A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1526: Black Witch King visits!

The exploration and cognition of the power of the dimension dimension is not only the ideal of the wizard, but also the unremitting pursuit of the civilizations with outstanding achievements. For the Green who has the gap seal technique at this moment, it has already possessed the qualification of inquiry and the balance of Green truth. The core of the magic wand is the original power.

"Grim Green's Fairy Tales" is the testimony of Green's speculation on this supreme ability since the third-level wizard.

For the fate of the truth, there is no trace of influence on the endless world. "It" uses the unknown ability of high latitude to erase the existence of the rules of balance and balance, facing the challenges of the powerful and large army of various civilizations standing at the peak of history, never conquered. What kind of existence?

Green, immersed in this pursuit of exploration, suddenly took out the crystal ball, this time is the original two-ring true spirit wizard.


Slightly a little surprised, Green escaped from the spirit of the world, and gave a slight salute to the original two-ring true spirit wizard who entered the city of eternal sky.

"Master, I don't know what the contact is under?"

"I have dealt with the size of the Second World Ring of the Wizarding World. I have dealt with it almost even. Even if I leave, the financial rules will last forever. To be honest, I hope that you can inherit the title of the Second Ring Spirit Wizard, huh, huh."

Feel free to swear a few words, like old friends who have not seen for many years. It may be seen that it may be influenced by the war of civilization, perhaps in the city of eternal sky, and the new target motivation, the spiritual spirit of the second ring Very good, and no downside.

Then, the second ring of the true spirit wizard continued: "In addition, the tower of the annihilation, when I just carried out the task of handing over resources in the wizarding world, I will mark the sand of the time you need, and I believe that it will take a long time. In your hands, re-call the ancient city of the sky to the wizarding world to help you complete the dedication!"

"Great! Thank you, Master!"

Green is happy with the color.

"Well, work hard, the final journey of the civilized battle of the universe will be held in the near future. I believe that the whole side will soon be full of all-nighters. Hey, the new human bugs in the information are very interesting. You will be their ruler, you have to withstand the pressure of the mechanical wizard, and gain more benefits for the elemental wizard."

After a few words, the second ring of the real wizard closed the crystal ball contact.

There is a loophole in the perpetual motion protection cover given by Skynet's independent will. The Wizarding World has naturally sent small-scale wizards to explore the universe of the world several times and has achieved considerable results.

After such a connection with the two-ring true spirit wizard, Green did not continue to shape the truth to balance the magic wand head. After thinking about it, the shoulder flashed and Xiao Ba appeared.


Xiao Ba is confused and seems to be taking a nap.

"You go to the world of three-legged crows first, telling them that after the end of the civilized war on the side of the wizarding world, I will fight with the land of the gods of the world. Right, if it is convenient, you can invite the ancient temples of the Thunderbolt to go together. ”

"Yeah, I have to accompany Xiaowan!"

Xiao Ba came to the spirit and stretched out.

"Forget it, Xiaowan will not come out in a short period of time, and Ye Ye will accompany him. I will be distracted. I don’t know how the guy managed the parasitic spore world you have rewarded. The world community here. After reunification, if there is no accident, the next battle is the chaotic world community. The dark door of the dark world does not know when to hit the secondary esophagus..."

After muttering to himself with the modern wizard's thoughts, he stretched out and flew out of the lab.

As time goes by, the black flames of the 10,000-meter-old soul-bird outside the lab are burning. This is the most vulnerable time. When there is almost no resistance, it is especially necessary for Green to look after him.

Every day, Green is waiting for a ring of true spirit wizards, looking forward to the cosmic world battle, Xiao Ba also returned from the three-legged crow world, learned that the death crow family has restored the number of basic ethnic groups, and gladly agreed to Green requirements After that, Green nodded and said nothing.

As for the ancient temples of the chaotic world, the Thunder Wolf, it seems that because of the chaotic storm before, the whole world has been devastated, and the heads of several emperor wolves have disappeared and can no longer be contacted.

According to Green.

In the previous period, the wizard civilization and the metal destroyer civilization have fought together, and at the same time, the chaotic world community chaos broke out. According to the dark world, the wizard world must have used the fate lever to infinite space and time power, and guided the direction of chaos. In the dark world, hundreds of millions of horrible chaotic illusory creatures like the chaotic giant trees in the world of the world, the chaotic birds and the horrible creatures, have invaded the past with the chaos of fog.

This is a disaster for the entire world community.

Shasha Shasha...

However, just as Green is preparing for the invasion of the cosmic world every day, waiting for the call, the ice age secret is overwhelmed by an inexhaustible dark desperate will, even in the darkest glaciers, under this dark desperate will. It also became insignificant. In the lab, Millie seemed to be frozen all over her body, standing still and cold sweat.

Green and his shoulders are eight, staring at the uninvited guest who suddenly visited in front of him. The blood and rain are standing behind the green, and the inexhaustible pressure is coming in overwhelming. It is like being trapped in a quagmire, even the tiniest movement is so difficult.

Black Witch King!

At this moment, the Black Witch King is shrouded in the power of human despair. Even if the fluorescent green pollution is scattered, step by step to Green. www.novelmtl.com~ clench the thumb of the right hand of the unknown boneless magic wand , a square quaint ring.

That... It is the ring of Titan's loss. After it was discovered, the first two masters, the Seven Rings and the King of Abba, have fallen, and the Black Witch King is its third owner!

"I want to kill you in your blood pool!"

Suddenly, the **** rains turned out to be like this. If the face is crazy, it shows the brutal and vicious barbarism.

Perhaps the black witch king's oppressive power is too great, causing the blood and rain to lose control, smashing, high-altitude lightning and thunder, blood and rain.


After the blood and rain have not moved, they are stopped by the Green body, and after dispelling the rules of annihilation, the hunter's heart is absorbed into the body.

"The Black Witch King suddenly visited, I don't know what needs to be done?"

There was some nervousness in my heart, and Green didn't know what the black witch king was looking for.

"Hey, I thought that except for the seven rings, the elements of the wizarding world are the same, and there is no such thing as the mystery of the mysterious smelting and synthetic animal field. I didn't expect..."

Staring at the tens of thousands of yin soul birds, the black witch king seems to appreciate the art, full of praise, which makes Green relax a little.

"If this is the case, use this as a reward. I heard that you have the entrance clues of the chaotic world, the sacred tower sorcerer, eh? Is that true?"

In the unbelievable eyes of Green, the Black Witch King actually took out a huge red flame, and was bound by the force of time and space to hand to Green.

These flames are the blood of the king of the Purgatory giant Eba Adam!

The horrible warfare of condensing in the blood, whether it is used for the evolution of the soul of the 10,000 birds, or the blood and rain, the condensed rules, and even the shaping of the body of the Green, are infinitely endless! (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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