A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1485: Nightmare (2)


A scorn, but Green sent.

At this moment, Green is looking at his chest, not the reaction of the body or the soul, but the strange reaction in the darkness, just like the indescribable heart and emptiness after the death of the twin brothers.

It was the moment when the unintentional hunter on the altar was on the ground and holding his own heart sacrifice, and Green suddenly gave birth to such a feeling.

Through the diamond magnifying glass, Green stares at the heart of the unintentional hunter, and is gathering the blood of a large number of wizards in all directions, like the eyes of the world of dreams and bones, and the world of dreams and bones **** into the whirlpool of time and space. After a long silence, the rumble was rumbled, and the dark red clouds, which were ridiculous and ridiculous, were swaying.

The black smoke column rises into the sky, as if the excitement from the deepest part of **** is one after another. The huge skull in the whirlpool of time and space gradually becomes clear. It is a horrible life body from the world of nightmare, the king of nightmare!

If the previous dreams of the bones and the demon world are linked to the wizarding world through the mediation of illusion, only some of the lower bones and bones will come to the wizarding world. At this moment, the real powerful bone king leads the bones of the army. And it is.

The king of the mummy nightmare peeped into the wizarding world through the honeycomb blindfold.

Although the world's coincidence is still not enough for these nightmare kings to come, it is already possible to exert some power across the border. The most common means is that the projection is coming!

Even if it is only these horrible masters, but for the lower creatures, it is an unquestionable disaster.

The dark red clouds soon spread beyond the altar to guard the monster's vision and spread to more distant areas.

Where the clouds are covered, some of the rock bones are affected by the nightmare rules. After being broken up, they gradually float in the air, as if there is no gravity. This is a sign that the wizard's world rules are gradually becoming chaotic.

In some ruins, there are some monstrous monster sculptures. Occasionally, some ghost-like creatures are present and sometimes disappear, seemingly projecting illusions.

Shrouded in dark red clouds, the nightmare bones are significantly stronger than before, and the body is greatly strengthened. Even the first-class biological body becomes as hard as metal, fighting alone at the same level, fearing that every nightmare monster Have the power of elite hunting wizards!

At this moment, even the Abyss of the Abyss and the wandering sorcerer Silvana became restless and apparently unable to withstand the bombardment of the overwhelming army. Even if they did their best, they could not break through the perimeter defense of the altar. Touching the core, you can imagine the strength of the guardianship here.

"The time has come, the most primitive power of nightmare, the projection of the king of nightmare has come."

It seems that he has adapted to the abnormality of the fire of the purgatory. Hessed with the hoarse voice in the depths of his throat, and screamed with a magic wand, but found Green's abnormality and brows.

"Guide, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, a little accident, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen to me!"

Green broke the ridiculous uneasiness in his heart. At this moment, the dark red cloud spread from the distant altar has appeared in the vision of the four people, and it is like a thunderstorm. It is like a ripple and spread like a ripple. Several people overhead and spread out behind them.

Taking advantage of the extreme abyss magic wand, Greene squinted out his left hand, and his pale sleeves stroking his fingers in the air, and immediately said: "The Wizarding World not only does not have any resistance, but instead accepts these nightmare forces, maybe this is the seasons. The guardians did not end the invasion, and it seems that these nightmare forces can really benefit the nightmare wizard."

Turning his head, Green is low: "Go, it's time to end this farce!"

"Working with the mentor, the guardians of spring, summer and winter, I don't know the guardian of the summer, how the guardian of winter treats this matter, but the guardian of spring decided not to participate in the seal, and to conform to the will of the wizard world."

Hessian is saying, behind the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the sorcerer, the sorcerer said: "I did not expect to summon the nightmare to sacrifice my life, and the prying means through the unintentional hunter medium will soon lose its effectiveness, my task has been completed, is It’s time to return to the Fourth Ring Santa."

It is not the main war witch, the shadow of the shadow of the sorcerer to the black rope resignation, the figure flashed to follow the spread of the nightmare cloud, disappeared into the horizon.

"What about you?"

Green turned and asked the evil crystal.

"Oh, when I left the Santa, I was going to follow the master. I was very interested in the dedication of the ice slayer to the world of the wizards of the Great World, but I don’t want to know nothing about the master. Just pass this. The sub-monitor master means power."


Oh la la!

At this moment, the three men shrouded by the dark red nightmare looked up, and there were hundreds of dreamy bones screaming and attacking the three people. Once the three people had been hiding for a long time, they were never discovered by the nightmare. At the time, these nightmare bones were easy to find out, and they lingered in the dark red clouds.

Hessian shot, the black fire of purgatory turned into two wings behind him, and it was easy to cover the kilometer space, and the black hand left the hand to make a grip, and the brow inadvertently wrinkled.

"Because of the nightmare rules, the bones are harder."

The fire of Purgatory once again dissipated, leaving only the black ashes.


call out! call out! call out!

The three men screamed at the nightmare clouds and some scattered attacks. All the dreamy bones and monsters that were trying to get close were shattered by the powerful elements of the three people. Gradually, the dark red is more and more ridiculous and the clouds are getting thicker and thicker. Vaguely feel the strong time and space fluctuations in the distant horizon, the powerful exotic control atmosphere full of death and absurdity.

Bang, boom, boom, boom...

The abbot's blade, Ashura's ancestors, was wielding a black smoked blade, and fled to the distance. After sensing the three people of Green, Hess, and Evil, they gradually approached the three.

"You two bastards, know what they are doing! Compared to those insignificant gains, you are in the world of danger, now the real nightmare of the bones and demon army has come to the wizarding world, no one except the real wizard can stop them. But now ~www.novelmtl.com~ The real wizards are all fighting in the void, become like this, do not know how many wizards will become the flesh and blood feed of these nightmare bones, now you are satisfied! ?"

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"Oh, these words, you should say to the guardian."

The black rope is cold.

On the other side, Green is surrounded by low-level bone monsters all over the sky, with a low husky smile.

"In the midst of danger? Oh, you don't know anything about power."

The three-color light of Green seems to have penetrated the inner edge of the abyss and the fear behind the door to time and space. He is hoarse and ridiculous. At this moment, the distant Illvana illusion sent a flame, the guardian of summer, Millie. A group of avatars!

Surrounded by dense monsters, the crowd looked at the flames.

"It still takes a while for the guardian of Winter to seal. I have condensed as many avatars as possible. I took this opportunity to sneak into the scope of the Nightmare World, which is influenced by the Wizarding Rules, and collect the rare elements needed by the Wizarding World. Before that, you Try to capture the rules you need."

According to Mina, it is the power of the king of nightmare that Hessian needs, that is, the projection power that the nightmare wizard hopes to obtain.

In the distant door of time and space, there was a violent time and space fluctuation.

"I look, I see, this is the wizarding world of the unintentional nightmare fear of the demon king sacrifice? Shasha Shasha..."

The mummies, which were previously wearing a honeycomb blindfold, were pushed away by the red dice of a sun tattoo, and the sinister and greedy narrow eyes were vying for the world of wizards from the door of time and space. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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