A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1486: Nightmare (3)

The door of time and space is still far away from everyone. Because the rules in all directions are too chaotic and overwhelming to count the monsters, everyone just blurs the sense of the dominant atmosphere.

Just like the nightmare of the sorcerer's world, the sorcerer's world needs the resources of the sorcerer's world. The sorcerer's world also needs some resources to dream about the bones and the world, but these resources are just some elemental rules. Trace elements that are occasionally necessary to be involved.

In this way, the guardian of Xiazhi is to perform the collection task, go to the nightmare of the nightmare to collect trace elements, and bring it back to the place needed for the wizarding world.

Hearing that Mina’s flame is so divided, Green said in a low way: "Where the guardian of winter seals, how can the salvation task be counted, and the guardian needs the new world of humanity in the universe?"

"The world of dreams and bones is somewhat weird. It should be influenced by special rules. At this moment, the two big worlds are connected. The latter will be the inertia of time and space. With the space-time inertia generated by the two big worlds, even the guardians of winter can’t What you have to do is look for that inertial coordinate, which may be a spatiotemporal fragment, or it may be a treasure, or a sacrificer, which must be sealed first."

After Mina’s flames took a deep breath, she said: “Who can destroy this inertia coordinate, who will complete this task! Well, I have to leave.”

After that, Mina’s flames were no longer spoken, and the will was conveyed and flew to the far side of the sky at full speed, surrounded by the overwhelming monster.

"The nightmare monster here is too strong, and my illusory real body is almost unbearable."

Silvana is like a black cloud-like thunder that blasts the illusory real body. It is attacked by nightmares and monsters. Although the recovery performance is unparalleled, the frequent riddled holes still make it weak, gradually spreading to the vastness of the horizon. Concentrated to a few kilometers, forming a misty elemental face, gathered to Green, Hessian, Evil Crystal, Ashura.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

The overwhelming particle beam guns are strong and weak, some are only a few Baidu, and some are more than 100,000 degrees!

Ashura was so painful and sullen, he had already suffered too much damage from the real body here. At this moment, the ancestors of the ancestors of the vast sorcerer’s mainland have become bloody. Of course, they are only traumatic to the surface, and have not had time to repair them. .

The black cable ignited the fire of purgatory, and the evil crystal opened its own black crystal magic hood, and launched the strongest defense state in unison. Even if the two were as the six-level holy sorcerer, the defensive hood was like a raindrop. Frequent waves, the magic is rapidly consumed.

In contrast, under the face of truth, the three colors flicker, and Green is almost in the range of ten meters. The afterimage is like a series of jumps, and the posture is elegant, like a dancer, sometimes just doing Make some concessions and difficult movements, and carry out several incredible attacks, and occasionally lift the toes, step on the traces of the energy light column, such as leveling, and sometimes use some time and space tips, the index finger tips are easy The distortion of a beam of refraction, the shape of the amber ring changes thousands of times, never more than 30,000 degrees of energy beam hit the Green.

As for the melee monsters surrounded by people in all directions, although they are very powerful for the same level of witches, at the moment, everyone is only the periphery, there is still a long way to go from the altar of time and space, but only a few low-level bones. .

In the past, even the Silvana Dry Dragon Golden Respect is just a sneak peek into the inner circle of the altar, and there is still a distance from the core.

The unintentional hunter is dead, Mina knows through the changes in the rules, but does not know the heart of the hunter.

And everyone in the field, only evil crystal, Green, Hessian through the shadow of the shadow, know the key to the hunter heart, and Hess and Green have reached an agreement, so ...

Secretly, the two will smile!

"Now the door of time and space is open to such a degree, and if you want to break into the core, even if you are a mentor, I am afraid I will come up with some real strength."

Black rope is low.

Has obtained the soul wedding dress and the black cable tower reincarnation memory, whether it is the soul of the wedding dress I or the black Sota II are mastered in the soul witchcraft, otherwise the black sorrow will not be greedy with the "Inflammation of the Soul".

In this way, the power of Green's annihilation overlaps with the rules of the genius, gaining the ability to gain time, and being perceived by Hessian, and then glimpsing the tip of the iceberg of Green's incredible and horrible strength.

"No hurry, first solve the trouble there."

Muttering, Green's tri-color gaze gaze to the horizon, his eyes traversing the overwhelming monsters, falling on a gold crystallizer terminator, and behind it, following seven crystallizers, one of them. The whole body of blackened crystal finalist elite!

This golden terminator, after exhausting the spiritual power of Silvana Ganlong Jinzun, has followed this and wants to destroy the surgeon.

"Is it chasing it?"

Silvana also noticed the golden terminator, personal experience, this golden terminator's combat power, among the extremely rare strong under the dominance of the wandering endless void, is also one of the absolute Xeon.

Seeing Green so contemptuous, Silvana could not help but say: "Be careful, it is very strong."

"Knowing ~www.novelmtl.com~Grind figure flashing, all sides of the nightmare monsters black shadows are close to the Green 100 meters to blame the double force clutch layer, all are shattered, turned into a nightmare blood fog, some finished nightmare The reborn bones and devils want to pursue again, but Green has already flew a distance from these monsters, and has to surround the other wizards who are closer.


prompt! prompt!

"No. XXSL003, ID Jia Siming, Vantage Specialist, found a wizard elite commander blame, because it has not caused damage to Skynet light brain, temporarily do not join the Skynet hunting list, please cause in its Skynet light brain Hunting in time before a bigger loss, mission rewards...Specialist points 35511."

As the direct will of Vantage, the golden terminator Jia Siming, the guardian of the new human order in the universe, was dispatched to perform special tasks and came to the wizarding world, and indeed many new discoveries.

This powerful wizard, who has never been seen in the depths of the wizarding world, is one of the latest discoveries. Just like the ever-increasing collections, the constant new discoveries have made Jia Siming satisfied.

"Everyone listens to the order, and now the task is to hunt down the escaped wizard, but to convene all the corps nearby!"

Jia Siming's words, in the form of Skynet missions, were sent to the side of the crystal-terminated ID player, the crystallization terminal, which is the GM of the game, the rule maker of the game.

At this moment, the local Skynet once again sent a rush alert.

caveat! caveat!

"Discover the 25th place in the Skynet Hunting List and annihilate the Wizarding Elite Commander. Please go back to the altar of time and space!"

In front of many crystallizers, the Golden Terminator found a figure that is approaching by the danger warning information data. The goal is itself! (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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