A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1519: Blood rain

Time passes by, and it’s seven days before.

Compared with seven days ago, the area of ​​the nightmare of the nightmare magical world and the wizard world has more than doubled, and the three colors of the green are swaying, constantly estimating the area of ​​the tower of the annihilation tower and the area of ​​time and space. Magic wand, super-superior control.

In the door of time and space, the monsters of the dreams and bones are still rushing out of the sky. The true spirits who went to seize the ring of loss are also returning one after another. The corpses of the ancestors are still standing in an imposing manner, as if they are never tired. The giant hand of the sky is constantly waving.

At the beginning, there were several times when the nightmare of the sacred sacred corps attacked the corpse of the ancestors, and the dreams of the sacred bones and the sacred bones were surrounded by the corpses of the ancestors. After all, the sturdy bones, after the black witch king’s life and death mystery, still have With amazing vitality, the degree of attraction to the nightmare is unimaginable.

However, the corpse of the ancestors standing on the mainland of the sorcerer is really amazing. If there is no such thing as the attack of Aba as a purgatory, the number of these lower corps is no longer enough to threaten the body of the ancestors. .

After so many times, the Nightmare Devils also gave up and continued to attack the corpse of the ancestors, constantly breaking through the blockade defense line formed by the space fortress, the demon wizard, the world guardian, the sorcerer, and even the large-scale nightmare to attack the Third Ring. Tower event.

The sky, the sky, the endless nightmare, the paint, the dark red, the tens of thousands of **** moons mixed between the paint and the dark red, the space fortress destroys the cannon and is actually launched into the wizarding world.

On the ground, the vast crater is the Ebdon Furnace, which was thrown out of the purgatory. Now the Purgatory Giant corpse falls into the deepest part of the nightmare world. The Purgatory Furnace falls into the Wizards because it suppresses the ancestors and rushes into the Wizarding World. The mainland, leaving this endless flame crater, was invaded by the nightmare purgatory holy mark wizard Hessian.

"Young Master, the secret side has been OK, all evacuated to the ice age secret, how is your fate lever magic wand controlled infinite time and space?"

Xiao Ba stood on Green's shoulder and asked in a low voice. A pair of eyes looked round and looked up at the sky. With his wings constantly drawn, he estimated the area of ​​time and space for a while and cried: "Mom, it has expanded to such a large size. If you delay the secret of the tower of the annihilation for a few days, you can't stop such a big gap, and wait for something!?"

Some ancestors attracted attention, and Green used his robes to reduce his sense of existence. Now Green, who holds the magic lever lever, is ready to use himself as a fulcrum to incite the tower of the annihilation tower to block the door of the nightmare world.

"Wait again, the Black Witch King and a round have not yet returned."

It turned out to be a ring of true spirits, hiding in the mysterious illusion, he was in a higher vision, overlooking the real world creatures, secretly communicating with Green Will.

Suddenly, the nightmare of the gushing out of the door of time and space seems to be a little weaker, looking at it, the door of time and space slowly emerges a shadow, light gray breath, full body dominates the breath.

"A round magic wizard!"

The nightmare wizard rule revealed in the shadow, Green as the first nightmare wizard of the wizarding world, represents the birth of the nightmare wizard rule, has a special sense for a true spiritual wizard, even if still separated by a complete time and space, still aware It’s coming.

"Well? Little eight!"

Green suddenly had a mysterious secret, and hesitated to secretly convey the message: "You said... We took this opportunity to permanently exile the Black Witch King to the Nightmare Demon World? This is a perfect opportunity! So Our plan for the ancestors of the wizards will be less than one of the biggest ups and downs."

Xiao Ba was also shocked by Green's whimsy, hesitantly said: "Wow, play so big? You must think about the Green Beast, and the consequences of the old black witch can not be borne by anyone. Would you like to ask a ring?"

Sinking, Green stared at the shadow of the giant fog in the door of time and space, and there were hundreds of millions of light spots in the faint, and a cheerful song, a three-color elf of the true spirit wizard. Fairy tale rules.

A concealed will was sent through the special crystal ball in Green's hand and sent to the illusion.

After a while, Green got a ring of true spirit wizards will reply.

"You... are you sure you want to do this? The Black Witch King may be the wizard closest to the mystery of truth after Antonio, even before Antonio, closer than Antonio. Maybe compared to those so-called life and death. Mystery witchcraft, witnessing the truth and truth is the biggest secret of the Black Witch King. No one knows what it is, because those who know will never tell."

See the truth, the higher latitudes of life! ?

"Well? It seems that there is some trouble in the circle. This should be the nightmare of the nine-ring real spirit wizard. It is really powerful. I also know how many years of the world have hidden."

A ring of real spirits muttered to himself, Green's tri-color ray also gradually found that a round of true spirits behind the chase is not there, it is endless bones composed of super-mass, look at the volume, I am afraid than the corpse of the human body Also do not agree.

"The tower of annihilation, you decide for yourself."

咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚...

The world outside seems to be quieting down, no more voices, only to hear your own heartbeat.

At this moment, Green finally felt that the fate lever magic wand has endless power. It is in the hands of Green, which can make Green decide the survival of the Black Witch King, and even the future development pattern of the Wizarding World. This is not attack, defense, speed, etc. The most direct destruction of the series, this is the power of the rules!

"Feed and feed!"

Green was awakened by the small eight-one wings. ~www.novelmtl.com~ Seeing that Green gradually recovered his mind from that indulgent state, Xiao Ba pointed to the door of time and space and shouted: "What nerves do you make? A true spirit wizard has come over, and now the Black Witch King is there, can't do it!?"

At the moment, at the other end of the door of time and space, it seems that there are several horrible giants constantly screaming at each other. One of them is the Black Witch King. Although he has an active advantage, he is full of hardship and sleepiness, and brings a few horrible breaths around him. A little bit pushed away from the door of time and space, and I slowly got drilled.

call out!

Destiny lever magic wand, the colorful light of the stick head invisible and inferior penetrates the space and time, falls in the secret of the tower of the annihilation tower, the dimension gap seal seals the rune cave in the dense territory of the green, and the tail of the stick points to the black witch king is struggling to pass through. The door of time and space, the black witch Wang is entangled with several nightmare ancient emperors, while crawling back to the wizarding world, Green's right arm is the fulcrum of fate.

Holding a desperate lever magic wand and holding a book of Truth, Green is ready to apply a dimensional gap seal.

The original low-key hidden Green, at this moment, suddenly felt that Wanzhou is eye-catching, even if it is secret, it also emits extraordinary illumination. The world will pay attention to the coming. Many real wizards and kings of nightmare have also noticed the changes here.

咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚...

哗, 哗, 哗, 哗, 哗, 哗...

The heart of the hunter beats. At this moment, there is a **** rain around Green, and the area is constantly expanding. This is the beginning of the rule. The beginning of the true spirit is not in Green, but in this gathering of the Wizarding World. The power of the hunter on the heart of the power of the nightmare.

The so-called true dedication of such changes has made Green and Xiaoba feel unpredictable. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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