A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1527: Black gold spirit

A look at Green's heart!

According to the Black Witch King, Green is clear, of course, the spiritual technology that the world of the world controls.

Under the special rules of the world, the spirits before the Cataclysm studied with their own philosophical qualities and psionics, and unexpectedly opened the door to the chaotic world. Even the trace of chaos leaked from the door of time and space made the weak world sink into a big one. The catastrophe is almost extinct.

After Green discovered the world unexpectedly, Green invaded the world, classified it as his own, became a strategic reserve resource, and later carried out the pilot work of black gold technology development, and also a springboard node for invading the chaotic world community.

Now, the black witch who wears the ring of loss personally comes to Green, asks to use this resource, and uses a considerable amount of Ebash blood as a bargaining chip. Green certainly understands the purpose of the Black Witch King, for the chaos of the inside. Bio-consumables!

Once the black witch king who has the ring of loss comes out after entering the chaotic world, even if there is no unexpected gain, it will be supplemented by the endless chaos of the illusory beast, and the degree of promotion will be unimaginable, with the extremes of the black witch king. Horror, maybe it will really shape a slave army of the world!

"Hey, my lord, can I say no today?"

Xiaoba suddenly came to a sentence.

"Hey, you can try it."

The black witch king returned this way.

Xiao Ba has not had time to say anything else. Green first said: "I really have the resources of the chaotic world. The blood of the Aba Dang given by the Great Black Witch King is really necessary. If so, what reason is there to refuse? However, this entrance is in the small world called the psionic power in the chaotic world community. The true body of the master wants to come to this small world. I am afraid that this small world will be completely ruined in an instant, you see..."

"You leave the door to the time and space of the world. Go to the world to open the door of chaos. The rest of the matter will not be taken care of. I will solve it myself and will not let your little world collapse."

The Black Witch King waved his hand and signaled that Green could go.

No longer saying anything, Green nodded and flew toward Millie's lab until Green stood next to Millie, and one hand was on Milly's shoulder, and Millie was oppressed from the endless. The force was clear and whimpered.

"Green, the black witch king he..."

"Don't ask more, come with me."

Green took Millie to her altar. Fortunately, Milly took into account the possible needs of Green when she built the altar. Therefore, she was able to bear enough power. With the help of time and space to open the door to the world of time, the colorful light arc appeared in a spirit. Over the city.

The world of the people.

As the most mysterious and powerful force in the world, the wizard has been manipulating the operation of the whole world behind the scenes. Perhaps even if there are more than a hundred hidden wizards in the whole world, they seem to have a lifeline and control all walks of life in the world. The most important resource is the will of the great annihilation tower.

As the owner of this world, Green can make the whole world serve itself or completely subvert.

In recent years, with the inflow of black gold technology into the world of spiritual people, the combination of psionic technology and black gold technology has brought about earth-shaking changes in the spiritual society. Some high-level rulers have learned the world's community basic pattern knowledge through wizards and understand the world of wizards. Powerful and in their own situation, they are constantly trying to form a powerful and powerful corps, invading other small worlds nearby to plunder and strengthen themselves.

A three- or four-meter-long miniaturized psionic bus flies like a bee in the city, and occasionally a 100-meter spacecraft sails from the city to the next city.

Neon lights show, skyscrapers and high-rise buildings are bright, the color screen projection billboards are extravagant and prosperous, and occasionally one black gold equipment spirited warriors flashed away, guardian city order.

In general, at this time, the war power of the spiritual world has reached the standard small world, coupled with some of the foundations built by the wizards, as well as other world spying, the world has begun cross-border exchanges.

嗡呜, 嗡呜, 嗡呜...


The sudden emergence of the 10,000-meter colorful light arc over the city has caused the entire city to fall into uneasiness and fear. The urgent warning has spread throughout the city. The current world of the spiritual world is no longer a once-in-a-life. Know what this light arc is, this is the time and space connection of the unknown world!

One of the black-and-golden spirited warriors vacated, and the eight-legged self-propelled gun hidden in the underground of the city appeared on the road like a spider. The muzzle aimed at the sky, and people frightened to the underground bomb shelter, and several hundred meters of projections from The ground slipped and the psionic waves of the crisis passed to the world.

The few wizards hidden in this bustling city stared at the door of 10,000 meters of time and space that suddenly appeared in the sky, sensing the terrible pressure behind the door of time and space, almost desperate.

"Well? No! This is..."

However, when the pure elemental atmosphere came along with the pressure, several little wizards thought of something, and gradually became stunned in fear.

“Is it a powerful wizard in the wizarding world? Are the wizards not going to the normal time and space?”

"You go first."

With the male voice behind the door of time and space, suddenly, the whole city has raised white snow, a hundred meters of phantom from the door of time and space into the world of the world, a million meters of giant face from time and space In the door, the three-color light overlooks the small one below.

In time, the spiritual warriors who gathered from all over the city wearing black gold suits fell into the earth like raindrops, even those

The 100-meter warship, also disabled, is generally suppressed by the pressure from the sky.

The neon lights of the skyscrapers are dim and bright, and there are screams of the spirits everywhere. The gap in life level, Green’s every move is a world disaster for these ants. www.novelmtl.com~ The tall buildings were smashed by the tidal winds of the elements, and the light around the door of the arc of time and space was darkly distorted. This seemed to be a terrible monster that swallowed light and darkness, and suddenly visited the world.

After several hourglass incidents.

"This is your world! You are too strong now, and you should not easily come to this small world anymore. A bustling city will be destroyed by you."

Millie stared at the vast ruins on the ground and said to Green.

"This time I’m anxious. After all, it’s my world. If I’m going to be more prepared next time, I’ll be more careful. It’s not like this. Well, there are just a few little wizards here.”

The three-color light sight of Green is a few small wizards who are not in the city, just one level two.

"Mom egg, if the black witch king comes back from the chaotic world community, it must be the real horrible ability to play the ring of loss. Before the black witch king had the ability to independently fight half of the civilization, it would not be even more in the future... This is how to do!?"

The little gossip panicked and sighed.

"Actually, have you ever thought that the Black Witch King left the Wizarding World for a while, is it an opportunity? After all, it is a chaotic world, and the Black Witch King wants to form a world leader, and the number of illusory creatures that are needed will never be A few more, if you come back after one or two eras..."

Green's faint words, even said so.

"Then there is Pumirosius, how can it be so simple!? Then again, the exploration of your life is still the last breakthrough in progress, use this to gamble!"

Xiao Ba is calling.

"Well... Actually, I was just thinking, if it is of course to act against our instincts, is it a kind of resistance?"

Green stared at the small eight, said low, next to Milly confused. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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