A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1525: Yan soul bird egg

One hundred years later.

"Don't be afraid, you will stand at the peak of life, you are the miracle that has been robbed from the fate of truth!"

Under the face of truth, Green is excited and screaming and screaming, his arms wide open, and his secrets are also greatly changed by Green's every move. The dense elements of the clouds converge, the winds and the clouds are in the thunder, and the light and dark interlaces will be the Green Tricolor.眸 Exciting madness is particularly irritating.

The birth of the soul of the 10,000-headed bird is itself a major breakthrough in the mystery of life, a synthetic beast with self-evolutionary ability, and the ability of the black sorcerer's corpse!

From the egg of the bird, from the heads of several districts to the nine hundred and ninety-nine heads now, this surreal evolution is equal to the idealized life formed by Green, and is also the elemental wizard. The highest pursuit of life.




In the unprecedented huge smelting and anatomy, more than 50,000 meters of transcendental huge body, 999 heads writhed, and the black flames were burning and burning, just like the children who were going to have injections, constantly resisting.

"Hey, Mom and Dad are watching you here, you can rest assured."

The small eight and the leaves are blended into the black flame, and they are constantly comforted by the restless flames of the 10,000 birds.

The vast smelting and smelting synthetic array is covered with dense mysterious runes. After the war of civilization, the wizarding world suffered trauma. Perhaps other resources are relatively scarce, but the vitalized flesh cells and elements of the activation of the soul are extremely abundant, so Green The collection of raw materials will not be carried out at all, and the altar is already densely packed with these activated flesh and blood, which is being eroded by black flames.

Green couldn't have the feelings of Xiao Ba and Ye Ye, just to explore the rational eyes of the mystery experimenters of truth, and observe the progress of the experiment. As the black flame gradually eroded these synthetic flesh, as if many of them would be swallowed up by the black flame. Look, Green Twilight is getting more and more surprises.

"Hey, it seems that in the future it will really grow into a great behemoth. Don't hide your instinct and devour it..."

While muttering to himself, Green opened the "Book of Truth" and took out a large amount of metal powder of Titan's spear from the Forgotten World. There was a constant flow of it, and it was not known how many millimeters of Titan's spears had been smashed by Green for this evolution.

These Titan's spear metal powder, Green is mixed with activated blood and meat in proportion to 6:33, mixed into the activated flesh and blood, and takes out an amazing number of sage stones, under the fineness of Green's fine magic, as various Neutralizing trace elements slowly soak these activated blood.

Soon, the second batch of activated flesh that was thrown into the synthetic altar by Green was absorbed by the soul of the 10,000 birds, and Greenhead began to invest in the third and fourth batches...

In such a high-intensity madness experiment, the black flame of the flaming 10,000 birds is getting more and more sturdy, and the body is gradually approaching the spheroid.

Fifteen days later.

When Green puts into the twenty-ninth batch of activated flesh and blood, the soul of the 10,000-headed bird seems to have reached the limit and can no longer be absorbed. At this moment, the spirit of the 10,000-headed bird is like a dying man. There is no mental state.

"Oh, finally, the most important step."

Green took a deep breath and cleaned up the excess activated blood on the altar. He stared at the 10,000-meter black flame bird egg that had gradually formed. From the forgotten world of the Book of Truth, the bone marrow of the Holy Spirit was taken out. With infinite magic, it is very attractive, and the special energy inside seems to be extremely active, which makes people feel a liquid flame.


Xiao Ba Yi flashed, suddenly appeared on Green's shoulder, cried: "My dear Green Wow, you are sure that the soul of the 10,000 birds can successfully complete the qualitative change of life, once you said, if the failure of Xiao Wan can be ... ..."

"Of course sure."

Green comforted Xiao Ba, and when he fell into the bones of the Holy Spirit, Ye Ye shouted again: "I want you to guarantee!"

"Okay, I promise!"

Green sighed, and in the gaze of Xiao Ba and Ye Ye, the bones of the Holy Trinity were poured into the black flame. In time, the black flame that had already calmed down seemed to be stimulated and burned again. stand up.

"Ah! Green Beast, how is Xiaowan?!"

The three-coloured brilliance of the green color flashed and calmed: "Reassure, it has become degenerate. It just needs to wait quietly for the day when it breaks through the shell. It is already adult and will not be a problem."


It seems that Xiao Ba is waiting for a day when Xiao Wan broke the shell.

On the other hand, Green made such a big move in the secrets of the Ice Age. Millie, who had been waiting in the distance for a long time, flew down on the Green side and stared at the black flame bird eggs standing on the giant altar.

"How long does it take to get out of the shell? And, after all, this is the ultimate support for your elements. If you don't have a omnipotent soul supply, I am afraid that frequent use will have great side effects."

Green nodded.

"It is true that the soul of the 10,000 souls is the equivalent of true spirits, but there is no omnipotent soul to support ~www.novelmtl.com~ Frequent use may threaten the evolution of the soul of the 10,000 soul birds, but The war of civilization is coming to an end, my true spiritual dedication is about to go on, and there is also a **** rain that can be temporarily provided. As for the time of breaking the shell, I am afraid that at least a thousand years..."

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

At this moment, the altar suddenly made a strange sound, black spread, the altar was actually under the inexplicable power of the mad black flame, and the metallization of the finished person!


Green took Millie back, and the heart was full of expectations for the soul of the 10,000 birds.


One day after thirty-five years.

Collecting the derivative version of Grimm's Fairy Tales in various regions of the Wizarding World. For the Grimm's Fairy Tales without ending, people from different regions have derived different endings according to their own preferences, and Green is collecting these endings.

The Thousand Worlds Ball, the so-called low-latitude refuge created by the Gujark civilization, was used by Green as the future balance of magic wands and dimensional gap seals.

At this moment, Green walked in the world of the world, in addition to deliberately left some of the lower robots, the seal of the crystallizer terminator has been cleaned up by Green.

At this moment, in the eyes of Green, the different endings of the "Gregory Fairy Tale" are related to the different interfaces in the gap of the dimension, and Green stares as if staring at a low-latitude window.

"What is the higher latitude, what is the fate of truth? Because it can't reach higher latitudes, then if you want to understand the higher latitude secrets, you can only speculate by observing the low latitude. Did Antonio think of this at the beginning? ?"

In the mutter, the endings of these "Gregory Fairy Tales" collected by Green are gradually imprinted on the earth's surface. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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