A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1518: Black Witch King (below)

As the oldest and longest living body in the wizarding world, the Sea King Festival is even older than the ancestors.

As an eighth-class creature, it has the soul of eternal and omnipotent. It may be the detached first-class power that has been accustomed to the talents. The adult is the owner of the world. This is a goal that many billions of people are hard to reach. It is the starting point of the tyrannose, and the sea king ritual is the detachment of the tens of thousands of years, the darling of the wizarding world, the world's master.

It is precisely because of this kind of transcendental talent that there is no need for so-called hard work, just non-stop dormancy and eating, time lapse, naturally it is the dominant level. When the sea wizards defeated the hegemony, the king of the tyrannivore whales wants to Exerting the ultimate efforts and wisdom, among the real powerhouses, apart from the endless years of life, the eternal soul brought almost no growth.

Too much reliance on talent, it also determines that once the talent is exhausted, there will be an end to growth.

After such a long period of time, the Wizarding World has even experienced three wars of civilization, which have undergone earth-shaking changes compared to the period of hegemony with the sea.

In the same period, those who were strong, once the Black Witch King has grown into an unspeakable horrible existence, the behind-the-scenes of the wizarding world, a round of true spiritual wizards have also grown up after the war of civilization, only the Sea King Festival It was the former King of the Sea.


Anger has continued from ancient times to the present, but since the moment the world was defeated, for the sake of ethnic survival, the Sea King Festival has given up the so-called dignity, the ancient sea king... is gone forever.

"Get away from the things that hinder your feet and go back to the wizarding world!"

The black witch king did not cover up the fall.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Black Witch King, weak urine is sin.

Seeing the black witch king who is concentrating on the vitality of the sun and the mother flame, he no longer pays attention to himself. Instead, he gaze at the other kings of nightmare, the true spirit wizard who rushed to the follow-up, and is facing away from himself. The sea king sacrifices the resentment and hate the pain. So I am attacking now...

Snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring...

No, no!

What I am thinking about is terrible!

The earth-shattering battle is about to take place. I can't hesitate any more. After the sea king sacrifices a deep breath, the rebellious kings of the real spirits and the king of nightmare actually flew back to the wizarding world.

The coincidence between the Wizarding World and the Nightmare World is getting higher and higher, and the door to nightmares is getting bigger and bigger. In the end, it will form a door to the super world that covers one tenth of the Three Rings.

One star of the true spirit wizard, one round of the true spirit wizard, the ice flame horns arrived almost at the same time, the sun 蝎 mother's huge body was controlled by the black witch king 渺 small figure, visible to the naked eye, the sun's aunt's body flame ripples along the black witch The king was black and was dragged into the body of the Black Witch King a little bit, like a bottomless black hole, constantly consuming the vitality of these living flames.

The carapace burning with red flames has already had some signs of dryness and withering, and the sun aunt has to add the vitality of the flame to the soul of the Almighty.

"Help... help..."

Admire by the black witch king's strange power, the king of the nightmare of the nightmare of the nightmare, the king of the nightmare, even the power to convey a complete will.

"Black Witch King, with your own power, want to occupy everything?"

A round of true spirits and fierce voices questioned, once the nightmare world and the black field confrontation, a round of true spirit wizard was suppressed by the black witch king, and had no choice but to make concessions in the nightmare world.

However, the obsession of a true spiritual wizard has never subsided, she has become more forbearing, no longer as sharp as the creation of a nightmare wizard.

"of course not."

The black witch king actually responded like this, evil smiled and said: "In addition to this inside, the world still has a few deep sleepy strong wills. Now I have to suppress this and I have to deal with it wholeheartedly, otherwise I may escape at any time. The remains of the two metal destroyers are still waiting for an opportunity in this world. Oh, but there is only one ring of loss, how can we allocate it, it is better... First think of ways to attribute these things to the wizarding world and then talk about distribution. how is it?"

The king of the nightmare of the ice flames, the pink pattern snake tail swims.

Nowadays, the Yellow River and the Nether River have shattered the elements of the invincible warfare and the evil shadows of the ancient emperor. It is one of the four oldest nightmares in the world. The evil shadows of the ancient emperor have been constantly stirring in the Huangquan Nether River, which has exploded a chaotic vortex. In an attempt to fight against the Dark Witch Kings Chamber.

As for the elementalization, the invincible warfare, except for the deeper foundation, is difficult to be destroyed by the Huangquan Nether River for a time. It is not special for the Black Witch King and it is difficult to pose a threat.

"it is good!"

It’s actually a true spirit wizard, this true spirit wizard seems to have had some friendship with the Black Witch King, combined with the abyss and sorcerer’s sorcerer’s situation in the post-civilization war, perhaps... the ring of loss In the hands of the Black Witch King, it is the best result for the abyss refining wizard.

With one star, the true spirit wizard rushed to the king of the nightmare of the ice flames, and quickly completed the wild instinct transformation along the way, the same is the seventh layer of the ancestors of the real body, the gas and the river, the savage savage.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

Different from the wizarding world, every true spiritual wizard in the local war will drop blood and try his best to stop the expansion of the war. But in the world of dreams, all the nightmare worlds are not worried. The situation, even the fall of other nightmare kings, is only a conceptualization of data, rather than involving the interests of all parties.

"The Wizarding World? The last time I dared to organize a large-scale army to invade the nightmare of the world. It was the memory of me when I was a little bone demon. The planet of Saia? A group of monkeys who claimed to be fighting nations destroyed the kings of the old generation of nightmare. Hey, Black Witch King, your skeleton makes me every nightmare soul excited, the endless world and creatures like you..."

Surrounded by black hanging rivers, chaotic and irregular vortex, the evil shadows of the ancient emperor stand, the sacral bones attached to the evil shadows have been eroded by the black hanging river, leaving only a group of black lacquer smoke, the same darkness as the nightmare sky .

The black witch king held the sun aunt in one hand, and how he struggled and could not escape the palm of the black witch king. A palm gripped the magical magic wand. After the turbulent turbulence of the Huangquan Nether River, the evil shadow Gudi made The chaotic vortex covers up.

However, the head of the Black Witch King, but raised up, staring at the erect eyes that gradually gathered toward the endless dark red tobacco, unrecognizable release, erected as if connected to an unknown time and space, faintly able to see time and space The ghost behind the mirror.

"It was a little troublesome..."

Oh la la!

The black hanging river vortex, which had just been covered by the Black Witch King, was once again struggling out of the evil shadow, and also stared at the dark red eyes of this high hanging sky.

"The magic eye of the ancient emperor, the terrible degree of this invading creature need not say anything more, wake up the old guys who are sleeping, the nightmare world must be fully activated to deal with this crisis, otherwise we will be like those ancient times Like the old guys, it has completely become history." (To be continued.) Good book, book house! Unique URL:

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