A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1520: Little 8 and Green

Tick, ticking, ticking...

A round of true spirit wizards did not know when, appeared in the side of Green, accompanied by the "tick", "tick" eternal mechanical clock swing, time lapse, printed in this moment Green is holding high the fortune lever magic wand under the supreme glory!

Blood rain with cruelty, sternness, and the woundedness of the deceased, descending from the sky at the door of Green's nightmare. This new rule combines the power of the two worlds of nightmare and wizard, from no birth, gradually Blended with the heart of this hunter.

Oh la la...

The blood rain fell on the Nightmare Demon Legion, and fell from the roaring cheek of the Demon Sorcerer, slid down the bottom of the space fortress hemisphere, and watered the rough and stiff skin of the corpse.

"Children, your mind has been detected by the people, do you know what you are doing?"

Tick, ticking, ticking, ticking...

Suddenly, the green of the destiny lever magic wand, the three-color gaze gaze at the eternal mechanical clock behind the real spirit wizard, remembering the history of the wizard world, the corpse of the ancestors was divided into two parts, of which the black witch won the corpse and completed the supremacy. Synthetic animal witchcraft, and the heart of the ancestors was acquired by a round of real wizards, based on which the Eternal Mechanical Clock was supported.

"Respecting the great round of true spiritual wizards, removing the black wizard's cancer is not only a dream of many generations of elemental wizards, but also a cancer that was once developed by mechanical wizards. Do you want to stop me?"

Taking a deep breath, Green asked a round of true spirit wizards, and the little eight on his shoulders was also nervous and swallowed.

This historic event that determines the turning point of civilization, even if Xiao Ba follows Antonio's long years, has not experienced too much, and each time it is likely to determine the ups and downs of the progress of civilization.

"No, it's not that I want to stop you, it's the ancestors. The eternal mechanical clock senses the flesh and blood of the ancestors and the violent will of the wizarding continent. Do you know why the human heart was to be separated from the corpse of the human being? Because this is protecting the wizarding world! Otherwise Once the Black Witch King leaves the corpse of the corpse too far away, the corpse of the ancestors will follow the instinct and swallow up the lord of every wizarding world. If the black witch king is exiled, you will be the first devour of the world!"

Tick, ticking, ticking, ticking...

Behind a round of real spirit wizards, the eternal mechanical clock beats faster and faster.

"I have been able to clearly feel that the original violent will in the body of the ancestors is constantly waking up! Children, maybe your plan can be successful, the Black Witch King may be exiled to the ridiculous illusory world, but this is not the end. Losing the control of the Black Witch King, this corpse body will become a mobile zombie in the Wizarding World, and the Black Field will also create a new Black Witch King by losing the power of the Black Witch King to suppress despair!"

Shasha Shasha...

Hey haha...

It is not just the laughter of the fairy tale rules of the three-color elf tooth fairy, but also the nightmare illusion of the ugly red-haired monkey collected by the nightmare. The misty fog gathers toward Green, but it is the will of a true spiritual wizard.

"The annihilation tower Green, as the birth of the nightmare wizard rule, you should know more clearly the harm of the black wizard to the wizarding world. If there is no black wizard, the wizard world will become beautiful! The black witch king has got the ring of loss and Aba When the body is corpse, he will soon turn his eyes to the melting pot of the Purgatory, shaping the body of the ancestors and the corpse of the corpse, the third synthetic beast. The stronger he is, the greater the harm to the wizarding world. Stop him, you will be the hero of the wizarding world..."

A circle was rescued by a ring of real spirit wizards, but the first time here was a devil-like temptation, saying to Green, if there is no ring of true spirit wizards, it is impossible!

In the Sanhuan Santa area, the kings of the nightmare who came in came out, and the Sanhuan Santa area was the hardest hit. These nightmare monsters were standing on the ruins polluted by fluorescent green, searching for traces of lower wizards and humans. The true spirit wizards who returned from the world of dreams and bones are looking for the past.

"Green Beast, don't listen to the old guy who is alarmist, don't forget that we are two. One of them I have already thought about it. If you have a desperate lever magic wand one day, we will be invincible. As long as you send the time and space of the Eight Lords to any time and space coordinates that you want to go, you can contact us through the time and space of my lord. How can we catch up with us in the unconscious state of the corpse?"

Said, Xiao Ba paused and said: "And, you forgot how Lafite died?"

"I... of course remember!"

