A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1487: Nightmare (4)

The figure flashed even though.

Green shuttles between the ugly and ugly dreams of the bones and monsters, and his eyes are on the golden terminator before the row of crystallizers. It seems to have no him.

Walking between the deepest ancient horrible monsters in the second esophagus, the killing is so famous that no one dares to dare to have its mysterious majesty. It seems that the ordinary figure is absolutely controlled by 100% of power, and the dark monster dreams of the bones. Flying in droves, they were shattered by this powerful element, and the residual limbs were scattered on the ground.

I don’t know how many monsters I’m trying to intercept, and the dark red nightmare rules, Green finally came to the golden terminator field, and stopped to rush to it, just like the torn monsters along the way. treat.

"Twenty-five places in the Skynet hunting list, annihilating the wizard wizards and blaming the monsters, returning to the altar!?"

Jia Si Ming Hua Di's Golden Terminator stood in the air and stared at the annihilation of the sorcerer who walked in the overwhelming dreams of the demon monsters, although the Skynet gave a zero percent win rate data. People are chilling, but Jia Siming is sure that this annihilation wizard is not the real spirit!

It’s not too late to look at its true power attributes.

In this way, the golden terminator is more and more pure, and the layer of electric ion energy is self-proclaimed. The black wire on the head gradually lingers the disturbing electron energy, highlighting the intense internal core. Shake energy.

"You are responsible for support."

Instantly opening the high-explosive combat mode, as the Vantage contingent, Jia Siming, regardless of the quality of the body or the ID attribute, belongs to the absolute top level of the second generation of quantum technology, and the ultimate battle of the largest limit of mass production resources. weapon.

Then, Jiasi Ming did not retreat, and the sound of "嘭", the vibration of time and space in the foot turned out to be like a fragmented mirror, and the layers of black cracks spread and spread. This is too powerful force has been unable to control the signs, gold The streamer is like a shining meteor, and it is incredibly amazing to rush to Green.

"Well? The first layer of viable instinct, the original wildness, open!"

On the way, Green perceives the state of the battle between the enemy and the enemy, and is also ready to complete the battle state instantaneously. The black and white scales appear silently on the body, and the skeletons are “stretched” and “嘎巴” is elongated, and the body becomes more robust. Sleeve length, full of wildness and vitality.

Of course, everything is done just under the Green Witch's robe.

With the gust of wind that slid over the speed, the right hand held the extreme abyss wand, the sorcerer's robe was stunned, and the double-strength protective layer and elemental layer lingering in the body's 100-meter field would be more than 30 meters high. After the bones and babies crashed, the golden stream flashed through the elemental layer and the double-strength protective layer, and the pre-emptive appeared in front of Green.


The golden blade is close to 1.5 million degrees, which is the fastest and most powerful raid of Vantage's golden terminator, Jia Siming. It gathers high-load shock energy above the blade to surpass Green's higher speed. A close look.

Under the face of truth, the three colors of Green are so calm and unbelievable that it is almost at the edge of the blade that they can make an evasive action, while bending and continuing to dive.

After the blade, hundreds of thousands of meters away, a series of peaks were neatly shortened.

The sharp cutting grooves are deep into the earth, and some of the nightmare monsters and metal robots are unfortunately affected. They are broken into two segments after being silent and pulverized into the most primitive particle state.


However, compared to the strongest strike, this ankle is obviously inferior, but it is not a deadly attack. With the energy burst of the diffuse shock wave, the golden terminator Jiasing succeeded in the most powerful blow. After that, the distance between the green and the green was opened.

caveat! caveat! caveat! caveat……

A series of deep red warning data flow, which makes Jiasi Ming remember the days when he used to brush a powerful copy of BOSS. He was hurt when he wiped it. He died when he came across. He could only rely on flexible walking consciousness and combined skill wisdom to fight with incredible power. Art defeated it, and as the game's attributes increased, the days of walking around the death wire were gradually gone.

But at the moment!

Jia Siming once again found the kind of happiness!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

The crystallizer terminators who are in charge of support are by no means arbitrarily, and the most realistic arrangement is made in the moment by the quantum computing information, and then, from the perspective of each boring, the Green has been pulled away by the Golden Terminator. Sealed and fully killed.

