!

According to the seven-ring true spirit wizard, with the power of day and night to hedge, Green will have to fight against the black witch king capital within the wizarding world, in order to promote the rule of the wizard's ancestors, there will be no waves.

In fact, the Black Witch King went to the chaotic world. If Green could complete the true dedication of the ancestors of the wizards during this period, the 17-round true spirit wizard Pumirosius had no reason to refuse, even more than the faction wizard. Support, the true dedication of the ancestors of the wizards will make the Wizards world an unprecedentedly powerful future in sight!

The reason why Green used Pmyrosius as an opposition was because once Green promoted the true devotion of the ancestors of the wizards, it would inevitably provoke an uncoordinated war with the Black Witch King, and the war that took place inside the Wizarding World would It is enough to destroy the foundation of civilization and affect the hunter-destroy expedition plan, so Pumirosius must oppose it.

And if there is no black witch king who can attack the half-civilized war with one person, the situation is completely different!

By the time the Black Witch King returns, the rules of the ancestors of the wizards have been formed, and all the wizards are benefited by them. No one is willing to return to the once human starting point. www.novelmtl.com~The unprecedentedly powerful Green does not have to pay attention to it. Black witch king.


Suddenly, the rules of the wind in the Ice Age era violently oscillated, and were focusing on observing the yin and yang butterfly's green tri-color light and staring at the sky.

After a short moment, thousands of wind elves flashed with blue-gray wings and flew in groups in a translucent form. This is the elemental elf of the Santa!

"Snoring, snoring, respecting the sacred sorcerer of the annihilation tower, we are willing to send you the sand of the time!"

Gasping, thousands of wind elves put one after another of the bag with the power of the void in front of Green Lab, one of the elf heads said: "The number of these sands is too large, gathered together Superconducting time is inevitable, so we are isolated by the empty pocket and divided into thousands."

"Oh? Know it!"

Green is delighted to open one of the empty pockets and stare at the past.

The sand of time is the time node that represents the slow history. Each node has only the tip size, and the wizard collects it to form such a pile of gravel.

"In addition, the sorcerer's sacred sorcerer, a ring of true spirits, let me inform you that the metal destroyer civilization has now collapsed, and the wizard world is about to open the Universe World in a year or two. Let you prepare, you will be responsible for Vantage. The task of quantum technology to persuade."

The elf's head is curious with the curiosity of the observation of Green. Nowadays, after the war of civilization, Green has already known the world, no one knows, and has become a hero in many lower wizards.

It is an honor to be able to see it so close.

"Yep, got it!"

After receiving Green's response, the group of elves left. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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