A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1521: Green Point

Snoring, snoring...

Continuous battle, from the wizarding world to the world of dreams, and then from the world of dreams, the opponents are all the top masters of the strong, otherwise it will not be able to take the black witch king personally, even the black witch king The tyrannical sorcerer also consumes some omnipotent souls, which are used to repair the corpse of the corpse and restore the magic to open the "Life and Death", unraveling the Yellow River.

This is a historical piece that can be loaded with handwritten notes, since it has been completely in control of its omnipotent soul, and it has been rare since ancient times to be truly worthy of the enemy.

"After waking up the four rules of life from the deep underground, it is not good to search for perpetual motion, and ... and inadvertently collected millions of degrees of dreams of despair, purifying and eliminating the trouble."

In the black fog, the Black Witch King stretched out the pale palm of the stick, and the power of desperation around him was completely different from the power of human despair. He was being slashed and slashed like a scalpel.

At the same time, the Black Witch King stared at Green, staying in the **** rain rules scattered around him for a moment, staring at the fate lever in Green's hands.

It was just Green who held the fate lever to help him return to the wizarding world.

"What is going on! One ring, you better explain it!"

Because the first ring failed to stop the little emperor and Megatron, which led to the self-confidence of the black witch who had blocked the king of the purgatory giant Eba Dang, and was unable to personally block the king of Ebdan. It has been said that the fate leveraged the replacement of the owner, but never thought that after a short period of intrusion into the nightmare, the real world of the demon, the real magical lever has already appeared in the hands of other wizards.

Moreover, this wizard is still a sacred sorcerer who is dedicating the true spirit and having rules!

"Nothing, cough and cough."

A ring of true spirits appeared, appearing on the side of the Black Witch King, and also staring at Green holding the Devil's lever.

"As you can see, in order to make up for the mistakes I made, the annihilation tower sacred sorcerer proposed to seal the fate of the world with the seal of the secret gap seal in his secret. I decided to leverage the fate. The magic wand temporarily lends him to let him use the power of the magic wand to infinite space and power, to sway the secret to the door of the nightmare, to display the dimensional gap seal, and seal the overlapping time and space of the two worlds."

“Just borrow it? Dimensional gap seal...what!”

The Black Witch King is unbelievable.

"Dimensional gap seal, he not only got a page of destiny left by Antonio, but even the dimensional gap seal can be left by knowledge inheritance? Impossible! Oh, but if you really master the degree of seal, fate The lever magic wand inherits him to be able to give full play to the elemental inheritance. It seems that the previous ten-ring title will be worthy of the name."

"The ten rings can't be said, have you not found this birth rule a bit strange?"

It is difficult to see that this true spiritual wizard who has always hinted that Green will seal the black witch king, at this moment, has been calmly discussing with the Black Witch King, and there is no contradiction between the two.


The black witch king stared at the rules of blood and rain.

"The rule of the wizard world is mixed with the nightmare of the nightmare. This rule seems to be closer to the nightmare wizard, from illusion to reality, oh, actually gathered on the heart, not the body..."


At the same time, after the Black Witch King was brought back to the Wizarding World by the lever of destiny, in the door of the world of dreams and bones, the chaotic ancient emperor composed of endless skeletons roared, and a pair of people who wanted to get through the door of time and space. .

Behind him, the other three nightmare emperors peeped into the wizarding world, and the evil shadow Gudi was just one of them.

"Well? He is going to start!"

With a ring of true spirits calming the words, not only the black witch king, but also the distant shadows, the true spirit wizards, the holy marks wizards are all inductive, nervous, excited, expecting, staring at the light of the fortune.

Compared with the corpse of the ancestors standing on the blizzard of the infernal purgatory, at this moment, Green has opened the Lafite self-sealing technique, at the stage of the extinction of 140% of the power, and the endless ins and outs of the eyes. The body's own gas field is still insignificant compared to the corpse of the ancestors, and even worse than the body impact of the king of Ebadam.

However, everything has changed qualitatively because of the neon beam of the fate of the wizarding world that runs through Green.

Power can seem to have no end of the pressure, even if the ancestors are here, the Green gas field is enough to compete with it!

