A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1488: Nightmare (5)

After the Golden Terminator was sealed, the rest of the crystallizers, even the blackened elite crystallizer, could not cause too much threat to Green. , "嘭", "嘭", the ice is broken.

In the eyes of the rest of the people, in the eyes of the rest of the people, Green will nearly collapse the seal on the opposite side, and then there is no pause, and the massacre of the crystallized and deserted Terminator will begin to be slaughtered.

In the distant place, the wandering sorcerer Silvana, who has personally touched the mighty power of this golden terminator, is shocked and shocked. For a short while, the witchcraft has become unfamiliar and looks like a mouthful. But they did not say anything.

Hessian seems to have seen the sorcerer of the great sorcerer who has been living in the exotic since ancient times. He said: "It is not the elemental wizard who is so strong, but the birth of a mentor from the rules of the sorcerer expedition dark wizard. The Wizards, the heavens and the heroes, the ancients and the world, in terms of combat power, he has reached an unimaginable level. If this is true spiritual dedication, it is naturally easy and simple..."

"That's...it's too unbelievable."

I don't know what to say. After a while, Silvana responded with a low response.

Of course, Silvana began to compare the strong and Green in the memory of his travels. There is no doubt that no one can compete with it, no matter how praised the songs in the group, but only a small area. The ignorant's self-promotion is gone.

"Let's go, the master of the tower of annihilation has been waiting there."

After the evil spirits sorcerer suggested to the few wizards who represented the world's top combat power, he first went to the green that had already solved the battle. He was sneer and looked at Silvana and At the glance, Ashura followed the past.

Silvana paused a little and looked at Ashura, who was not seen, and wondered: "Why, don't you?"

"No, I have done my best for it. It’s just futile to go there. There are guardians who control the pattern. I have more important things to see a true spirit wizard!"

The cold voice, the Abyss of the Abyss gradually gave up supporting the true body of the ancestors, and snarled in the form of the third layer of barbarian giants, flying to distant places.

"The abyss refining wizards will never stop there, it will be stronger!"

"Is it going to start a new round of world hegemony, machinery, refining, elements, oh..."

With a sigh, Silvana whispered: "Sure enough, it is the same as the fairyland world community. The battle of the devil, the battle of the sects, the struggle for the dispersal, and finally the empty space under the heavens."

Silvana looked at the black ropes and evil crystals that flew to Green, and followed them up.


"Teacher, there is not enough legion support, even if we are afraid it is difficult to stand there and find the original inertial medium."

Regardless of whether or not he was honored as a Green Instructor, Hessau gave considerable etiquette and respect in front of Green.

"Well, this..."

Green still has a second-order esophageal sacral corps, which is used to ensure that it can compete with the nightmare monsters in a short time. Otherwise, even Green is not willing to be completely overwhelmed by the nightmare monster army, and is surrounded by endless encirclement.

Of course, compared to the nightmare of the altar, the nightmare, the nightmare, the nightmare, and the metal terminator, Green’s bones and corps strengths are much different, and I am afraid I can’t support it for too long.

"If this is the case, I can help!"

Suddenly, Silvana opened the way, so that Green, Hess, and Essence could not help but look at the wandering witch.

After a pause, Hill Goodnight calmly said: "When I traveled to the exotic world community, I found a ruin called a fairy palace in a world and found some inheritance treasures."

Speaking, Silvana took out a yellow bean in his hand, and everyone looked at it. This bean seems to be no strange, but under the insight of Green Truth, the energy contained in this soybean is only exceeded. The total amount of one hundred sorcerer stones! ”

"This is a top-grade fairy bean. With this kind of thing, you can cast a bean into a sacred sorcerer. In the fairy palace, I harvested a sufficient number of dinosaurs! These celestial soldiers will be able to maintain the time according to the needs. Choosing different strengths, the shorter the time you need to maintain, the more you can summon a stronger sergeant."

Oh! ?

It’s not just black ropes and evil crystals, but Green is also surprised by this unheard of ability. Doesn’t that mean that once the Xianyu did not need to cultivate a regiment similar to a slave monster?

And there is no doubt that the fairy bean is artificially cultivated. Could it be that the fairyland civilization was a planting civilization?

Greenhus thought and guessed, and as a true ancient wizard in the wizarding world, Hessian said: "At most, it only needs to maintain one day. How will these immortals be strong?"

"It's just a day's time. This superior fairy bean is enough to summon the level of the squadron. It has the ability of the lower world, the lower quality of the fairy beans, and the summoning of the celestial soldiers is enough to maintain the third-level creatures. !"


Upon hearing such an answer, Green, Hessian, and Evil Crystals all breathed a sigh of coolness. As far as the strength of the most basic army of civilization is concerned, the Wizarding World has developed greatly compared to the ancient times, but it is more than the Xiahe Titan civilization. The level of Xiantian civilization is still far from each other and cannot be compared.

“Can these fairy beans be cultivated in the wizarding world?”

Green asked the key.

"How is it possible? These fairy beans are cultivated in a special fairyland aura environment, and according to the relics, the fairyland aura rule is the strange rule that the immortals evolved after countless years of development."

"Well, can you give a few trees for research, dissatisfied with the masters? For this Xianyu civilization, I also have some clues around me~www.novelmtl.com~ Maybe I can help the masters. After the end of this mission, I will introduce them to the masters. Maybe it’s helpful to the master’s dedication.”

Green has been unable to curb his desire to study, and the clues to the fairyland are naturally a small pity for Jinyun and the three-tailed fox.


Slightly surprised, Silvana gave Green seven celestial beans, a superior quality, six inferior qualities, which is the ability to summon the grading of the fairy.

"Then it will be annoying masters... Little eight!"

In the call of Greene's soul, there was a strong time and space fluctuation after a short moment.

However, this time, Xiao Ba did not appear directly on Green's shoulder. Everyone only felt that there were some strange fluctuations in the monster group of this nightmare, and then, in the endless black smoke gathered in the head, it seems that there is something. The giants appeared, and in the sound of the "叽叽喳喳" and "嘶吼", they gradually showed an incredible huge shadow, and even the nightmare monsters near several people became confused and confused.

"Wow, Green Beast, this is what!?"

Tens of thousands of meters of horrible shadows, with the huge figure of the soul of the 10,000-headed bird descending, nine hundred and ninety-nine heads swim here, the cynical color is close to the nightmare monsters swallowing in the mouth, everyone looks up Staring at the incredible giants above his head.


Green took the lead to fly back to the Yanwan Wantou, and at the same time flashed on his shoulders. Xiaoba stood on the top and shouted: "This is the monster that ran from the world, and dared to connect with the wizarding world! Ha? The ruler is coming! The horse is not the world of the wizard and the world is fighting. The good guys are not crazy!?"

"Dream of the bones of the world!"

Green is low. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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