A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1528: Pan-folly rule

A month later.

Luxurious room, located on the top floor of this magnificent bustling metropolis, Green and Millie sit side by side on a soft and comfortable sofa, with a fragrant red wine, overlooking the crowds on the city streets.

A month ago, Green and Millie descended into the world of the spiritual world, and inadvertently destroyed a famous city. As a result of the disaster, the world of the spiritual world set off a huge wave, and it was erupted to ask for the detection of the murderer and the punishment of the hostile world. ......

Green and Millie, a third-level wizard, sees this, but can't help but raise his pride in his right eye and introduce to the two great wizards from the wizarding world: "The two masters, this is what we are not In the case of the residential legion, the means of controlling the world, we call it the ... pan-fool rule!"


The third-level wizard, named Kadu, has seen several faces but has never communicated. Now Green has a chance to communicate with him and finds that his wisdom is unique.

Perhaps his own men, but also hidden a lot of powerful assistants like Kadu, silently assisted themselves.

Xiao Ba also came to the interest and stood on the window sill of the skyscraper to ask Kadu: "The rules of the general fools? Quickly and the lord talk about what happened, the rules of the social operation of the world's spiritual people are indeed interesting, obviously not directly by the wizard. The rule, even the wizarding dollars, is not in circulation, but it can achieve such high-density colonial rule."

Kadu is in the pride of pride, overlooking the crowds on the streets, can not tell the taste.

"After the reconstruction of the world of the spiritual world, different countries gradually became the same in the war and entered the information age of science and technology civilization. Due to the nervousness of the wizarding world, fewer and fewer wizards were stationed in this world, and the spiritual people were driven by the wizarding world. More and more serious, for this reason, I came up with the way this pan-fool is placed."

Kadu said, taking out a card from the space wizard of the sleeves and handing it to Green and Millie, who are interested.

The two looked at the card. This is something called a ballot. I don't know what to use.

"What is this doing?"

"This represents the most sacred and inviolable right of the world. I design the most stupid but most difficult scam for the world. It has only one role, that is, to elect the world's supreme ruler!"

Kadu ridiculed the irony with the ballot.

"Elect the supreme ruler?"

After thinking about it, Green understood why.

Different from the evolutionary social model of the world of the wizarding world, the promotion of the level of life will gradually eliminate the wisdom of the wizard. The higher wizards will undoubtedly have outstanding achievements in a certain aspect, so as to complete the construction of the wizard tower and the rules of dedication.

Moreover, the higher wizards have the power that the lower wizards can't resist, so the life-level rule of the world like the wizarding world is clear and simple, but it also has its advantages.

The world of the world is different.

The lives of the spiritual people are relatively short-lived, and the way of evolution is not the level of life. More depends on the psionic technology, and the way to determine the ruler will be much more.

"First of all, we stipulate that only democracy is the most perfect rule system. Whoever opposes this system is dictatorship and evil. This rule is combined with the status quo of the spiritual people's society. It seems that there is no problem in itself, but the most subtle point in designing this trap is that ...The democratic rules and votes are used as equal signs! The democratic voting rights stipulate that every legal spiritual person has the right to elect the highest ruler in adulthood. The highest ruler must be replaced every two years and re-elected. Reflecting the basic rights of every legal person, hehe..."

Kadulho said with arrogance: "But as the ordinary spiritual group with the largest number of votes and no knowledge of the rules of operation of the social system, the electoral rights in the hands will be unwittingly affected by various advertisements and social information. This is about the world, and these advertisements and social information are a resource in this world. Unfortunately, these resources have been firmly controlled by the wizard from the beginning, monitoring the world's every change!"

"Well, is there?"

Although Green's life level, these little things are almost difficult to affect Green, but for a mentality overlooking the ants, Green is still interested in asking.

"Of course!"

Kadu almost laughed.

"In order to ensure that the wizarding world is always the true behind-the-scenes ruler of the world, even if the mistake of one hundred millionth of a chance can not occur, we have established two guilds with resources that are unimaginable to the spiritual people. The guild continues to cultivate the most outstanding The political star is elected to the public, and the two political stars attack each other, cooperate with most ignorant spirits to complete an election carnival, and finally choose one of the two political stars to complete the will planning that the wizard secretly grants..."

"What about the parade below?"

Xiao Ba asked.

"Don't care, they are just bugs that don't know anything about the actual situation. They are tempted by some elite people. Just find those elite people, whether they are tempting or threatening, turn them into interests, and then use our control. The multimedia conducts conspiracy the propaganda, the ruling guild black gold police martial law, etc., will soon be handled well."

"Hey, I can see that you have spent a lot of thoughts in this world. It’s not bad. The battle of the wizarding world civilization is coming to an end. I will send you back to the wizarding world, and your future will be the path of the holy mark. Maybe you can go further, these sage stones are your reward."

In Kadu Xinxi, he took over the sage's stone reward, and Green continued: "So, how is the door to the chaotic world at the Psalm Institute?"

“The master is assured that he has made preparations for the final assembly of the psionics, and officially opened the door of chaos three days later!”

Kadu said affirmatively.

"Okay, if you do, you should go over there and supervise it. Three days later, the world will usher in the coming of the Dark Witch King. The true wizard has a terrible degree, I believe that even you should know it clearly~www.novelmtl.com ~ Don't have any accidents, otherwise the whole world will be completely broken in an instant, and it will be best to send it to the chaotic world."


Kadu swallowed his mouth and said: "Know it."

As Kadu turned away, Green continued to play some of the research on the black gold technology of the world of the world. Although he did not complete any qualitative changes, he also provided some ideas for Green.

Three days later.

"Oh, it’s a chaotic breath, it’s not bad!"

The whole city is shrouded in the horror of chaotic fog. Numerous chaotic creatures come to the world of chaos with the chaos of mist coming out of the door of chaos. Among them, there are some chaotic illusory creatures that are aware of the chaotic cracks of the world, attempting to crack from the cracks. Run out in the middle, the Chaos disaster in ancient history will break out again! ?

However, when a black hanging river appeared, the source of the sorrow from the wizarding world rushed into the door of chaos, and the chaotic fog that was intended to be ejected was born.

Thousands of chaotic creatures ushered in a horrible creature that voluntarily entered from the outside world, and the black witch king retreated in horror.

With the vastness of the chaotic world, I don’t know how long the Black Witch King will stay in it.

The black hanging river has been flowing for half a month, and then it has completely squeezed its own body into the chaotic world. Green closed the crack of the door of Chaos for the first time. As for the lower creatures that broke into the world of the spirit, they were also cleaned up by Green. clean.

"Call, go back, this time dragged you down."

Green sighed with a sigh of relief and said to Millie apologetically.

"Where, as long as you have me in your heart."

After the tremendous pressure, the two men couldn’t help but quietly say a few sweet words, and some smiles appeared in the corners of their mouths. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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