With the words of Green, the book of Truth is swaying, and the black shadows under the feet spread silently, and even opened Lafite's wonderful time self-sealing, as if the endless violent violence ripples with the strip The tens of thousands of meters of darkness are swaying.

Slow, a proud scorpion, opened.

"Once, every day I was blaming myself for being weak and incompetent, hating the evil cruelty of the black wizard, and killing Lafite with myself and the black wizard. But as time went by, the secondary esophagus returned, and all the experiences on my way let me know. The endless world is full of misfortunes and disasters. It is the struggle of our ignorant creatures. It is actually the hand behind the truth that is holding the weeds of the grass, teasing us, making us war, watching for fun, even black witches. The reason why the king became so, may be the freak created by the destiny of truth to make the endless world more balanced."

After seeing the little eight, Green "squeaked" and smiled.

"You and I have nothing to say to the Black Witch King. Maybe it is also constantly shaping through the scribble fate, and then completing a gorgeous battle with the Black Witch King to make those who are higher latitudes happy. Rafi is the arrangement of fate, and the black wizard is just an appearance."

"Mom, Green Beast, are you enchanted? The sorcerer is paying attention to the truth according to the actual situation. You are going crazy now! It is you who said that the seal of the Black Witch King is not sealed now, you still want to how?"

Green laughed at himself.

"I am testing your reaction, just like watching the fate textile machine."

At this moment, I don't know why, Green's three-color light is very calm. When I look at Xiaoba, I seem to be reading a letter, a letter from Antonio that cannot be explained in words.

"What do you mean?"

The little gossip has big eyes and it is difficult to set the channel.

"Small eight, you think you are a wizard of the world steel emblem, just like I thought I was a sorcerer in the world. I can't confirm my identity, but I can confirm your identity... Xiao Ba, you It is the result of an interval gap experiment of Antonio. In this endless world dimension, you are a children's painting embroidery. You are a time and space letter, even some broken memories, belonging to the destiny textile machine of the wizarding world."

The three-colored light looks up at the sky, staring at the black witch king who is constantly rushing to the wizarding world, Green's incomparable desire, eager to know the mysterious answer to the truth of the black witch king!

"The reason why Antonio left you to me is not to leave it to me, but he knows that one day the fate will be embedded in this wizarding civilization like the fate of the singer's civilization. Among them, I am the fool of the wizarding civilization. The process of constantly exploring the fate of truth is also being played. The ridicule is that this is the only way to understand the fate of truth."

"you you you you……"

Xiaoba, a wing pointing at Green, is not very angry: "Mom, this time you are crazy about what you are doing, you are a children's painting embroidery, your whole family is a fragmented memory, the Eight Lord is the wizard world steel emblem Starling, isn't it a **** letter, the result of the dimension gap experiment of the old thing? What **** experiment is the steel emblem and the dimensional gap bio-hybrid experiment??"

"Small eight, what is our soul partner talent?"

"Time and space are connected!"

Little gossip about Green~www.novelmtl.com~ The sound is simply squeezed out from the depths of the throat.

"The material world gives you the same time and space. The gap between the dimensions and the luck I bring to you is absolutely unlucky. After having the fate lever magic wand, this dimension of the dimension is hard to threaten us. You don't think that this is the fate to the wizard. Are the fools arranged in the world? Don't you think that we are actually one? Why every time I am in a coma, the mouth is always called the leaf instead of the name of Lafite or the mentor, you never doubted it to a deeper level. ?"

Under the **** rain, Green held up the destiny lever magic wand, and Xiao Ba and Green stared at each other. In the high altitude, the black witch king had already explored the wizarding world in most of his body, and extended his arms to the body of the ancestors. Energy is stirring.

"You mean... I am the fate of the arrangement, affecting the wizarding world unconsciously, and Antonio is trying to find out the fate with my experimental materials, but the result is a disaster for the wizarding world, so I finally compromised with fate and exchanged it. With the miracle of the Wizarding World, have you had such a long history of the Demon Hunting Expedition?"

"Besides this, what else can it be!"

Green raises his arm and launches the Destiny lever magic wand. The power of infinite space and time will help the Black Witch King return to the Wizarding World.

"For the wizarding world, Antonio succumbed to it, even if the Black Witch King did not dare to drag the wizarding world, trying to explore alone. I also want to see what the truth is, what is the higher dimension of the dimension, only break Balance and complexity, become the enemy of this dimension, and be qualified to face its existence! This not only requires your own strength, but also needs to stand behind a strong ethnic group! I want to see what it is... even if it is only one Instant!" (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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