The beam of destiny is connected to the secret of the tower of the annihilation. On the other hand, it is the door of the time and space of the nightmare of the bones of the bones. With Green as the fulcrum, the sound of the deepest part of the throat is heard. At this moment, Green seems to lift the whole world!


Even at the foot of Green, the darkness of the tens of thousands of meters of shadows, the dark red arrogant eyes of the center, followed with a difficult look.

"Come on, Green Beast!"

The small eight or two wings clenched their fists and looked very tense.

"Millie and Rab, they are watching in the secret world of the Ice Age!"

On the other side, the nightmare of the world.

"Well? What are you doing!"

From the door of time and space to the chaos of the wizarding world, the endless bones are scattered, and even with these bones as the medium, the already vast door of time and space is supported by these media, like burning paper. , quickly disappeared, and constantly expanded.

It has seen from the door of time and space, on the side of the wizarding world, the vast secret space that is coming from outside the world, and the vast mysterious space of a six-level holy sorcerer smashes into itself.

"Block him!"

Unexpected hunch, the ancient emperor behind the ancient emperor suddenly snarled like this.

In response to the sound, the sky was suddenly flashing in the air, a cloud of gray and fog appeared nowhere, everything happened so much too suddenly and strangely, completely out of the air, the cloak Next, a claw is silent and stabbed to Green.

Too sudden, no one doubts the attack of the hidden king of the nightmare.

Green, who is inciting the annihilation tower's secret, lifts the destiny lever magic wand. The tri-color ray of truth on the face of the truth also detects sudden changes at this moment. Even the black witch king and the true spirit wizard can't stop it in time, let alone A farther round, a round of true spirit wizards exist.


Xiao Ba screamed out.


At this moment, with the green hunter's heart beating vigorously, and Green is not the same magic system, the hunter's heart floats autonomously, and the blood rain that was originally dropped in the sky is affected by the hunter's heart, and it turns into a billion-six-law blood sword. , stunned to this cloak monster.


A momentary stop is enough.

With the giant hand of the sun-shadowing element falling, it is the ring of the real spirit wizard who personally shot, the cloaking cockroach blame as if it appeared, once again disappeared silently.

No one can stop Green from inciting the annihilation tower and complete the dimensional gap seal!

"Give me endless knowledge, I use myself as a fulcrum to shake the endless world..."

The hoarse voice, I heard that Green is almost all with his own strength, supporting the destiny lever magic wand to incite the tower of annihilation.

The original dark red and red mixed sky gradually collapsed ~www.novelmtl.com~ gradually reveals a boiling space of elemental boiling, is so vast, enough to rival the vastness of the infernal purgatory, even if the 10,000 meters of **** moon Compared with it, the Space Fortress still looks so insignificant and retreats in panic.

The dreams of the invaders of the wizarding world seem to have sensed the crisis at this moment, and the instincts are rushing to the door of the world, as if they are escaping the end of the world.

"You won't succeed!"

The ancient emperor roared, but his bones sticking out from the door of the world were destroyed by the ruthless crush of the tower of the annihilation tower.


The annihilation tower is like a catastrophic star, set in the door of the world of time and space!

After Green manipulated the destiny lever to shake the secret of the tower of annihilation, he briefly collapsed, but strengthened his spirit and turned the book of Truth.

Oh la la...

"Dimensional gap... Sealing!"

At this moment, holding up the destiny lever magic wand and flipping the Green of the Book of Truth, the glare shines as if it is the focus of the heavens and the earth, even though the black witch king, one round, one ring, one circle and other famous true spirit wizards are also It is completely depressed!

With Green's low discourse, the secret of the empty shell of the Tower of the Nightmare, which is hidden in the door of the Nightmare World, the hundreds of millions of runes hidden under the rock and stone are gradually being simultaneously present and appearing to the surface.

At the same time, the entire mystery seems to become extremely unstable, which is as a sacrifice to open some unimaginable horror before the illusion of struggle!

All the real spirits were oppressed by this moment's short suppression, and the ancestors could not help but instinctively protect their eyes with their giant hands. They slightly bowed their bodies and waited for the bursting of the dimensional gap seal. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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