A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1522: Dimensional gap seal

Shasha Shasha...

Deeper than the most illusory streamer, the endless world and the higher dimension of the diaphragm, the distorted absurd breath gradually converges with the real world with the annihilation of the mysterious billions of runes.

Under this indescribable, unspeakable and irresistible rule of the same kind, the number of amazing nightmare monsters gathered around the door of the time-sealed blockade of the secrets, all looking up and staring at the door of time and space in the nightmare of the nightmare In the middle, the illusion is illusory and unreal.

At this moment, the annihilation of the secret, as if the former wizard world and the inertia intermediary space of the nightmare world, Green won the heart of the hunter.

However, this intermediary is actually created by Green!

At the height of the corpse of the ancestors, the Green, who holds the lever of destiny, is also attacked by unbelievably amazing numbers of nightmare monsters in all directions. These strange shapes are smashing to Green, but the greens holding the fate lever are for the lower creatures. As if it were just a phantom, it was worn and could not form a threat.

For the lower creatures, Green, who holds the lever of destiny, has become another higher-level life that cannot be understood. It is like a magical wizard who enters the illusion and doubles the leverage of the element, as if a ghost is absurd. The attack in reality can't work, which is the more unacceptable for the higher intelligence creatures. Just like the grotesque ghosts of children reading horror stories, they can't help but spread a lot of cold sweat.

Destiny leverages space and time, allowing Green's pivot to temporarily enter a higher level of time and space.

"This breath, oh... is indeed a dimensional gap seal. He has come across the dimensional gap and lived out, a deeper seal than the colorful space-time seal."

A round of true spirit wizards stood on the metal fire of the Decepticons, staring at the huge space debris inlaid in the door of time and space. The hundreds of millions of runes are flashing at the same time. The blue waves are generally flowing in all directions, pushing the rules of the dark red nightmare that surround the wizard world, and the group of monsters who want to escape the nightmare of the nightmare. Exposed in the dimension gap rule.

Dimensional gap seal, similar to the arrival of Green in the dimension of the esophagus facing the dimensional gap rule, was finally artificially induced by Green in the real material energy world!

Under the dominance, there is no absurdity that can resist the rules of dimensional gaps. It is a barrier between different dimension dimensions!

Oops! Oops! Oops! Oops! Oops! Oops...

Hey! Hey! Hey! Oh...

These nightmare demons exposed to the rules of the dimensional gap are smoothed by the blue-green springs that have been morphed by the dimensional gap rules. They are visible to the naked eye. These dreamy bones and monsters, which were originally brutally gathered around the door of time and space, have turned into one. Only screaming, "giggle", "呱呱" is called.

Yes, these nightmare monsters have become completely embarrassing, just like Green was influenced by the dimensional gap rule and turned into a little girl, taken by the super big mushroom, without resistance, any words are just twisted by the rules. Frightened screaming little girl.

"Wow, success, great!"

Standing on the shoulders of Green, influenced by the rules of the dimensional gap, the realization of the material energy reality is the reality of Xiao Ba. Gradually, the incredible power of the unfolding emerges from the body.

"Green Beast, the first time you apply a dimensional gap seal, you should pay attention to the scope of the advancing rules of the dimensional gap seal. I will protect you, oh!"

Compared with the small size of Green, who is struggling to control the dimensional gap seal, the small eight virtual shadows are getting bigger and bigger, almost covering the sky, and even bigger than the corpses of the ancestors. The virtual shadows will gradually gradually make those big and small dream bones. The magical shackles shrouded.

These instinctive desires to escape the influence of the dimensional gap rule are simply impossible.

"Ha ha ha, who is the one who grabs it!"

"I am here first, there are so many cockroaches here, it’s great!"

"We are Amazon's Thumbelina family. What do we want to do is entirely up to us. Can they still resist this group of gestation tools? Just wow haha, I will have 300,000 in a while."

"I want 500,000!"

"Ah! Look at how cute they are, nesting on the purest mud, the perfect shape transformed from wild mature cockroaches, will definitely make our conception process very exciting, I just want to call it out, we must Will give birth to a stronger Amazon Thumbelina Warrior!"

Destroy the secret territory, one after another 10,000 meters female giant rushed out of the absurd illusion, they have a mountain-like heavy body, more exaggerated muscle torso than men, crazy wilderness to make prey fear, thousands of Amazon thumb The girl stared at the cockroaches with her eyes, as if the traveler who was about to starve to death saw the scent of the scent, and one big and one big hand rushed to grab it.

Scorpio, what are they doing!

For these tens of thousands of wild female giants, the number of hands and squats is more than tens of thousands. These mad and excited female warriors are caught in the battle, and they are directly like their own body!


The so-called conception of pregnancy in this dimension of absurdity is simply bizarre and unbelievable. This is probably the most tragic death of the dimension gap rule that Green has seen!

"Wow by ~www.novelmtl.com~ No, you can play the Green Beast!"

Even Xiao Ba can't help but swear, and other wizards who are fortunate enough to witness the dimensional gap seals need not say more, although they are shocked by the essence of the dimensional gap seal power, but they are not as shameful as the representation.

In such a glorious moment, almost to save the sorcerer and save the world leader of the wizard, these excitement of the Amazon Thumbelina female warrior made Greene.

"Cough, it seems that after the war, in the songs of history, we must make a good wording."

A ring of real spirits stunned the brow, the black witch king saw this scene, just a low "桀桀桀桀" smile, anyone can see, the Green dimension gap seal seal overlaps time and space, has formed a true dedication, hunter The **** rain rule has been thoroughly formed.

Undoubtedly, the blood-rain rule that combines the power of the wizarding world with the power of the nightmare, will inherit the characteristics of the two worlds, and can influence the growth and growth of the surrounding environment and continue to plunder and grow.

Shasha Shasha...

Dimensional gap seals never take away all the low-spirited creatures, often leaving some of them strong.

At this moment, as the dimensional gap seal is close to the end, one of the Amazon Thumbelina female warriors disappears, the sky is sparsely left with a small part of the cockroach, and it is changed back to the nightmare, and the door of the nightmare world has completely disappeared.

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

"I have succeeded."

In the air, the rule of the wizarding world is constantly retreating to replace the nightmare rules. It is extremely chaotic, and the violent thunder slips over. In the face of truth, Green sends out a near-dead breath and a gratifying discourse, and gradually returns to the small eight as the dimension gap rule disappears. Weak and small, in the eyes of everyone, Green fell from the sky. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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