"Well, is it also a flexible route wizard? It is far from the fact that the elite commander wizards can be compared, and there are not many records on the data to annihilate the wizard."

Seeing Green's amazing performance art, shuttle between the energy light columns, the residual image is moving fast and slow, and is still approaching himself, which makes Jia Siming really realize that this Skynet hunting list is so high. Destroy the wizard and blame the danger.


With the distance of re-opening, the black antenna on the top of Jiasing's head condenses a hunting net and spreads over the sky. The familiarity of this hunting net makes it impossible for Green to exert its amazing and flexible evasive ability. A devastating energy cannon that has nearly two million degrees in the chest has broken out!


Even the dark red sky is now illuminated by this golden energy cannon beam, breaking away the nearby nightmare rules.

Near the destruction of the light column, all monsters and metal robots are evaporated, and the light column breaks through the sky. I don’t know if it’s a void or a fall, and everything is erased along the way. This is a super concentrated version of the stellar railgun.

"The lock disappeared. With Skynet’s estimated 0.8% win rate, it’s impossible to end it. Where... oh!”

"噗", the golden Terminator's head and body were separated by silent, but only after opening the first layer of wild instinct, the black nails slipped left hand.

On one side, Green's head is so low that he can only see some shadows on his face. I don't know how Green is approaching, and how terrible it is to turn on Green in full-state battle.

Separating the skull from the body, Jia Siming has clearly realized the horror of this wizard, and looks at it like a dark abyss that is bottomless.

"Tianwang gives a zero win rate of eight percent. This monster is really incredible, but..."

Suddenly, Jia Siming split the head and body into thousands of golden liquid water droplets, which spread out in all directions.

At the same time, only an irregular twenty-three-sided crystal-like unknown mechanical object was left in place.

"This is the winning rate given by Skynet!"

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

This irregular twenty-three-sided body instantly freezes everything in the range of 100 meters, and then the space-time is like a bucket pierced by a needle cone, which is inhaled by the original base point in the tri-triangle, gradually losing. , energy, rules, and even spatial distance and time nodes, everything is sucked away by the original base point and exiled to another unknown time and space.

"Did you make it!?"

Thousands of golden liquid beads, even if they are their own plans, still have a small part of them absorbed into the original base point, but this is a necessary loss.

In the air, there is only one black explosion of time and space.

Because of the loss of space distance and time node, one centimeter inside may be a world distance, the past one second may be an era ~www.novelmtl.com~ the outside energy material can no longer be absorbed into it, the inside wants to come out is also It is impossible, this is a bomb close to science fiction created by Vantage Quantum Civilization. The mystery of the barrier of the perpetual motion of the universe, it is isolated into two different worlds of time and space!

"Forget the truth of time and space seals."

Suddenly, the indifferent voice came from above these golden liquids. With the "哗哗啦啦" of the Book of Truth, it was a reverie that Jia Siming, who had broken the liquid form, wanted to resist.

In the sky, Green's right hand squats with the extreme abyss magic wand, and the left hand holds the book of truth. Overlooking the inexhaustible runes, the golden liquid is shrouded, and hundreds of millions of stinking sweat hands stick out from the forgotten cracks. These golden liquids.

High on, fate judge!

"Do not!"

Although the Vantage Specialist has mastered the higher authority rules in Skynet, its essence is only a robot. The robot controlled by Skynet's quantum entanglement technology is also zeroed for the player after the seal. punishment.

This terrible wizard BOSS...

It’s useless to make some struggles. As for the crystallizer terminator who is not supported by the body, Green’s right hand is extremely awkward magic wands. In a moment, several town-scale glaciers will burst in the air, even if Green is used. Attacks immediately are also a disaster for these crystallizers.

"It is indeed a lot stronger."

"嘭", "Book of Truth" closed, Green muttered, the right hand of the extreme abyss magic wand again, a power can surpass just a few times the curved glaciers, exploding with Green as the center.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of meters became a world of ice and snow, followed by gravity distortion, ice crystals, and beauty. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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