A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1523: Blood rain is dominated!

Tick, ticking, ticking...

The passage of time, from the Green's exhibition of dimensional gap seals, seals the door of the Nightmare Devil World, and has saved the Wizarding World from the local war crisis for three hundred years.

Three hundred years may be quite long for lower creatures, but for Green's existence, for the development of civilization history, it is only a blink of an eye. Now the wizard civilization and the metal destroyer civilization are offensive and defensive, metal destruction Civilization has no more resistance, and the invasion of the universe is about to be realized!

The protagonist of the war of civilization guards the world of wizards, the tower of the annihilation tower, has been swaying the tower of the annihilation tower with the hand of destiny, and the door to the world of time and space in the world of the sorcerer’s world Famous for the world.

From then on, the future wizards who lived in the Battle of the Third Civilization will no one know that this revolutionary wizard is about to turn the legendary ancient wizard who is about to be wounded in the local disaster of the Wizarding World.

the other side.

Green, who completed the dimensional gap seal three hundred years ago, fell because of the magical counter-attack. Since then, he has not appeared and completely hidden. The outsider seems to be recovering from the magical power.

Losing Green's participation in the war of civilization, the final end of the Wizarding World Civilization War is still proceeding in an orderly manner.

Clean up the remnants of the Wizarding World, the magical creatures, calculate the area of ​​the fluorescent green pollution, manage the severely damaged area of ​​the Three Rings, destroy the various worlds of the metal destroyers, complete the war of civilization, and unify the world community. ......

The secret of the Ice Age, Green Temporary Laboratory.

"Cough and cough..."

The lemon juice in the mouth was too sour. Green licked his lips and glanced at the smirk Rab. He continued to experiment with the sacred scorpion given by Hessian, trying to match the Titan's spear metal powder. Ensure that the Yanshen Wantou bird successfully breaks through 999 heads and completes the evolution of thousands of heads.

For Green, after the return of the esophagus and the travel of various world communities and the accumulation of this civilization, the foundation of knowledge is restored again, and unlimited imagination and exploration represent unlimited possibilities and unlimited potential!

Having said that, to complete the dedication of the true spirit, but not to advance to the true spirit, Green is also unique to the history of the wizard world, completely a different kind!

Therefore, Green's annihilation tower is called the Great Sorcerer, and it has not changed.

咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚...

The heart of the hunter beats, but it is another avatar of Green. It is like the source of the annihilation of the Thanksgiving Day, which relies on the source of magic power to promote the annihilation of Thanksgiving. This annihilation source also completes permanent solidification and exists as an incarnation. But it is not just a three-level existence, but a...master!

Green's geo-world invasion plan has not changed yet. The wizarding world needs the world's largest magnet, and Green also needs to complete the salvation of the savior, and try to cooperate with the yin-yang butterfly to complete the expectation of the seven-ring true spirit wizard.

With such a avatar, Green Magic's anti-phagic can be completely restored in a short time, and it can be explained.

"Hey, my dear Green Guy, you can't relax, play with me? Everyday I know the experimental test, the battle of civilization is almost finished, you are now the hero of the wizarding world, admiring Legendary ancient wizard, what are you doing so hard?"

Green’s experiment did not stop at all, and the head did not return to the low road: “This is just the premise of the hunter’s expedition. Compared to the vastness of the endless world, what is going to be a world community, we are still just a partial leaf. Just, if you want to play, go find Xiaoba and Yeye."

"Oh, okay."

Rab was unhappy, and before leaving the lab to close the door, he added another sentence: "Millie told you to eat at night, Mina Guardian is coming over, yes, and free dandelion master."

"Oh? Oh."

Green responded with a sigh of relief, and he was so angry that he pulled the door and left.

It is true that this sacred sorcerer, given by the sorcerer of the sorcerer, is a superb material that aids the growth of the synthetic beast, but since Green has his own Titan Spear Metal Integration Plan, although directly using the Holy Spirit The smelting and smelting synthesis is also sure that the Yanshen Wantou bird will break through a thousand heads and complete the third qualitative change, but Green chose to incorporate the Titan's spear metal.

As a result, it involves the conflict between the metal properties of the Holy Tribe and the Titan's spear, and it is very likely to cause irreparable harm to the promotion of the soul of the 10,000 birds.

For three hundred years, what Green has done is to extract the bone marrow from the Holy Trinity, and experiment with it to neutralize the conflicts between the two to ensure the smooth advancement of the soul of the 10,000 birds.


The cold and brutal evil **** rain has changed, step by step to the side of Green, and handed the crystal ball.

Green stopped the experiment, and the three-color glimmer glanced at it. The crystal ball contact turned out to be a real wizard!

"You are ready to go down~www.novelmtl.com~ We have used the Vantage Perpetual Motives loophole to get enough information in the universe world, and the only remaining world in the metal destroyer civilization is not enough. It should be within a hundred or two years. Will end this war of civilization, with your prestige in this war, as the ruler of the new man, the ruler of the wizard world will not say anything, at least no one will say anything in a short time."

Green licked his lips and finally asked the doubts in his heart.

“Why is it better to leave those new human beings completely extinct?”

"Leaving a new human being is the most perfect way to deal with the current situation of the wizarding world. Skynet's self-will is the end of the spirit of Vantage, and it is the ancestor of the new human being, and the ancestor of this new human being is actually a similar What is the combination of scientific and technological beliefs and spiritual ethics, its significance is to protect the new human beings. Once the new human extinction, the light of Vantage technology is extinguished, Skynet will once again restore its self-will, what are the consequences you should be clear?"

After a pause, a true spiritual wizard continued: "And if you enslave a new human being, it will control the spirit of Vantage, and we can continue to enslave Skynet will serve the wizard. At least the zero stone should be gradually eliminated. As a new human ruler, I don’t have to say much about the benefits. In the battle of civilization, you will complete the dedication of the true spirit as soon as possible. When it is time to replace the second, fourth, and seventh rings, or to create the ten rings, they will follow you."

The Second Ring Spirit Wizard has entered the city of Eternal Sky.


The **** rain turned off the crystal ball contact.

After meditation for a while, Green sensed the emotional fluctuations in the black flame's little thumb and sighed comfortably: "Don't worry, you will be fine, and soon you will grow again, getting closer and closer to Wantou." To be continued.) If you are a book, the book friend's house! Unique URL:

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